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Free: Cross stitch 'starter kit' (Alderley Edge SK9) Aida fabric off cuts, various colours and sizes, embroidery threads, 3 blank cards with envelopes, 3 embroidery needles. If interested, please provide contact details and say when you can collect. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Cross stitch 'starter kit' (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Treble recorder with case (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Aulos 309 treble recorder, no longer used nor wanted☹️. Would like this, if possible, to go to a (primary?) school orchestra or one with an instrument loan for pupils. Please leave a contact number and say why you might want it. Fair offer policy in place Here's hoping ...
Photo of free Treble recorder with case (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Monet Cross Stitch - unfinished (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Monet's 'Japanese Bridge' cross stitch, started, but eyesight not up to completing! Complete with full instructions and all threads. Instructions are printed in four large sheets to follow easily. Please see all photos for further details. Ideal winter's project! Any questions, please ask. Please leave contact details and say when you can collect. Here's hoping for a good home!
Photo of free Monet Cross Stitch - unfinished (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Monet Cross Stitch - unfinished (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Photo of free Monet Cross Stitch - unfinished (Alderley Edge SK9) #3
Photo of free Monet Cross Stitch - unfinished (Alderley Edge SK9) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: 2025 Diary (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Unwanted gift - received more than one! RNLI, A5, one week over two pages (see photos) Near Alderley Edge station. Speedy collection preferred, available to collect anytime.
Photo of free 2025 Diary (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free 2025 Diary (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Free: Christmas tree stand (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted For real trees up to 8' tall. Several years old, has been used successfully every Christmas, now scaling back! Very sturdy, comes to pieces for easy storage. Please say when you will collect and leave contact details for speedy collection. Available to hand over anytime from Wednesday (away tomorrow!). Near Alderley Edge station
Photo of free Christmas tree stand (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: 6 Giant Fir Cones - Xmas decorations? (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Each approx 6" tall. Ideal for Christmas decorations, hearth or fireplace displays etc. More if required. Please leave contact details and say when you could collect. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free 6 Giant Fir Cones - Xmas decorations? (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free 6 Giant Fir Cones - Xmas decorations? (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Free: Set of 3 oval cast iron cooking dishes (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted No evidence that they are Le Creuset, but certainly in the style of. Very heavy, good condition. Sizes (in length) 26cm, 30cm, 34c, approx. Please leave contact details and say when you might collect. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Set of 3 oval cast iron cooking dishes (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Set of 3 oval cast iron cooking dishes (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Free: Large oval Pyrex casserole/dish (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted In excellent condition, for approximate dimensions, see both photos. Please leave contact details and say when you might collect. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Large oval Pyrex casserole/dish (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Large oval Pyrex casserole/dish (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Free: A4 Punch Pockets x 100 (Alderley Edge SK9) Expired Unused plastic wallets for A4/lever arch files x 100. (More if wanted!). Please leave a contact number snd say when you will pick up. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free A4 Punch Pockets x 100 (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Very large green glass bowl (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Approx 12" across, 4" high, perfect condition. Very heavy! Thick glass. Ideal for fruit salads, salad, rice dishes etc. Swift collection appreciated. Today? Near Alderley Edge station
Photo of free Very large green glass bowl (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Very large green glass bowl (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Free: Large white serving platter - approx 13" diameter (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Excellent condition. Heavy! For immediate collection. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Large white serving platter - approx 13" diameter (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Bolt of dark green heavy woven cotton fabric - 6 metres (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Large bolt of unused fabric. Has been used to reupholster garden furniture, cushions, loungers etc. Responds well to waterproofing if required. Ideal for blinds. Still on original roll. 60" wide, approx.6.5 metres. Near Alderley Edge station. Speedy collection appreciated.
Photo of free Bolt of dark green heavy woven cotton fabric - 6 metres (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Bolt of dark green heavy woven cotton fabric - 6 metres (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Free: Large bathroom rug (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Very heavy, large thick cotton rug, used as a bathroom rug. Doesn't slip. Tumble twist - type. Size approx 150cm x 80cm. Needs a good wash - machine washable (can be dry cleaned). Due for landfill bin if no takers - seems a shame. Near Alderley Edge station
Photo of free Large bathroom rug (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Knitted squares for blanket (abandoned project ) (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted 55 knitted squares approx 5" square. Would make a blanket roughly 39" x 42", depending on configuration. Had great plans for travel rug/lap blanket but run out of steam.. Hoping someone will pick up where I left off! Please leave contact number and when you can collect. Near Alderley Edge Station.
Photo of free Knitted squares for blanket (abandoned project ) (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Knitted squares for blanket (abandoned project ) (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Photo of free Knitted squares for blanket (abandoned project ) (Alderley Edge SK9) #3
Free: 8 Plastic (takeaway) boxes with lids (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Ideal for fridge storage, lunch boxes, garage or garden shed bits, craft or sewing 'tidies', Lego, crayons and other fiddly children's toys! Please leave a contact number and say when you can collect. Speedy pick up appreciated! Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free 8 Plastic (takeaway) boxes with lids (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Green Hunter wellies size 11 (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Very good condition. Please leave contact details and say when you might collect. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Green Hunter wellies size 11 (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Green Hunter wellies size 11 (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Photo of free Green Hunter wellies size 11 (Alderley Edge SK9) #3
Free: Pair of Green welly boots size 9/43 (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Old but 100% functional. No leaks! Please leave contact details and say when you could collect. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Pair of Green welly boots size 9/43 (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Pair of Green welly boots size 9/43 (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Free: Large china plant pot stand, white. (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Very large and quite heavy, pretty holder for large flowerpot. Fine crack on one side, but well hidden and isn't affected by watering. 12" across top, 10" high. Really nice! Please leave contact details and when you might collect. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Large china plant pot stand, white. (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Files and plastic wallets (Alderley Edge SK9) Expired 2 lever arch and 1 A4 matching files. Substantial amount of plastic wallets ( a lever arch file full!). Please leave contact details for a speedy pick up. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Files and plastic wallets (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Long cobweb brush (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Was extendable, but now stuck at a height of 5'. Hopefully some WD40 or someone stronger than me can restore it to full flexibility! Works fine with existing bristles or can be covered with a large duster (not supplied) and secured with an elastic band for gentler dusting. See pictures. Please leave contact details for a speedy collection.
Photo of free Long cobweb brush (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Long cobweb brush (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Free: Single 13.5 tog duvet, repurposed, hardly used (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Silentnight, polyester filling. Following an accident with a mug of tea in the first week of use, I cut the offending strip off this king size duvet and discarded it, then machine - machine finished the raw edge of the remaining section. Result, saved from landfill and a near perfect single duvet remaining. No use for a single here, sadly. Hope someone can make use of it for something! Please leave contact number for a swift collection.
Free: Two very large dust sheets (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Finally persuaded my husband to give up serious DIY. These are 2 flannelette flat sheets, each 6' x 8'. Well used over the years, but hoping someone might have a use for them, for a 'one off' project, maybe, if not to keep for years as well! Ideal for decorating, car maintenance etc. Speedy collection would be appreciated! Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Two very large dust sheets (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Dustbins with lids (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted May need a hose down internally, (depends what you want to put into it!) washed down on the outside. Results of garage clear out. Not galvanised. To go as soon as possible, please. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Dustbins with lids (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Two rolls of brand new carpet underlay. (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Left over from yesterday's carpet fitting. Both Cloud Nine. Bigger roll - 17 feet long x 53 inches wide. Smaller roll - previously gifted by a Freegler, not such pristine condition but still new - - 15 feet long x 41 inches wide Hopefully someone will want these rolls. Suitable for immediate collection. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Two rolls of brand new carpet underlay. (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Russell Hobbs 'Breeze' steam iron with cord tidy (Alderley Edge SK9) Expired As shown, but please note soleplate photo. This has been cleaned as much as possible several years ago and has been functioning perfectly with no scratches or stickiness at all. It is perfectly smooth. Have upgraded to a cordless model, hence the offer. A shame to go to landfill. Please leave contact details if you are interested.
Photo of free Russell Hobbs 'Breeze' steam iron with cord tidy (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Russell Hobbs 'Breeze' steam iron with cord tidy (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Photo of free Russell Hobbs 'Breeze' steam iron with cord tidy (Alderley Edge SK9) #3
Free: Pair of large lined curtains (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Sandy coloured cotton. Please see photos. Each curtain approx 90" wide x 84" long. Fully lined, pencil pleat headings, made by Jonelle (John Lewis) Old, with slight fading on edge and a couple of very small white paint marks - not visible when heading tape is drawn tight to fit windows. Freshly washed and ironed. Near Alderley Edge station. Please leave a contact number and say when you could collect.
Photo of free Pair of large lined curtains (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Pair of large lined curtains (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Photo of free Pair of large lined curtains (Alderley Edge SK9) #3
Photo of free Pair of large lined curtains (Alderley Edge SK9) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: New tins of 'Illy' ground coffee. (Alderley Edge SK9) Gifted Illy ground coffee x 3 tins. 125g tins, 2 sealed. One has been recently opened and two teaspoonfuls removed - seems a shame to throw this away. Descriptions as photo, tops show seals. Two expire May, one July. Near Alderley Edge station. Please give contacts details and times/dates for collection.,
Photo of free New tins of 'Illy' ground coffee. (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free New tins of 'Illy' ground coffee. (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Free: Heavy duty cardboard tubes (2) (Alderley Edge SK9) Expired 3" diameter, approximately 38" long, for storage/posting etc. Please leave contact details. Near Alderley Edge station
Photo of free Heavy duty cardboard tubes (2) (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: 6 very large pine cones (Alderley Edge SK9) Expired Around 6" high. Great for Christmas decorations, hearth, table centrepiece. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free 6 very large pine cones (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Free: Full unopened box of 7 Covid Lateral Flow Tests (Alderley Edge SK9) Expired Bought from the NHS when they were free, but never needed them. But EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 23rd. Can anyone use them or pass them on to friends or family who might need them? Available for immediate collection. Near Alderley Edge station.
Photo of free Full unopened box of 7 Covid Lateral Flow Tests (Alderley Edge SK9) #1
Photo of free Full unopened box of 7 Covid Lateral Flow Tests (Alderley Edge SK9) #2
Photo of free Full unopened box of 7 Covid Lateral Flow Tests (Alderley Edge SK9) #3