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Free: 3lb weight white puddings (Ettingshall WV4) Withdrawn 8 3lb in weight each White puddings. I am storing them in my fridge for a neighbour and need my fridge back by Sunday night . Any Food Banks would like to collect please . Thanks
Photo of free 3lb weight white puddings (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: 3lb White puddings (Ettingshall WV4) Withdrawn The date on them is the 24th then they will have to be frozen . they can be opened and sliced individually and the date on them you should use by if frozen is March 2025 . I have 9 3Lb White pudding for you. I have them in my fridge for a neighbour who ordered the wrong thing and size and need them gone . I will have to throw away if no one wants them.
Photo of free 3lb White puddings (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Photo of free 3lb White puddings (Ettingshall WV4) #2
Request: PS4 Controller (Ettingshall WV4) Expired Has anyone got a PS4 controller please like the one above please. Any colour . On a bus route if possible . Thank you
Photo of PS4 Controller (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Request: PS4 Controller (Ettingshall WV4) Expired Hi Has anyone a PS4 controller like the one above . Any colour will do . Thank you .
Photo of PS4 Controller (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: Clump Forming Fargesia Murieliae Bamboo (Ettingshall WV4) Expired Not SPREADING My 18" x 18" clump was put in my garden in 1995 so does not grow very quick at all. is As per 2nd pic. I can search more information if needed. Ideal for pots or in ground . . I can dig out small clumps for pots for people or as a whole clump i if you want . Just tell me what you would like . I will dig out as and when I receive messages .
Photo of free Clump Forming Fargesia Murieliae Bamboo (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Photo of free Clump Forming Fargesia Murieliae Bamboo (Ettingshall WV4) #2
Free: 4ft Christmas Tree (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Excuse the mess . 48" Christmas Tree twinkling lights change from White ,Green then Red.
Photo of free 4ft Christmas Tree (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Photo of free 4ft Christmas Tree (Ettingshall WV4) #2
Photo of free 4ft Christmas Tree (Ettingshall WV4) #3
Photo of free 4ft Christmas Tree (Ettingshall WV4) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Broken bricks Possible Hardcore (Ettingshall WV4) Expired Broken Red house bricks for hardcore.
Photo of free Broken bricks Possible Hardcore (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: Unknown Fruit tree from last of stock surprise (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted I had 5 random fruit trees on sale . Only this one left No names . So hope someone recognises leaves to identify it and would like it . Thank you
Photo of free Unknown Fruit tree from last of stock surprise (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: Clump forming Bamboo NOT spreading (Ettingshall WV4) Expired Just thought I check if anyone wants any Clump forming Bamboo for pots or ground before I put in next weeks bin collection. Small bits or the whole clump but would need help to move to car . I haven't got a wheel barrow to do it so maybe bring your own if you did want the whole clump in one piece.
Photo of free Clump forming Bamboo NOT spreading (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Photo of free Clump forming Bamboo NOT spreading (Ettingshall WV4) #2
Photo of free Clump forming Bamboo NOT spreading (Ettingshall WV4) #3
Photo of free Clump forming Bamboo NOT spreading (Ettingshall WV4) #4
+2 +1
Free: 2 duvets double and king size I think (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Please only message if you are serious about collecting please. Too many No Shows for items now .2 duvets. In okay condition both have 2 holes. Each duvet has separate sections so hole in one of the sections only but so maybe someone could repair and reuse or maybe for bedding for pets. Thanks for asking around.
Free: 8 88 Vape charging Cables, and Toshiba CT- 90326 Remote (Ettingshall WV4) Expired 8 88 Vape charge cables . All New . and a Toshiba CT-90326 remote and various cables .
Photo of free 8 88 Vape charging Cables, and Toshiba CT- 90326 Remote (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Photo of free 8 88 Vape charging Cables, and Toshiba CT- 90326 Remote (Ettingshall WV4) #2
Free: Breville Kettle (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Cream Breville Kettle
Photo of free Breville Kettle (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Photo of free Breville Kettle (Ettingshall WV4) #2
Free: Sml Pipe (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Sml Pipe
Photo of free Sml Pipe (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: Broken Bricks for Hardcore (Ettingshall WV4) Expired Broken Bricks for hardcore
Photo of free Broken Bricks for Hardcore (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: Bits of Bricks for hardcore base for shed (Ettingshall WV4) Expired Bits of Bricks for hardcore for a base for a shed maybe
Photo of free Bits of Bricks for hardcore base for shed (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: Large Floor standing Fan (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Floor standing Fan. Its done me a few years now Still works good but too big for my room now . Sprayed Purple Blades. I am sure someone could spray back to white or maybe a Sunflower yellow .
Photo of free Large Floor standing Fan (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: 2 Wilko Tube 2D 4 pin Lamp 2050 bulb (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Offering for a friend so collection from WV1 1QQ area by Wolves Football ground .Wrong size was bought so new and having a clear out.
Photo of free 2 Wilko Tube 2D 4 pin Lamp 2050 bulb (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Photo of free 2 Wilko Tube 2D 4 pin Lamp 2050 bulb (Ettingshall WV4) #2
Request: Horoscope Pendent (Ettingshall WV4) Expired I have the above Horoscope pendent which has broken . Has anyone got one or similar they know longer need or know of anywhere that has anything similar please. Thank you for reading
Photo of Horoscope Pendent (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: Double Bed with 4 drawers and White mattress (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Double Bed with 4 drawers and White Silentnight Radley mattress . The White Mattress in good clean condition. Drawers need repairing. Please feel free to ask any questions or just arrange to pop round in if in the area. The mattress in first pic is not the actual Mattress . The Actual Mattress is White in 3 rd pic Thanks for reading
Photo of free Double Bed with 4 drawers and White mattress (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Photo of free Double Bed with 4 drawers and White mattress (Ettingshall WV4) #2
Photo of free Double Bed with 4 drawers and White mattress (Ettingshall WV4) #3
Free: Cast Iron Fireplace (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Please do not ask unless you really would like it . So far 5 people have messed me around so hoping for the 6th person to be real. That's why I have re offered it . Cast iron Fireplace . Inside plastic cover area painted red inside so you don't have to use red fire glow bulbs .. It is still working I was going to use in my garden as an alternative planter with all the electric bits removed and planted up with Red and Orange plants or use as a fire pit possibly . Something else I have seen them used for .
Photo of free Cast Iron Fireplace (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: Iverine Resin ( Not Ivory ) Vase and Table (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted The Vase i very heavy and the table top is in one piece but unfortunately the stand is in 2 parts . I was going to cut the broken stand straight and put back together once set . It would be slightly lower though. I have not got the time to mend it at the moment and it seems a shame to put this in the bin.
Photo of free Iverine Resin ( Not Ivory ) Vase and Table (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Photo of free Iverine Resin ( Not Ivory ) Vase and Table (Ettingshall WV4) #2
Free: Welsh Dresser (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Welsh Dresser 4ft wide by 18" deep by 3ft height bottom . It is 2 separate pieces . Top is 4ft wide by 9" deep by 3ft 8" high . I am downsizing so needs to go.
Photo of free Welsh Dresser (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: Welsh Dresser No longer promised (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Needs upcycling .I am no longer up to it so sad but its got to go . Need it gone as soon as possible. The sizes are 48" Max , Bottom is 36" high , Top is 43" high. It is separate already . The bottom is heavy so may need 2 car trips if you have an estate car . and 2 people to lift. Please ask around everyone if you can . It will be a shame if It has to be stored under a tarpaulin outside . It has been advertised on all free sites .Thank you for reading
Photo of free Welsh Dresser No longer promised (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: Blue Plastic Pipe (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Any good to any Gardeners for a frame for covering their plants with fleece for winter cut in to 3 maybe bits and pushed in to the ground to make hoop for attaching various covers etc or stopping the butterflies getting to their veg. . It is on the drive already by my fence to be taken .
Photo of free Blue Plastic Pipe (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Request: Mens shirt sleeve garters (Ettingshall WV4) Received Has anyone got any men's shirt sleeve garters please. The type that holds their shirt sleeve up if sleeves are slightly too long. On a bus route if possible . Thank you.
Free: Wood plaques (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted Any good to anyone for reuse before I throw out . All personal names have been removed. Thank you for reading .
Photo of free Wood plaques (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Free: Unicorn with Broken Leg (Ettingshall WV4) Expired Broken unicorn with broken Leg . Just thought someone might want it t mend before I put it in the bin x
Photo of free Unicorn with Broken Leg (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Request: Collection of Sofa for me please petrol and time costs (Ettingshall WV4) Expired Hi I need a sofa collected from on here and bought to my address in Wolverhampton . Anyone know anyone that can help fuel and delivery paid for . Thank you
Free: 5 Kitchen cupboard doors and Drawer fronts (Ettingshall WV4) Gifted White 19 width x 22 " height ^ kitchèn doors and White Drawer fronts . Please contact me if interested . Thanks
Photo of free 5 Kitchen cupboard doors and Drawer fronts (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Request: Soldiering Iron or place to mend my necklace (Ettingshall WV4) Expired Hi I have been given a lovely necklace not silver or gold but the link bit on it has broken as per pics .It needs soldiering . Does anyone either know somewhere that would mend it please for me or even a loan of an soldiering Iron and a bit of soldier for me to try mend it myself and advice as well please. . Every jewellery shop i have asked only do silver and gold not metal . And Timpsons do not mend jewellery at all .Thank you any help at all appreciated.
Photo of Soldiering Iron or place to mend my necklace (Ettingshall WV4) #1
Photo of Soldiering Iron or place to mend my necklace (Ettingshall WV4) #2