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Free: Tumble Dryer for spares or repair (RH16) Gifted About 20 years old. The timer stopped working years ago in that it kept going after 0. The other night it started setting off fuses and we smelt burning. Thought I'd offer it on here before taking to the tip
Photo of free Tumble Dryer for spares or repair (RH16) #1
Photo of free Tumble Dryer for spares or repair (RH16) #2
Photo of free Tumble Dryer for spares or repair (RH16) #3
Free: Hi Fi (RH16) Gifted Has one cd, FM radio, and input cable that looks like a headphone plug. No speaker wattage written on it but don't recall it being too loud when daughter used to use it! She liked it for years so was loud enough for her!
Photo of free Hi Fi (RH16) #1
Free: Mirror (RH16) Gifted Beech and silver frame. Frame 56cm x 66cm. Mirror 40 x 50cm
Photo of free Mirror (RH16) #1
Free: Two Scart cables (RH16) Expired One 1m. The other about 1.1m
Photo of free Two Scart cables (RH16) #1
Free: Speakers x2 (RH16) Gifted Usual headphone socket. No wattage marked but I don't think it will be very loud!
Photo of free Speakers x2 (RH16) #1
Free: Toner cartridges & waste toner bott (RH16) Expired Cyan and magenta cartridges along with a waste cartridge for Magicolor 4600/5500/5600 series printers
Photo of free Toner cartridges & waste toner bott (RH16) #1
Photo of free Toner cartridges & waste toner bott (RH16) #2
Free: Toner cartridges & waste toner bott (RH16) Expired Cyan and magenta cartridges along with a waste cartridge for Magicolor 4600/5500/5600 series printers
Photo of free Toner cartridges & waste toner bott (RH16) #1
Photo of free Toner cartridges & waste toner bott (RH16) #2
Free: Bookcase 28cm x 83 x 76 high (Hove) Expired Collect in office hours from The Drive,Hove
Photo of free Bookcase 28cm x 83 x 76 high (Hove) #1
Free: Outside light (RH16) Gifted Used working order
Photo of free Outside light (RH16) #1
Free: GCSE Books (RH16) Gifted See photo for titles. Take which ever ones you want
Photo of free GCSE Books (RH16) #1
Free: TP Link Wireless N Access Point (RH16) Gifted Model TL-WA801N. Has been used for a few months before I realised it only has an incoming Ethernet point and I needed outgoing ones as well. Unfortunately I can't find the box or instructions but there's lots of videos on YouTube so you should be OK. I didn't setup this one but the replacement one I bought was very easy so suspect this one should be. I'm throwing in an Ethernet cable to
Photo of free TP Link Wireless N Access Point (RH16) #1
Photo of free TP Link Wireless N Access Point (RH16) #2
Free: Compost caddy (RH16) Gifted 21 x 16 cm and 32 cm tall. Let me know when you want to collect and I'll leave it outside
Photo of free Compost caddy (RH16) #1
Free: Black plastic building products (RH16) Gifted Black plastic soffit board leftovers from a project. 295cm long vented 150mm board; 235cm long soffit board joiner; two 100mm wide unvented boards of about 150cm each. Hope they can be of use to someone before they go to the tip
Photo of free Black plastic building products (RH16) #1
Free: Treated timber 6" x 1" x 4.8m (RH16) Gifted Unused, left over from a project
Photo of free Treated timber 6" x 1" x 4.8m (RH16) #1
Free: 90mm PIR Insulation (like Celotex) (RH16) Gifted Leftover piece 945mm x 935mm. I thought it would be ideal for insulating a loft hatch or similar
Photo of free 90mm PIR Insulation (like Celotex) (RH16) #1
Photo of free 90mm PIR Insulation (like Celotex) (RH16) #2
Free: 90° plastic trim 50mm x 50mm (RH16) Gifted Two pieces 361 cm long and one of 192 cm. Goes with Teckwood Ivory White cladding but would work with other white PVC products. Has grooves to look like timber. Left over from a project. Hope they can be of use to someone before I take to the tip.
Photo of free 90° plastic trim 50mm x 50mm (RH16) #1
Photo of free 90° plastic trim 50mm x 50mm (RH16) #2
Free: 90mm PIR Insulation (like Celotex) (RH16) Expired Leftover piece 945mm x 935mm.
Photo of free 90mm PIR Insulation (like Celotex) (RH16) #1
Photo of free 90mm PIR Insulation (like Celotex) (RH16) #2
Free: Water butt stand and lid (RH16) Gifted From 210 litre water butt that sprung a leak. Hope they can be of use to someone.
Photo of free Water butt stand and lid (RH16) #1
Free: 90mm PIR Insulation (like Celotex) (RH16) Expired Leftover piece 945mm x 935mm. I thought it would be ideal for insulating a loft hatch or similar
Photo of free 90mm PIR Insulation (like Celotex) (RH16) #1
Photo of free 90mm PIR Insulation (like Celotex) (RH16) #2
Request: Black Fence/Shed paint (RH16) Expired I need to paint one board black (I won't bore you with why!), so probably need less than a cup full of paint. If anyone has a small amount left I'd love to hear from you. Many thanks
Free: 12.5mm Fire Line Plasterboard (RH16) Expired LAST CALL FOR TAKERS ON THIS. IF IT'S NOT COLLECTED BY MONDAY IT'S GOING TO THE TIP Off cuts left over. I started writing dimensions on them but got bored as there were too many. Hope they can be of use to someone before I take to tip.
Photo of free 12.5mm Fire Line Plasterboard (RH16) #1
Free: PIR Insulation - updated post (RH16) Gifted Similar to Celotex. Various off cuts. Thicknesses are 45, 50 & 90mm. Take as much as you want. Larger bits gone some smaller ones remain and going to tip if not gone by end of Easter
Photo of free PIR Insulation - updated post (RH16) #1
Request: Vapour barrier polythene (RH16) Expired I'm building a cabin in my garden and have figured out I need just over one roll of this. Does anyone have a part roll left over, please? Doesn't have to be the same as this Wickes product. Many thanks
Photo of Vapour barrier polythene (RH16) #1