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Free: wicker baby's cradle (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) freestanding or can be used as a carry cot.
Free: Baby's high chair (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Tubular steel. Plastic seating
Free: assorted picture frames (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) different sizes
Free: "Yours"magazines (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) bundle of back numbers.
Free: Assorted lining material (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Suitable for crafting
Free: Large cross stitch picture (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) King's College Cambridge
Free: Furnishing fabric (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) red/gold, will do a chair.
Free: Dr Who scarf (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Great condition
Free: Dolls house bedroom furniture (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Still in box
Free: Golf clubs and bag (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Suitable for learners
Free: Tall antique teacher's desk (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired Has a bench with it.
Free: Dolls' house bedroom furniture (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired still in the box.
Free: metal clothes rail (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired Needs a rub down
Free: Pieces of lining material (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired Various sizes
Free: record player stylus (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired unused, still in the case.
Free: Office in/out trays (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired green
Free: Star Wars pyjamas (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired Age 5-6yrs new and still in wrappings
Free: Golf clubs and bag (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired Old and need attention. Suitable for learner
Free: Foot spa (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired Used once, still in the box.
Free: Two full size posters (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired East Brent Harvest Home 1993/4 Suitable for framing
Free: Game table (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired chess, draughts and backgammon
Free: CDs without cases (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired useful t keep birds off crops.
Free: old tea and dinner plates (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired Suitable for standing plants on
Free: Baby's high chair (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired Tubular steel and plastic good condition
Free: Baby's high chair (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired Tubular steel and plastic good condition
Free: Two table lamp bases (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired white ceramic approx 16 inches high
Free: Two table lamp bases (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired white ceramic approx 16 inches high
Free: Black witche's cape (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired full length, hooded, good for Halloween.
Free: Wedding dress (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired Size 10, good condition, ivory coloured
Free: Tapestry wools and canvases (Stawell Bridgwater off M5) Expired All in excellent condition