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Free: Large bag of mixed fabrics useful for crafts (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Large bag of mixed fabrics, some nice high end fabrics, sample fabrics with crystals etc. From clean smoke free home.
Photo of free Large bag of mixed fabrics useful for crafts (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: Two large fabric sample books 100% Silk samples (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Two large fabric sample books, both containing large samples of 100% Silk fabric. From clean smoke free home. Collection from PR2.
Photo of free Two large fabric sample books 100% Silk samples (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Photo of free Two large fabric sample books 100% Silk samples (Holme Slack PR2) #2
Photo of free Two large fabric sample books 100% Silk samples (Holme Slack PR2) #3
Photo of free Two large fabric sample books 100% Silk samples (Holme Slack PR2) #4
+2 +1
Free: Bundle of faux fur and fleece pieces (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Useful for crafts etc, some variety in the size of the pieces and colours etc. From clean smoke free home. Collection from PR2
Photo of free Bundle of faux fur and fleece pieces (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Photo of free Bundle of faux fur and fleece pieces (Holme Slack PR2) #2
Photo of free Bundle of faux fur and fleece pieces (Holme Slack PR2) #3
Free: Box of Mixed Fabrics 3 (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted A box of mixed fabrics. No very small pieces as I have taken them out so there are only decent size workable pieces in there. Handy for small crafts, cushions furnishing projects. These have been in storage for a while and would benefit from airing. There are some high end fabrics in the box. From clean , smoke free home. Collection from PR2. I will be listing two other boxes as there are too many items for one box. Thankyou for looking.
Photo of free Box of Mixed Fabrics 3 (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Photo of free Box of Mixed Fabrics 3 (Holme Slack PR2) #2
Free: Box of Mixed Fabrics 2 (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted A box of mixed fabrics. No small pieces as I have taken them out so there are only decent size workable pieces in there. Handy for small crafts, cushions, furnishing projects. These have been in storage for a while and would benefit from airing. There are some high end fabrics in the box. From clean smoke free home. Collection from PR2. I will be listing two other lots of fabric as well separately.
Photo of free Box of Mixed Fabrics 2 (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Photo of free Box of Mixed Fabrics 2 (Holme Slack PR2) #2
Free: Box of mixed fabrics (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted A box of mixed fabrics. No very small pieces as I have taken them out so there are only decent size workable pieces in there. Handy for small crafts, cushions, furnishing projects. These have been in storage for a while and would benefit from airing. There are some high end fabrics in the box. From clean smoke free home I will be listing two other boxes separately as there are too many items to go into one lot. Collection from PR2. Thanks for looking.
Photo of free Box of mixed fabrics (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Photo of free Box of mixed fabrics (Holme Slack PR2) #2
Free: Bag of fabric pieces, cottons, curtain remnants etc. (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Bag 5 Bag of fabric pieces, useful for crafting and for craft groups etc, mixed materials, some blackout fabric in there along with William Morris fabric etc. From clean, smoke free home. Collection from PR2. Cromwell Road area.
Photo of free Bag of fabric pieces, cottons, curtain remnants etc. (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: Bag of leather scraps, useful for crafting, key rings etc (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Different colours, all leather, very useful for crafting, for groups etc. From clean smoke free home. Collection from PR2. Cromwell Road area
Photo of free Bag of leather scraps, useful for crafting, key rings etc (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: Bag of mixed, good quality fabrics suitable for crafts etc (Holme Slack PR2) Expired Bag 4 Large bag (box not included) of good quality, high end, mainly curtaining remnants and samples, upholstery remnants. No small pieces. Very useful for crafts, making items for stalls etc. From clean, smoke free home. Collection from PR2. Cromwell Road area.
Photo of free Bag of mixed, good quality fabrics suitable for crafts etc (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: Bag of mixed, good quality fabrics suitable for crafts etc (Holme Slack PR2) Expired Bag 3 Large bag (box not included) of mixed, high end, mainly curtaining remnants and samples, upholstery remnants, no small pieces. Very useful for crafts, making items for stalls etc. From clean smoke free home. Collection from PR2. Cromwell Road area.
Photo of free Bag of mixed, good quality fabrics suitable for crafts etc (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: Bag of mixed, good quality fabrics, suitable for crafting et (Holme Slack PR2) Expired Bag 2 Large bag of mixed, good quality, high end, mainly curtaining remnants and samples, upholstery remnants, no very small pieces. Very useful for crafts, making items for stalls, etc. From clean, smoke free home. Collection from PR2 Cromwell Road area
Photo of free Bag of mixed, good quality fabrics, suitable for crafting et (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: Bag of mixed, good quality fabrics suitable for crafts etc (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Bag 1 of 4 Large bag of mixed, good quality, high end, mainly curtaining remnants and samples, upholstery remnants, no very small pieces. Very useful for crafts, making items for stalls etc. From clean, smoke free home. Collection from PR2. Cromwell Road area
Photo of free Bag of mixed, good quality fabrics suitable for crafts etc (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: 4 Fabric Sample Books (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted VillaNova, Larssen, GP and J Baker and Zoffany, all very nice fabrics. Useful for crafting and/or groups. From smoke free clean home. Collection only please from PR2. Cromwell Road area
Photo of free 4 Fabric Sample Books (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: Bundle of Fabric (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Large bundle of fabric available. The pink fabric has many metres on and there are also some very useful other fabrics in there, mainly upholstery etc, useful for crafts. From clean smoke free home. Collection from PR2. Thankyou.
Photo of free Bundle of Fabric (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Photo of free Bundle of Fabric (Holme Slack PR2) #2
Request: Mobility frame (Holme Slack PR2) Received Looking for a mobility frame for my husband who had a fall and has done some soft tissue damage, advised by ambulance service to try and get one for him. Thankyou.
Free: Large bag of fabric good quality samples (Holme Slack PR2) Expired Varying sizes, cottons, linens etc. Some embroidered. Some small pieces of yardage. Many are nice high end fabrics. Some will make nice cushion covers, patchwork, small projects etc. Two bags. Would be useful for craft groups, keen crafter etc. From clean non smoking household. Thank you.
Photo of free Large bag of fabric good quality samples (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Photo of free Large bag of fabric good quality samples (Holme Slack PR2) #2
Photo of free Large bag of fabric good quality samples (Holme Slack PR2) #3
Photo of free Large bag of fabric good quality samples (Holme Slack PR2) #4
+2 +1
Free: Bin Bag of fabric pieces (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Mixed sizes, mixed types of fabrics, linens, cottons, plains etc. Included are 2 bags of trims, laces, etc. Collection from PR2. Smoke free home.
Photo of free Bin Bag of fabric pieces (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Photo of free Bin Bag of fabric pieces (Holme Slack PR2) #2
Photo of free Bin Bag of fabric pieces (Holme Slack PR2) #3
Free: Fabric and fabric samples mainly cottons etc (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted A bag of fabric pieces, fabric samples and a little yardage. Some nice cushion sized panels included. Useful for a crafter/creative person, also useful for making items for charity. Various sizes. From clean, smoke free home. Collection from PR2. Thankyou for looking.
Photo of free Fabric and fabric samples mainly cottons etc (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Photo of free Fabric and fabric samples mainly cottons etc (Holme Slack PR2) #2
Free: Tower Pressure Cooker with instruction book (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Tower Pressure Cooker complete with all accessories and instruction book. Purchased new by us and longer used so letting it go. From clean and smoke free home. Collection from PR2.
Photo of free Tower Pressure Cooker with instruction book (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: Tefal Food Steamer, 3 tier. (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Tefal Food Steamer, 3 tiers, all bases are intact for the tiers, some paint loss from the unit but it is working well. Purchased new by us and mainly used at Christmas. From clean smoke free home. Collect from PR2.
Photo of free Tefal Food Steamer, 3 tier. (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: Swan Slow Cooker (Holme Slack PR2) Expired Swan Slow Cooker with three settings, auto, low and high. Purchased new by us. Good working order, includes branded recipe booklet. From clean smoke free home. Collection from PR2.
Photo of free Swan Slow Cooker (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: Two large blueberry bushes - PENDING (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Two established blueberry bushes, both produce fruit. Have been growing in pots (not included) and can be either repotted or planted into the ground.
Free: Bags of Fabric (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted Three bags of fabric, ranging in size and type, handy for crafters. Comes from smoke free home. Collection from PR2 Thanks for looking.
Photo of free Bags of Fabric (Holme Slack PR2) #1
Free: Fabric sample books (Holme Slack PR2) Gifted 5 Fabric sample books to pass along to someone who can use them. Useful for crafts, bag making etc. Smoke free home. Collection from PR2.
Photo of free Fabric sample books (Holme Slack PR2) #1