A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: planks and boards (Abbeyhill EH7) Expired - Hi, our pupils love using old planks and boards and other objects for loose parts play in the playground. Unfortunately as they get used they also get broken, so we are in need of more planks, boards and offcuts so they can continue to explore and develop their imagination and engineering skills. We are based in Meadowbank, but can pick up from different locations depending on where our families are from. So if you've got a good offer, please get in touch. No nails, screws or sharp edges please, obviously.
Photo of planks and boards (Abbeyhill EH7)
Free: Old lock (Tranent EH33) Expired - Old lock with two keys.
Photo of free Old lock (Tranent EH33)
Free: Old lock 2 (Tranent EH33) Expired - Another old lock with two keys
Photo of free Old lock 2 (Tranent EH33)
Free: Letterbox cover (Tranent EH33) Expired - Unused chrome letterbox and fittings.
Photo of free Letterbox cover (Tranent EH33)
Free: Telephone wire (Tranent EH33) Expired - Part of a reel of phone cable.
Photo of free Telephone wire (Tranent EH33)
Free: Potty seat (Tranent EH33) Expired - A blue Thomas potty seat. Helps give a bit more confidence than a little potty. Bowl removable for emptying.
Photo of free Potty seat (Tranent EH33)
Free: Old Maglight torches (Tranent EH33) Gifted - Old mags. Worked last time they were used but require new batteries. Not LED bulbs.
Photo of free Old Maglight torches (Tranent EH33)
Free: Turf (Tranent EH33) Gifted - A strip of pretty good quality turf 8m by 85cm. Being lifted today/tomorrow so needs gone in a day or two.
Photo of free Turf (Tranent EH33)
Free: small computer desk (Niddrie EH16) Expired - A small desk with sliding drawer. Not the prettiest but might do someone a turn.
Photo of free small computer desk (Niddrie EH16)
Free: White chest of drawers (Niddrie EH16) Expired - A solid enough chest of drawers. It has some lovely artwork on it courtesy of my son, and the handles need replaced.
Photo of free White chest of drawers (Niddrie EH16)
Free: White chest of drawers (Niddrie EH16) Expired - Needs the bottom drawer rebuilt, but might do someone a turn.
Photo of free White chest of drawers (Niddrie EH16)
Free: Mirror dinghy - for repair (Niddrie EH16) Expired - The hull of a mirror dinghy, plus bits but no sails. Partly stripped of paint and with several holes. Simple enough to repair but I just don't have the time. Can deliver (within reason). Need gone asap. Request: Old horse saddle (Niddrie EH16) Received - My class are learning about horses this term and it would be wonderful if anyone could give us any related gear for the children to play with.