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Request: Wheelbarrow (Humboldt Hill) Withdrawn Would like a serviceable wheelbarrow, please
Free: stuff (3449 Elizabeth Street, Eureka) Gifted A growing pile of free stuff outside 3449 Elizabeth Street.
Photo of free stuff (3449 Elizabeth Street, Eureka) #1
Free: Books, in a box (3466 Elizabeth Street, Eureka) Gifted My neighbor's moving out, and leaving you with this lovely box of books!
Photo of free Books, in a box (3466 Elizabeth Street, Eureka) #1
Free: Mirror (Eureka, by Alice Birney school) Gifted Could this one-foot square mirror be part of your decor or art project?
Photo of free Mirror (Eureka, by Alice Birney school) #1
Free: Holiday decorations (Eureka, by Alice Birney school) Expired Two boxes full of holiday cheer in the form of lights, ornaments, bows, and stockings to hang by your chimney with care.
Photo of free Holiday decorations (Eureka, by Alice Birney school) #1
Free: Mirror (Eureka, by Alice Birney school) Gifted A one-foot square mirror
Free: Mud cloth pillow cover (Eureka, by Alice Birney school) Gifted Attention fabric artists: This mud cloth pillow cover has been loved on by a biscuit-making kitty, resulting in a few snags. It also got wet, causing some colors to run. However, the remainder of it is unaffected by the aforementioned slings and arrows, and could easily be part of your next creation.
Photo of free Mud cloth pillow cover (Eureka, by Alice Birney school) #1
Photo of free Mud cloth pillow cover (Eureka, by Alice Birney school) #2
Request: Teddy bear who wants to be an Ewok (Eureka, by Alice Birney school) Expired I'm looking for a teddy bear between 8 inches and 16 inches long, in at least pretty good condition, to make into an Ewok.
Free: Snow shovel (Eureka, by Alice Birney school) Expired A snow shovel is all that's left at this time. However, we still need to clean the garage, so more stuff is coming. 3449 Elizabeth Street, Eureka