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Free: Food thermometer (AB15) Gifted Digital food thermometer. It has not been used. Measuring range -50c - +300c. I received it with a survey.
Photo of free Food thermometer (AB15) #1
Photo of free Food thermometer (AB15) #2
Free: New Book (AB15) A new book giving extracts from the writings of John Todd Ferrier concerning understanding Christianity as it was given in the teachings of the one known as Jesus. I stay on the main road in Bieldside. Items can be collected from my garage without contact
Photo of free New Book (AB15) #1
Photo of free New Book (AB15) #2
Free: Felt table mats (AB15) Gifted 4 red felt table mats, cut into attractive pattern. From pet and smoke free home.
Free: 12 photos (AB15) 6 photos of Scotland, suitable for making into cards. From smoke and pet free hone
Photo of free 12 photos (AB15) #1
Photo of free 12 photos (AB15) #2
Free: Food doyleys (AB15) Promised Pkt containing various paper doyleys. From pet and smoke free home.
Photo of free Food doyleys (AB15) #1
Free: Guide to vitamins (AB15) Useful leaflet, though it has been produced by firm selling vitamin tablets.
Photo of free Guide to vitamins (AB15) #1
Free: Useful tool (AB15) Gifted A delicate tool used in past ages probably to deal with hand nails. From pet and smoke free home
Photo of free Useful tool (AB15) #1
Free: MCB News magazine (AB15) Local magazine with lots of interesting information. I stay on the main road in Bieldside.
Photo of free MCB News magazine (AB15) #1
Free: Centre for Alternative Technology booklet (AB15) This booklet gives much information about the Centre together with useful information on insulation, composting,GMO’s,urban gRdening etc. from pet and smoke free honey.
Photo of free Centre for Alternative Technology booklet (AB15) #1
Photo of free Centre for Alternative Technology booklet (AB15) #2
Photo of free Centre for Alternative Technology booklet (AB15) #3
Free: Kitchen scales base (AB15) Base of Salter kitchen scales. It no longer works but someone might like to take it apart out of interest or to use part of it.
Photo of free Kitchen scales base (AB15) #1
Free: Photos of Scotland (AB15) 12 photos mostly of the Highlands of Scotland. From pet and smoke free home
Photo of free Photos of Scotland (AB15) #1
Free: Summer tights (AB15) Gifted Pair of medium sized tights have been worn but in good condition, from pet and smoke free house. I stay on the main road in Bieldside.
Photo of free Summer tights (AB15) #1
Free: Gateways to God (AB15) Booklet relating the senses outwardly to the sensing of the Divine. I stay on the main road in Bieldside.
Photo of free Gateways to God (AB15) #1
Free: National Trust for Scotland Magazine (AB15) This copy gives information on the castles in Scotland that are open to visitors. Etc.from a pet and smoke free home.
Photo of free National Trust for Scotland Magazine (AB15) #1
Free: Eating booklet (AB15) Common-Sense Eating booklet by G.R Lane M.A. giving useful information concerning food recommended when suffering from various conditions,
Photo of free Eating booklet (AB15) #1
Photo of free Eating booklet (AB15) #2
Free: Fancy buttons (AB15) Gifted A tin of 9 fancy buttons, including 4 similar, in useful tin.
Photo of free Fancy buttons (AB15) #1
Photo of free Fancy buttons (AB15) #2
Free: Fruit cutting implement and nail manicure tool (AB15) Gifted The fruit cutting implement and nail manicure tool are both in very good condition. See photos.
Photo of free Fruit cutting implement and nail manicure tool (AB15) #1
Free: 8 ladies handkerchieves (AB15) Gifted 8 ladies handkerchiefs. They are in good condition but have been in a drawer for several years and I cant iron them. Two are silky and pretty, the others are cotton.
Photo of free 8 ladies handkerchieves (AB15) #1
Free: Haberdashery item.Spool of thread. (AB15) Gifted Interesting haberdashery item. A spool of thread that could be used in some form of handcraft. Pet and smoke free home.
Photo of free Haberdashery item.Spool of thread. (AB15) #1
Free: Photo album (AB15) Used photo album, still some pictures in it, but usable. From smoke and pet free home.
Photo of free Photo album (AB15) #1
Photo of free Photo album (AB15) #2
Photo of free Photo album (AB15) #3
Free: Pieces of candle (AB15) Two small candles and jar with pieces of green wax.I stay on the main road in Bieldside
Photo of free Pieces of candle (AB15) #1
Free: Helpful booklet (AB15) This booklet is explained in the title . It given much help and guidance.
Photo of free Helpful booklet (AB15) #1
Photo of free Helpful booklet (AB15) #2
Free: Booklet (AB15) Booklet helpful to those bereaved, concerning christian understanding of continuing life. From the Writings of Rev. John Todd Ferrier.
Photo of free Booklet (AB15) #1
Photo of free Booklet (AB15) #2
Free: Remedy (AB15) Bottle containing some Zincum Valerianicum which is to treat neuralgia.
Photo of free Remedy (AB15) #1
Photo of free Remedy (AB15) #2
Free: 3 pkts seeds (AB15) Gifted Cucumber,leek and salad leaf seeds.
Photo of free 3 pkts seeds (AB15) #1
Free: Kitchen Garden Magazine (AB15) Gifted Very informative magazine. Much relating to organic grdening.
Photo of free Kitchen Garden Magazine (AB15) #1
Free: Cooling gel discs (AB15) Gifted 5 small cooling gel discs. To put in with items needing to be kept cool when being transported. I have used them in the past to keep packets of seeds viable. From a pet and smoke free home.
Free: Yellow Rattle Seeds (AB15) Gifted Packet of 300 yellow rattle seeds which can be sowed to deal with grass. They were sent to me by soil association.
Photo of free Yellow Rattle Seeds (AB15) #1
Free: Card of skirt or trouser fasteners (AB15) Gifted Card of hooks and bars to fasten skirts or trousers. Packet is unopened.
Photo of free Card of skirt or trouser fasteners (AB15) #1
Photo of free Card of skirt or trouser fasteners (AB15) #2
Free: Small bottle (AB15) Gifted A small bottle brown glass, with drip top as well as lid. It has been completely cleaned from previous medicine. From pet and smoke free home.
Photo of free Small bottle (AB15) #1