A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Free: Storage canisters (Williamsparkway/Centre Street) - 4 3.5 L. Clear containers
Photo of free Storage canisters (Williamsparkway/Centre Street)
Request: Couch or sofa (Williamsparkway/Centre Street) Withdrawn - I am looking for a small couch or sofa please and thank you in good condition. Request: Small recliner (Williamsparkway/Centre Street) Expired - Good condition. Diabetic looking for a small recliner. Would be nice if foot rest raises. Please and thank you.
Photo of Small recliner (Williamsparkway/Centre Street)
Free: Standing fan (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Gifted - Black, a few months old. Needing a new home by next week
Photo of free Standing fan (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd)
Request: Outdoor Bench (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Expired - Looking for an outdoor bench even if it needs work! Any type. Thank you 😊 Request: Stacking shelves (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Expired - See pic above.
Photo of Stacking shelves (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd)
Request: Costume or old jewelry (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Expired - Looking for Beads, bling, shiny, earrings, necklaces etc.
Photo of Costume or old jewelry (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd)
Photo of Costume or old jewelry (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd)
Photo of Costume or old jewelry (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd)
Request: Wood scraps (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Expired - Looking for a Variety 2x4, 4x4, etc. Request: Dehydrator (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Expired - I am looking for a dehydrator someone may not be using anymore. It would be well used. Request: Dehydrator (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Expired - I am looking for a dehydrator someone may not be using anymore. It would be well used. Free: Aid to grip and get up (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Gifted - Black. Slides under a mattress, couch and is a grip to help someone have a little more help and support standing up.
Photo of free Aid to grip and get up (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd)
Request: Portable Air conditioner (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Expired - I am a diabetic and looking for a portable air conditioner. Request: Folding card table (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Expired - Useable Request: sand (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Expired - Looking for some sand for gardening. Just need a bucketful Request: Bottle caps (Salvation rd and Creditview Rd) Expired - Looking for bottle caps to recycle and repurpose