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Request: Dress form (West Rogers Park) Hi y'all! Looking for an adult dress form, if you have one gathering dust. Thank you all for freecycling!
Free: Ikea desk and extension (West Rogers Park) Promised MICKE Desk, 28 3/4x19 5/8 " LINNMON Tabletop, 39 3/8x23 5/8 " I can't find the table legs on the ikea website anymore, but there are 2 to support one end. The other end attaches to the desk with a bracket. (Currently unattached) can be attached in line with the desk or as an L. Some wear, but in generally good shape. Take both please.
Photo of free Ikea desk and extension (West Rogers Park) #1
Photo of free Ikea desk and extension (West Rogers Park) #2
Free: Scrapbooking supplies (West Rogers Park) Gifted Stickers, etc
Photo of free Scrapbooking supplies (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: Pens/office supplies (West Rogers Park) Gifted There's a ton of pens and stuff. Far more than it looks like. Earliest pickup gets them!
Photo of free Pens/office supplies (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: Yijan Australia Aboriginal print (West Rogers Park) Gifted 10.5"x13" overall
Photo of free Yijan Australia Aboriginal print (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: Viewmaster reels (West Rogers Park) Gifted If you have a viewmaster, there are a ton of reels here!
Photo of free Viewmaster reels (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: Misc kitchen stuff (West Rogers Park) Gifted Take it all
Photo of free Misc kitchen stuff (West Rogers Park) #1
Request: Serger (West Rogers Park) Hi! I've been looking for a serger for ages! If anyone has one gathering dust, I'd love to take it off your hands! Thank you so much!
Free: Workout stuff (West Rogers Park) Gifted Lebert EQualizer Total Body Strengthener and resistance bands.
Photo of free Workout stuff (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: Bike (West Rogers Park) Gifted Needs new tires and a seat. Never could get them replaced and tired of tripping over it.
Photo of free Bike (West Rogers Park) #1
Request: Baseball bat or rebar (West Rogers Park) Withdrawn Need for behind the front door. Not feeling safe. Thank you.
Free: Crazy lazy Susan (West Rogers Park) Gifted 15.5"
Photo of free Crazy lazy Susan (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: Old Navy Size 14 jeans (West Rogers Park) Gifted 3 pair of jeans. Good condition
Photo of free Old Navy Size 14 jeans (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: Brother laser printer (West Rogers Park) Gifted Works, but old toner prints dark. I have an unopened toner for it, too.
Photo of free Brother laser printer (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: DVDs (West Rogers Park) Gifted Haven't watched in a while.
Photo of free DVDs (West Rogers Park) #1
Request: Yarn for knitting (West Rogers Park) Received Hi y'all! Looking for yarn to do some knitting projects. I'd love to take it off your hands! Thank you!
Free: Size 14 jeans (West Rogers Park) Gifted Size 14 jeans, all but one are Old Navy Rockstar. One pair of Nicole Miller. Got all but the Nicole Miller here on TN and now that I'm down to a 12, I must return them for someone else to treasure for a short while.
Photo of free Size 14 jeans (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: Bleeding skull candle (West Rogers Park) Gifted 6" tall, 3" dia, red wax pours out of holes... idk where, but it's a cool effect.
Photo of free Bleeding skull candle (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: Kitty litter (West Rogers Park) Gifted Half bag of tofu litter and half a box of oko cat litter.
Photo of free Kitty litter (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: Starbucks coffee (West Rogers Park) Gifted 3 Verona medium roast and 4 Pike Place decaf. Past it's "best by" date but kept in the freezer.
Photo of free Starbucks coffee (West Rogers Park) #1
Free: Frozen chicken alfredo penne (West Rogers Park) Gifted Didn't realize it had broccoli. I'm allergic to broccoli. Please pick up tonight (Sunday)
Photo of free Frozen chicken alfredo penne (West Rogers Park) #1
Photo of free Frozen chicken alfredo penne (West Rogers Park) #2
Request: 100% cotton tees (West Rogers Park) Expired Yes, I'm back again! I'm making weighted blankets for people with issues. But for that I need t shirts. Preferably 100% cotton please. White undershirts, too! Can't pick up in the suburbs, but Evanston. Thank you.
Request: Fountain pen (West Rogers Park) Expired I'm looking for a fountain pen. Anyone have a set they don't use? Maybe gramps had one? I am settling down and would like to be writing letters again.
Request: Sewing machine (West Rogers Park) Expired Looking for a working sewing machine, pretty please! Thank you and happy new year!
Request: Stand mixer (West Rogers Park) Expired Hi y'all! My stand mixer has mixed its last ball of dough and died. 😭 Anyone have one to pass along? It will get much use! Thank you, and i appreciate y'all so much!
Request: Fountain pen (West Rogers Park) Expired I'm looking for a fountain pen, please. Thank you and be well
Request: Sewing machine (West Rogers Park) Expired Looking for a working sewing machine, pretty please! Thank you and be well
Request: Watercolor supplies (West Rogers Park) Expired Hello and happy weekend y'all! Looking for: Paints, brushes, paper, artboard... little things that bring great joy. Thank you and be well!
Request: Fountain pen (West Rogers Park) Expired I'm looking for a fountain pen. Anyone have a set they don't use?
Request: Watercolor paper & supplies (West Rogers Park) Expired Hello all! I've taken up watercolor but i am lacking the proper paper. Loose or bound welcome. Also looking for some good brushes. Happy to get more paint, if you are purging that, as well! Thank you!