A Members' Posts

Offers Β andΒ  Requests
Request: Amethyst Geode (Tayport DD6) Expired - I am an Artist and Mystic and require a large Amethyst Geode for my mystical work πŸ˜‰β€ Anyone who provides me with mystical items l can use will get a FREE READING!!! 🀩 If interested Please call me on 07732480650. Thank you and have a wonderful day! πŸ₯° Request: Wood paint and varnish (Tayport DD6) Expired - I am an Artist and need wood paint for some of my projects πŸ˜‰ If you can help Please get in touch with me. Thank you! Regards Camilla Request: women's clothing (Tayport DD6) Expired - Hi! I am looking for nice clothes in sizes 14-16 and 18-20 if anyone can help Please get in touch! Thank you so much! Request: Laminate flooring glue (Tayport DD6) Expired - Hi! I am redecorating my flat and need some STRONG glue to put down my laminate tyles. If you have any you don't want. Please get in touch πŸ˜‰ Thank you! Sincerely Camilla Request: Snow Globes (Tayport DD6) Expired - Greetings all! I am collecting snow globes 😍 If anyone out there has any they don't want Please say hi! πŸ˜‰ I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you! ❀ Request: Wood paint (Tayport DD6) Expired - Greetings fellow Freeglers Do any of you have any wood paint you don't need? I could REALLY use it as l am decorating my flat. Thank you so much and have a great day! πŸ˜‰ Sincerely Camilla Request: Snow globes (Tayport DD6) Expired - If any of you have any unwanted Snow globes please let me know. Request: Bicycle Chain and Helmet (Tayport DD6) Expired - Hi! I recently got my bicycle road worthy again and am looking for accessories for it. πŸ˜‰ I need a chain and lock and a bicycle helmet. If anyone out there has any of these and is looking to get rid of them Please contact me. Thank you so much! πŸ˜€ Have a great Summer Sincerely Camilla