A Members' Posts

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Offers   Requests
Request: Rock wool insulation (Lincoln) Looking for some rock wool to help add some insulation to various parts of the house, thanks
Request: Wool sweaters (Lincoln) Any condition, to be made into mittens to give away to people at a weekly free meal.
Request: Knitting loom (Lincoln) Looking for a knitting loom to make hats to give away to those in need this winter time. Also could use some bulky yarn, thank you!
Request: Nebulizer (Lincoln) We are looking for a nebulizer to help with some asthma challenges, thank you
Request: Polyiso or rock wool insulation (Lincoln) We are looking for some insulation to help tighten up our home, thank you
Request: Sleeping bags (Lincoln) We are looking for a few sleeping bags, thank you
Request: Ash wood log 5 feet long (Lincoln) Looking for an ass wood log to try to carve a canoe paddle or two out of, thank you
Request: Portland cement and sand (Lincoln) Trying to repair our stone steps, thank you
Request: Plastic drain pipe (Lincoln) Expired To help move drain pipe water away from the house
Request: Hygrometer (Lincoln) Expired To measure humidity, thank you
Request: clear trash bags (Lincoln) Expired We are looking for some clear plastic trash bags for a project. Thanks
Request: A few pickleballs (Lincoln) Expired We want to try this game out😃
Request: HP laptop screen 255 g6 pavilion (Lincoln) Expired Mine just broke :
Request: electric lawnmower (Lincoln) Expired we are looking for an electric lawnmower, thanks!
Free: Box of coal (Lincoln) Expired Cardboard Apple box of heating coal
Request: Remote for Sony dvd player (Lincoln) Received Ours broke! Thank you :)
Request: Corning cooking pot (Lincoln) Expired White ceramic cookware wanted, thank you
Request: Apple lightning headphone adapter (Lincoln) Expired Looking for an iPhone/iPad lightning headphone adapter as mine just crackles, thanks!
Request: Rolls of gauze bandages (Lincoln) Expired Looking for a LOT of rolls of gauze bandage to try to do a plaster casting project of a torso
Request: vise for metalwork (Lincoln) Expired Looking to find a vice to do some metal work, also a jewelers saw and some pliers, thank you!
Request: Insulation (Lincoln) Expired Looking for some insulation to help repair some damage from a pipe bursting, thank you