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Free: 1960s watches - not working (NE Bellevue) Gifted Wish these worked but they don't. Cute anyway. Porch pick up. Let me know when you can come!
Photo of free 1960s watches - not working (NE Bellevue) #1
Free: Glass table top (77080) Expired Beveled edge 36 inches x 60 inches
Photo of free Glass table top (77080) #1
Free: PENDING PICK UP Large mirror (77080) Gifted ~35 inches x ~43 inches painted gold porch pick up but gated community so I need to know exactly when you can come OK to resell if you like
Photo of free PENDING PICK UP Large mirror (77080) #1
Free: Custom table (NE Bellevue) Expired Sort of bean shaped table made to fit a banquet that is curved out. The photo makes it look weird, but the ends are actually similar dimensions. Top was cut from a laminate conference table. YOU COULD CUT DOWN AGAIN TO SMALLER SIZE. Legs are from round Ikea tables. Roughly 80" at the longest; 40" at the widest. Top of table ~30 1/2" If you just want the pedestals they unscrew easily. Very stable, easy to clean. Would be great for group, family. Too much for us now. Let me know when you could come.
Photo of free Custom table (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free Custom table (NE Bellevue) #2
Free: Western Saddle Cover (NE Bellevue) Expired Blue synthetic material, lightweight, not lined Has it's own pouch Never used Water resistant Porch pick up Let me know when you can come
Photo of free Western Saddle Cover (NE Bellevue) #1
Free: Snow Globe Musical Chime (NE Bellevue) Withdrawn The Carousel Waltz The snow globe did not survive, so I extracted the chime. Porch pickup. Let me know when you can come.
Photo of free Snow Globe Musical Chime (NE Bellevue) #1
Free: Carrier thermostat (NE Bellevue) Expired Works fine, just replaced w/ a smart one Porch pickup Let me know when you can come
Photo of free Carrier thermostat (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free Carrier thermostat (NE Bellevue) #2
Free: Gorgeous hutch (77080) Gifted 22" deep x 80" wide x 92" tall You must pick up - we cannot deliver. You must load - bring your own help. OK to resell.
Free: Antique English armoire (77080) Gifted 28" deep x 60" wide x 78" tall You must pick up - we cannot deliver. You must load - bring your own help. OK to resell
Photo of free Antique English armoire (77080) #1
Free: ancient hand warmer (NE Bellevue) Gifted Not even sure what to say about this. Looks like someone used it. Since none of my relatives died from fire, it must have worked at some point. Maybe it still does. Read the package. Decide for yourself. Porch pick up. Let me know when you can come by.
Photo of free ancient hand warmer (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free ancient hand warmer (NE Bellevue) #2
Photo of free ancient hand warmer (NE Bellevue) #3
Photo of free ancient hand warmer (NE Bellevue) #4
+2 +1
Free: Vintage Strata-Tuner (NE Bellevue) Gifted I thought it was a radio, but according to eBay, it's a Vintage Motorola Strata-Tuner. For TV I think. The wood is pretty. Could be repurposed if you don't have a 1950's TV that you're using. Or test your luck on eBay. Porch pick up. Let me know when you can come by. I'll see what else I can dig up... Stay "tuned"! ;)
Photo of free Vintage Strata-Tuner (NE Bellevue) #1
Free: 1950's radio (NE Bellevue) Gifted Pretty cute. Haven't plugged it in to see if it works, but who knows. Back then, things were built to last. I love the little dog emblem, but not enough to have it collect dust in my house. I'm fine if you sell it to someone who appreciates it. Porch pick up. Let me know when you can come by.
Photo of free 1950's radio (NE Bellevue) #1
Free: Vintage Snake Bite Kit (NE Bellevue) Gifted When does old go from vintage to antique? I have no idea. But this thing is old. And you should not count on it if you get bitten by a snake. Might be fun to resell on eBay or somewhere. Porch pick up. Let me know when you can come by. Don't ghost me...
Photo of free Vintage Snake Bite Kit (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free Vintage Snake Bite Kit (NE Bellevue) #2
Free: OLD pressed cardboard box (NE Bellevue) Gifted Someone probably knows what this is, but I don't. It's pretty dang old considering the source. Porch pick up. Let me know when you can come by.
Photo of free OLD pressed cardboard box (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free OLD pressed cardboard box (NE Bellevue) #2
Photo of free OLD pressed cardboard box (NE Bellevue) #3
Free: vintage cigarette packages (NE Bellevue) Gifted NO CIGARETTES!!! These will be empty containers. There are more than what is in the photo, dupes of some in photo. Decades old. Going into garbage if no one is interested. Maybe they can be props for theater or art or photography or? Porch pick up. Let me know when you can come.
Photo of free vintage cigarette packages (NE Bellevue) #1
Free: Vintage paper cigar boxes (NE Bellevue) Gifted They're pretty cool. Can't believe we used these for our supplies in elementary school... but yea. Must take them all. Porch pick up. Let me know when you can come. If you say you're on the way and then no show and ghost me, I will report you. So please be honest and polite.
Free: Rubber rain boots (NE Bellevue) Expired I think one has a little leak, but they're cute. Daughter outgrew. Porch pick up anytime. Let me know when you can come, please.
Photo of free Rubber rain boots (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free Rubber rain boots (NE Bellevue) #2
Free: Packing Materials (NE Bellevue) Expired Three boxes of miscellaneous packing materials: Bubble wrap Air pillows Paper Porch pick up Tell me when you can come, please
Free: Theater Style Popcorn Machine (NE Bellevue) Gifted Great for movie night, sleepovers, special occasions. Kids grew up and moved out, so we don't need to make this much popcorn anymore. Works great, super yummy especially with the movie popcorn packets you can buy for it. Has been used recently. Instruction booklet included. Porch pickup. Tell me when you can come please.
Photo of free Theater Style Popcorn Machine (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free Theater Style Popcorn Machine (NE Bellevue) #2
Free: Clean bubble wrap, air pillows (NE Bellevue) Gifted Porch pick up Let me know when you can come, please.
Photo of free Clean bubble wrap, air pillows (NE Bellevue) #1
Free: Cat Litter Box (NE Bellevue) Gifted Top entry I don't think it was ever used Been in my garage for years w/ papers and files in it. Porch pick up. Let me know when you can come, please.
Photo of free Cat Litter Box (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free Cat Litter Box (NE Bellevue) #2
Free: Humidifier (NE Bellevue) Gifted Barely used Works well Porch pick up Let me know when you can come, please
Photo of free Humidifier (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free Humidifier (NE Bellevue) #2
Free: Air mattresses x 4 (NE Bellevue) Gifted See photos All plug in to inflate Three twin size I think the last one is a queen All barely used... Porch pick up TELL ME WHEN YOU CAN COME Sleep tight!
Photo of free Air mattresses x 4 (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free Air mattresses x 4 (NE Bellevue) #2
Photo of free Air mattresses x 4 (NE Bellevue) #3
Photo of free Air mattresses x 4 (NE Bellevue) #4
+2 +1
Free: Drawer - new (NE Bellevue) Expired Extra drawer from Ikea Could make cure pet bed or crafty creation Porch pick up Let me know when you can come
Photo of free Drawer - new (NE Bellevue) #1
Free: Light bulbs - working fine (NE Bellevue) Expired Thanks for letting me light up your life! CFL 27W 120V Small CFL 120V Incandescent EcoVantage 72W 120V plus box of two Reveal bulbs Porch pick up Let me know when you can come.
Photo of free Light bulbs - working fine (NE Bellevue) #1
Free: Cable modem - Netgear (NE Bellevue) Expired see photo for details porch pick up tell me when you can come, please
Photo of free Cable modem - Netgear (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free Cable modem - Netgear (NE Bellevue) #2
Free: Mattress - double/ full size (NE Bellevue) Expired Sealy - see label Has some stains but they aren't urine. No smells. Cat/ dog home. Non smoking. Might be able to deliver depending on when/where. Otherwise, porch pick up if the bears behave... Tell me when you can come, please.
Photo of free Mattress - double/ full size (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free Mattress - double/ full size (NE Bellevue) #2
Free: CFL bulbs - working (NE Bellevue) Gifted Put a little light in your life! Working fluorescent bulbs Porch pickup Tell me when you can come, please :)
Photo of free CFL bulbs - working (NE Bellevue) #1
Photo of free CFL bulbs - working (NE Bellevue) #2
Photo of free CFL bulbs - working (NE Bellevue) #3
Free: Moving Boxes (NE Bellevue) Expired Just got pet food. Sturdy, used once. Five boxes. Porch pick up. Tell me when you can come, please
Photo of free Moving Boxes (NE Bellevue) #1
Free: Packing mat'l bubble wrap, etc (NE Bellevue) Gifted Big clean garbage bag of bubble wrap, air pillows, packing foam - variety Porch pick up Please tell me how soon you can come. My old man neighbor gets really cranky with stuff on our porch that he can't stop himself from glaring at when he drives by...