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Free: Garden Sieve (Moreton CH46) Home made about 18m inch sq. Small holes in a large plate, I would say it was more for sand but im only guessing, useful.for someone I'm sure,
Photo of free Garden Sieve (Moreton CH46) #1
Photo of free Garden Sieve (Moreton CH46) #2
Request: Pyrograph (Moreton CH46) Pyrography wood burning tool and accessories, I would like to try my hand at pyrography, (wood burning art) so if anyone has any pyrography items laying around I would be very grateful, Thanks.
Request: A set of darts (Moreton CH46) I have been given a new Dart Board so I thought !! Q, ..... what can I do with it ?, A, ...... get some darts, So,.....any one got a spare set of darts I could have, I would be grateful, Bully Bully Bert.
Photo of A set of darts (Moreton CH46) #1
Request: Nutribullet or food prosseser (Moreton CH46) Anyone got a spare nutribullet or similar food prosesser taking up space, mine has just smoothed its last smoothie and because of my dietary needs I need a replacement thanks.
Request: Deep fat fryer or a chip pan, (Moreton CH46) I want decent chips like mum used to make,
Request: Greenpower scooter (Moreton CH46) A tall order l know. Dose anyone have a good. Bad. Defunct scooter laying in the garage. a Green Power or other hybrid type as in picture, as I need some spares repairs to keep mine on the road, worth a try. Thanks.
Photo of Greenpower scooter (Moreton CH46) #1
Request: cat litter tray and litter (Moreton CH46) Cat litter tray and cat litter, CH46 local collection preferred as I have mobility problems, Thanks.
Request: old bass Tuba or Sousaphone (Moreton CH46) Long shot I know but I can visulise one in a loft or garage somewrre covered is dust or being used as a plant pot. Any condition, thanks.
Request: tuba mouth piece (Moreton CH46) I have a bass tuba and I have lost the mouth price to thiefs who proberbly thought it was worth more as scrap, an odd item to request I know but someone out there knows someone who knows someone who knows, The Pictures show a similar type trombone mouth piece which is the same design but smaller. they are normally made of plated brass, I have seen plastic and wooden types also, any will suffice, if you think you have something similar please get In touch, fingers crossed. Thanks.
Photo of tuba mouth piece (Moreton CH46) #1
Photo of tuba mouth piece (Moreton CH46) #2
Photo of tuba mouth piece (Moreton CH46) #3
Request: cat litter tray and litter (Moreton CH46) Withdrawn I have a tom cat that visits me, He stays for an hour or so after a treat or two and a nap on the radiator shelf, I look forward to his visits, He has left a couple of messages recently so I thought a tray would be a good idea as a trial, Ch46 collection area preferred as I have mobility problems, Thanks.
Free: New Single bed and used matress (Moreton CH46) Gifted I was given a new single bed with head board and mattress, I only need the mattress so the base and head board is up for grabs c/w a used but good mattress, phone number please, Collection only,
Free: iPhone, i5, ipad car charger, (Moreton CH46) Withdrawn iphone ipad, i5, cigar lighter plug in charger, this is all I know. It is... as is. Collect anytime by appointment, I can leave outside anytime. If your interested, Your phone number please. PS, sorry note the photos did not show on the first listing, PLEASE BE AWARE THIS is NOT AN i PHONE. ITS A CHARGIING CABLE !! ( and its me who needs spec savers glasses) OK.
Photo of free iPhone, i5, ipad car charger, (Moreton CH46) #1
Photo of free iPhone, i5, ipad car charger, (Moreton CH46) #2
Photo of free iPhone, i5, ipad car charger, (Moreton CH46) #3
Request: Three core 5 or 13 amp cable (Moreton CH46) Expired I have hand lamp that needs a replacement cable, it must be flexible at least 5 amp 3 core P N+ E and about 10ft or more, an old twin an d earth extension cable would do fine. Thanks for your time. Regards Bert.
Photo of Three core 5 or 13 amp cable (Moreton CH46) #1
Request: Iron,spares/repair, working or not., (Moreton CH46) Expired I have an iron that needs a new cable. I Will accept a working or none working iron, a mouse tried to eat the cable so it's not safe to use now.
Free: Pedometer (Moreton CH46) Gifted New pedometer in box collect anytime I will leave outside in a plastic bag.
Photo of free Pedometer (Moreton CH46) #1
Request: Kettle (Moreton CH46) Expired My kettle is no more, any offers, thanks. Bert.
Request: 35mm photo slide viewer or projector (Moreton CH46) Expired I have some 35mm photo slides I would like to view and I'm looking for a suitible slide viewer or projector to view them, I will refreegle when I'm finished. Thanks.
Request: Pestle and morter (Moreton CH46) Expired I like would to grind my own spices when I make a curry
Free: Remote controls (Moreton CH46) Gifted Having a clear out found these remotes any takers,
Photo of free Remote controls (Moreton CH46) #1
Free: PC Monitor cable (Moreton CH46) Gifted Four monitor kettle type mains cables
Photo of free PC Monitor cable (Moreton CH46) #1
Request: Music, score's books, (Moreton CH46) Expired Preferable for organ or piano, score's or books other, anything considered,
Request: Step ladder (Moreton CH46) Expired Because I need to get into my loft space. thanks.
Free: PC HD caddy and other PC bits (Moreton CH46) Gifted PC HD Caddy circa Win 98, 2000, XP, etc ?? ,that's all I know, plugin PC camera x 2, broken Spanish o pad, all or nothing, no cherry picking, will leave outside for collection anytime, 7 photos.
Photo of free PC HD caddy and other PC bits (Moreton CH46) #1
Photo of free PC HD caddy and other PC bits (Moreton CH46) #2
Photo of free PC HD caddy and other PC bits (Moreton CH46) #3
Photo of free PC HD caddy and other PC bits (Moreton CH46) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: Supercook recipes (Moreton CH46) Gifted 9 ring bind folders of the the Supercook series, used condition,
Photo of free Supercook recipes (Moreton CH46) #1
Photo of free Supercook recipes (Moreton CH46) #2
Free: Sony 8 video camera (Moreton CH46) Gifted Sony 8 video camcorder with 5 batteries, faulty camera, battery condition unknown, spares or repair, your phone number please, SORRY I HAVE BEEN HOSPITAIZED AND UNABLE TO DEAL WITH REPLIES IF YOU ARE STILL INTERESTED PLEASE RE APPLY. THANKS. please include your phone number thanks.
Photo of free Sony 8 video camera (Moreton CH46) #1
Request: Brasso type metal polish (Moreton CH46) Expired I have collected some brass and copper Artifacts that need cleaning so I am looking for some metal polish media, thanks.
Request: Humax TV recorder box (Moreton CH46) Expired any condition for recycling, the good the bad and the ugly,
Request: Silver polish, liquid or cloth. (Moreton CH46) Expired I have an old large silver plated Brass Tuba and it takes alot of polish to polish.
Free: Humax HHD TV recorder (Moreton CH46) Expired Surplus to requirements C/W remote control. WITHDRAWN" found to be faulty, sorry.
Request: Art materials, paints, brushes etc (Moreton CH46) Expired Wanted, art materials, paints, brushes etc, I have taken up painting, and need media,= oil, acrylic, water, pallet, brushes, and any related items, = canvas, boards, stretchers, frames, thanks.