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Request: Sponge mattress (Bourne PE10) Has anyone got a single or small single sponge mattress? It has to roll up and go in the back seat of the car. I’m staying with a friend overnight and she doesn’t have one to let me use. Thank you.
Request: DK wool (Bourne PE10) Withdrawn Hi. I’m knittting a kids jumper and need a small amount of bright colours eg red, yellow and blue. Those would be ideal. About 20g of each. I’m in Bourne. Thank you. Wilma
Request: Victoria plums (Bourne PE10) Received My little tree only made a few dozen fruit, anyone near Bourne got a surplus as I do love them. Thanks
Free: Yew sapling. Perennial osteospermum (Bourne PE10) Expired Yew sapling dug up from border, now in water. Osteospermum is white with purple back of petal. Rooted in water.
Photo of free Yew sapling. Perennial osteospermum (Bourne PE10) #1
Free: Glass lid. (Bourne PE10) Expired I found this quite heavy Glass lid in my cupboard but it doesn’t fit anything I have. If someone has broken one and could use it I’d be glad to give it away. It is about 27cm across. In north Bourne. Thanks. Wilma
Photo of free Glass lid. (Bourne PE10) #1
Photo of free Glass lid. (Bourne PE10) #2
Request: Squat lamp base (Bourne PE10) Expired Would love a short wide (around 14” diameter) lamp base. A neutral colour, or black would be great. Maybe you have an old one in garage or loft??? Thanks Wilma
Free: Metal table frame. (Bourne PE10) Expired White painted metal folding table/desk frame. Sorry we no longer have the top for it.
Photo of free Metal table frame. (Bourne PE10) #1
Photo of free Metal table frame. (Bourne PE10) #2
Free: Small tables (Bourne PE10) Expired Used but ok I think.
Photo of free Small tables (Bourne PE10) #1
Free: Triple door gplan wardrobe. (Bourne PE10) Expired Brown, teak I guess. These are very expensive to buy but this one needs to go by Saturday. It’s in really good condition. It can be dismantled with flat head screwdriver. I think it has brass screws. I can’t help carry heavy things. Sorry. Bring a van and a friend.
Photo of free Triple door gplan wardrobe. (Bourne PE10) #1
Photo of free Triple door gplan wardrobe. (Bourne PE10) #2
Photo of free Triple door gplan wardrobe. (Bourne PE10) #3
Photo of free Triple door gplan wardrobe. (Bourne PE10) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Single white headboard. (Bourne PE10) Expired White Metal headboard with decorative knobs. Must be gone by Saturday.
Photo of free Single white headboard. (Bourne PE10) #1
Photo of free Single white headboard. (Bourne PE10) #2
Request: Frilly blouse size 8-10 and hat (Bourne PE10) Expired I need to get a costume together for ‘A Christmas Carol’ so a blouse with frills at the neck and a Victorian looking hat would be great.
Request: Dog car ramp. (Bourne PE10) Expired Our dog is getting old and finding it more of a struggle to jump into the car. If anyone no longer uses their dog ramp I’d be glad to have it. Thanks Wilma
Free: Perennials (Bourne PE10) Expired I have dug up white daisy and tall yellow rudbeckia. Both will grow in limited sun.
Free: Cosmos seeds (Bourne PE10) Gifted I’ve harvested lots of seeds, more than I need for next year. So happy to give some away. Wilma
Request: Plums (Bourne PE10) Expired Hi. Does anyone have surplus plums still on their tree? I have a tiny tree but the plums all fell if while I was on holiday😞 I could collect today or some afternoon this coming week. Thanks Wilma
Request: 3mm plywood (Bourne PE10) Expired We need a strip of 3mm plywood 10cmx 115cm to do a pipe boxing job. Can pick up in Bourne or nearby. Thanks Wilma
Request: 3mm board (Bourne PE10) Expired We need a strip of hardboard, plyboard, or even very thin laminate flooring. 3” wide will be fine, but about a meter long. Thanks. W
Request: Metal plant supports (Bourne PE10) Expired I have done really large plants that could do with keeping upright. Any bendy or already curved metal supports would be a big help. Thanks.
Free: Vertical blind rails (Bourne PE10) Expired White plastic with attachments. Long one is 176cm wide Short one is 92cm 22 hanging fabric slats in beige 94.5 cm long Collect from Pe10
Request: Loft Flooring boards (Bourne PE10) Expired Has anyone got any left over loft flooring boards. My husband would like to do a bit in the loft for storing stuff.
Free: Portable wardrobe (Bourne PE10) Gifted This is a plastic framed wardrobe with fabric covers. It is about 4ft wide. It is in a box in pieces and needs to be constructed so a bit like a jigsaw! Some of the fabric might need replacing but I haven’t used it in four years so not sure. I can’t figure out how to add a photo to this!!!!! But if you email me I’ll send one. Thanks, Wilma
Free: Lawn edge trimmer (Bourne PE10) Gifted These are long handled lawn edgers. Left here by previous owner. Might need sharpening.
Free: Plastic garden cupboard (Bourne PE10) Gifted This is a tall cupboard that we have used in our garage for a couple of years. Before that but was outside but don’t know for how long. Seems to still be sturdy enough. It measures 180x75x50 deep.