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Request: Old Computer (Huntingtown, Md.) I’m looking for a functional old computer with a 5.25 inch disk drive that I could have, or borrow so that I can evaluate some old family 5.25 inch disks. Thanks.
Request: Vintage Christmas Bubble Lights (Huntingtown, Md.) I’m looking for any old/vintage Christmas bubble lights. They could either be in old style candelabras or on strings that were hung on Christmas trees (which is what my family used to have). Thanks.
Request: 40” Phillips TV (Huntingtown, Md.) I’m looking for an older flat screened Phillips TV. Doesn’t need to work, just be fully assembled. Thanks.
Free: Ice melt (Huntingtown, Md.) Gifted Still Available! One mostly full bag of ice melt looking for a new home on a day before it snows.
Photo of free Ice melt (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Free: Ice melt (Huntingtown, Md.) Gifted One mostly full bag of ice melt looking for a new home on a day before it snows.
Photo of free Ice melt (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Free: 1993 F-150 Coil Springs (Huntingtown, Md.) Expired I replaced my front coil springs from my 1993 F-150. They were a little compressed compared to my new ones, but not cracked.
Photo of free 1993 F-150 Coil Springs (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Free: Canopy Frame Components (Huntingtown, Md.) Gifted As provided in the attached pictures, I have these canopy frame components available for pickup. All of the junction pieces are there, but only some of the actual frame pieces are still available. The current dimensions would be 10-foot by 12-foot. Each frame piece appears to be 1-inch conduit, so pretty easy to acquire. If interested, please give me a date and times when you want to pick them up.
Photo of free Canopy Frame Components (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Photo of free Canopy Frame Components (Huntingtown, Md.) #2
Free: Metal shelf (Huntingtown, Md.) Gifted One old metal shelf. Ugly, but functional.
Photo of free Metal shelf (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Photo of free Metal shelf (Huntingtown, Md.) #2
Free: 1993 F-150 Coil Springs (Huntingtown, Md.) Expired I replaced my front coil springs from my 1993 F-150. They were a little compressed compared to my new ones, but not cracked.
Photo of free 1993 F-150 Coil Springs (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Free: Old Kenmore Dehumidifier (Huntingtown, Md.) Expired I have an older Kenmore Dehumidifier that is free to a good home. It hasn’t been used in about 20 years. At that time, I had two - one nicer looking and this one that’s not the best looking. I transferred the blower motor and catch basin from this one to the nicer looking one, so, this one lacks both. It had worked in the past, but I couldn’t verify it now. If no one wants it in two weeks, it gets disassembled and recycled.
Photo of free Old Kenmore Dehumidifier (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Photo of free Old Kenmore Dehumidifier (Huntingtown, Md.) #2
Free: Murray 3667 Manual (Huntingtown, Md.) Expired I have an old Murray 3667 owners manual available free to a good home.
Photo of free Murray 3667 Manual (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Free: Murray 3667 Manual (Huntingtown, Md.) Expired I have an old Murray 3667 owners manual available.
Photo of free Murray 3667 Manual (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Free: Washer/Dryer Parts (Huntingtown, Md.) Expired Various washer and dryer parts free to one who likes to repair appliances.
Photo of free Washer/Dryer Parts (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Free: 8-Foot Fluorescent Fixture (Huntingtown, Md.) Expired I have an 8-Foot Fluorescent Fixture available. The ballast may be bad, but not sure. Picture available upon request.
Photo of free 8-Foot Fluorescent Fixture (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Photo of free 8-Foot Fluorescent Fixture (Huntingtown, Md.) #2
Free: Dorm Size Frig Parts (Huntingtown, Md.) Expired Many parts necessary to repair dorm size (and maybe more) refrigerators, if you’re so inclined. Parts include shelves, thermostats, screws, and more.
Photo of free Dorm Size Frig Parts (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Photo of free Dorm Size Frig Parts (Huntingtown, Md.) #2
Free: 8-Foot Fluorescent Fixture (Huntingtown, Md.) Expired I have an 8-Foot Fluorescent Fixture available. The ballast may be bad, but not sure. Picture available upon request.
Photo of free 8-Foot Fluorescent Fixture (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Photo of free 8-Foot Fluorescent Fixture (Huntingtown, Md.) #2
Free: Kodak Rubber Tank (Huntingtown, Md.) Gifted Kodak Rubber Tank used to develop film, model #2179 available. Good condition. I’d post a picture of it, but having trouble doing so. Will email, if interested.
Photo of free Kodak Rubber Tank (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Photo of free Kodak Rubber Tank (Huntingtown, Md.) #2
Free: Wall Bracket (Huntingtown, Md.) Expired I have a wall bracket available for whoever may want it. I don’t think it’s used to mount a TV to the wall, but you never know. It swivels side to side, but not up and down. If interested, let me know, otherwise, it goes to recycling in two weeks.
Photo of free Wall Bracket (Huntingtown, Md.) #1
Photo of free Wall Bracket (Huntingtown, Md.) #2
Free: Vinyl Gutter Guards (Huntingtown, Md.) Expired I have five 4-foot and three 3-foot vinyl gutter guards that are free to a good home. A couple have been used, but are still functional.
Photo of free Vinyl Gutter Guards (Huntingtown, Md.) #1