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Free: Alley Find Pennsylvania & Walsh (5124 A Pennsylvania) Assorted furniture & appliances
Photo of free Alley Find Pennsylvania & Walsh (5124 A Pennsylvania) #1
Photo of free Alley Find Pennsylvania & Walsh (5124 A Pennsylvania) #2
Photo of free Alley Find Pennsylvania & Walsh (5124 A Pennsylvania) #3
Free: Alley Find - Metal Recyclers (5124 A Pennsylvania) Gifted Old gas stove, dirty and greasy Still a lot of metal
Photo of free Alley Find - Metal Recyclers (5124 A Pennsylvania) #1
Photo of free Alley Find - Metal Recyclers (5124 A Pennsylvania) #2
Photo of free Alley Find - Metal Recyclers (5124 A Pennsylvania) #3
Photo of free Alley Find - Metal Recyclers (5124 A Pennsylvania) #4
+2 +1
Free: Alley Find - Glass doors (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Expired As is, no cracks. In the alley, behind the dumpsters
Photo of free Alley Find - Glass doors (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Free: Tomato Plants (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Gifted Friends got to many. Each comes with a bucket if needed for a balcony/porch garden. You will need to provide your own potting soil.
Photo of free Tomato Plants (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Photo of free Tomato Plants (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #2
Free: Dresser Mirror - Alley Find (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Gifted Black framed mirror, no cracks, some paint stains.
Photo of free Dresser Mirror - Alley Find (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Photo of free Dresser Mirror - Alley Find (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #2
Photo of free Dresser Mirror - Alley Find (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #3
Free: Alley Find - 4 Draw Chest (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Expired Needs a little glue and some TLC.
Photo of free Alley Find - 4 Draw Chest (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Photo of free Alley Find - 4 Draw Chest (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #2
Photo of free Alley Find - 4 Draw Chest (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #3
Photo of free Alley Find - 4 Draw Chest (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #4
+2 +1
Free: Bob Gear Stroller parts (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Gifted Dual stroller parts, as is. No wheels, but frame & canvas seem otherwise complete.
Photo of free Bob Gear Stroller parts (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Photo of free Bob Gear Stroller parts (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #2
Photo of free Bob Gear Stroller parts (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #3
Free: Alley Find - Fiberglass double sink (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Gifted White as is.
Photo of free Alley Find - Fiberglass double sink (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Free: Small Microwave (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Expired Walmart 700 Watt Microwave Less than a year old.
Free: Walmart 700 Watt Microwave (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Gifted Less than a year old.
Photo of free Walmart 700 Watt Microwave (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Photo of free Walmart 700 Watt Microwave (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #2
Photo of free Walmart 700 Watt Microwave (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #3
Free: Complete Film Production Handbook (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Gifted The Complete Film Production Handbook Fourth Edition
Photo of free Complete Film Production Handbook (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Photo of free Complete Film Production Handbook (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #2
Free: Resperonics REMstar|pro2 (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Gifted Seems to be all working, powers up, all functions work. I don't use such devices so I can't really say much about, others the it seems to work, comes with carry bag and it's free.
Photo of free Resperonics REMstar|pro2 (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Photo of free Resperonics REMstar|pro2 (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #2
Photo of free Resperonics REMstar|pro2 (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #3
Photo of free Resperonics REMstar|pro2 (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #4
+7 +6 +5
Free: White Adjustable Shelf Unit (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Gifted Alley Find, hasn't been rained on.
Photo of free White Adjustable Shelf Unit (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Free: Alley find, 2 Chairs (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Expired Not matching, Ready for pickup.
Photo of free Alley find, 2 Chairs (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Photo of free Alley find, 2 Chairs (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #2
Free: Alley Find - Small bookshelf (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Gifted All Wood, hasnt been rained on yet.
Photo of free Alley Find - Small bookshelf (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1
Free: Size A23 Battery (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) Expired I could only find a 2 pack and only needed 1 for a piece of electronics I gave away.
Photo of free Size A23 Battery (5126 Pennsylvania Ave.) #1