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Free: Assembled Wedding Photo Booth Props (Dc) Gifted And Chalkboard Sign count down pick up Ne DC Rhode Island Ave 20002
Photo of free Assembled Wedding Photo Booth Props (Dc) #1
Photo of free Assembled Wedding Photo Booth Props (Dc) #2
Request: Wax warmer (Dc) Hello when I move somehow my wax warmer stopped working looking to see if anyone has one they no longer use. Doesn't have to be exactly like the picture just put the picture for reference.
Photo of Wax warmer (Dc) #1
Free: kitchen items (Dc) Gifted Somethings are new. I want someone to take all of it. Pickup near Rhode Island Ave
Photo of free kitchen items (Dc) #1
Request: Table and chairs (Dc) Received Hello I just moved into a new apartment and I'm looking for a small table and chairs or if you just have a table please let me know happy to pick it up. I'm hoping to find one before Thanksgiving. Thanks
Photo of Table and chairs (Dc) #1
Request: Furniture (Dc) Expired Hello I just moved into my apartment and it's looking for anyone that's giving away furniture I'm in need of a couch and a small table maybe for four people. I'll be happy to schedule a pick up time thank you.
Request: Steamer mop/ cleaning (Dc) Expired Hello I'm looking for a steam my mind has broke if anyone has one that they're not using I would love to pick it up thank you
Free: Pottery Barn set (Dc) Gifted Hello I have six plates and six saucers. I can do a porch pickup must be willing to pick up an Anacostia area. If you're in Northeast my husband works by Brooklyn I can meet somewhere in that area.
Photo of free Pottery Barn set (Dc) #1
Free: Seeds (Dc) Expired Free seeds Back up in Anacostia Area
Photo of free Seeds (Dc) #1
Request: Phone stand or tripod (Dc) Expired Hello, I'm looking for a phone stand that I can use to do my zoom appointments. I'll be happy to pick it up anytime tomorrow and I'll be very grateful thank you.
Photo of Phone stand or tripod (Dc) #1
Free: Box full of Christmas decorations (Dc) Gifted Hello I have a box full of Christmas decorations. Pick up in the Anacostia area porch pickup
Photo of free Box full of Christmas decorations (Dc) #1
Free: Whole bag of fall flowers (Dc) Gifted Fall decorations whole trash bag full of them
Photo of free Whole bag of fall flowers (Dc) #1
Free: Fish tank filters (Dc) Gifted Full box of fish tank filters. Pick up location is in Anacostia area
Photo of free Fish tank filters (Dc) #1
Free: Litter box Anacostia area (Dc) Gifted I have two litter box one is a stainless steel litter box it's not in the picture and the other one is like the one you see above.
Photo of free Litter box Anacostia area (Dc) #1
Free: Guinea pig cage Anacostia area (Dc) Gifted I have a used guinea pig cage I am upgrading their cage to something else I didn't want to just throw this away if anyone can use it
Photo of free Guinea pig cage Anacostia area (Dc) #1
Free: egg incubator (Dc) Gifted I'm in Washington DC Anacostia area porch pickup anytime
Photo of free egg incubator (Dc) #1
Free: Wedding decorations and props (Dc) Gifted Some of the stuff is new and I have a whole box of candle holders glass Pick up is an Anacostia area but if you're not that far I can drop it off I'm moving and I don't want it this stuff to go in the trash
Photo of free Wedding decorations and props (Dc) #1
Photo of free Wedding decorations and props (Dc) #2
Photo of free Wedding decorations and props (Dc) #3
Photo of free Wedding decorations and props (Dc) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: Small fish tank and stand (Dc) Gifted
Photo of free Small fish tank and stand (Dc) #1
Free: Wedding stuff (Dc) Gifted Must take all
Photo of free Wedding stuff (Dc) #1
Photo of free Wedding stuff (Dc) #2
Photo of free Wedding stuff (Dc) #3
Photo of free Wedding stuff (Dc) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Reptile tank (Dc) Gifted Reptile tank I used it was a breaded dragon.
Photo of free Reptile tank (Dc) #1
Free: Wood Dressers (Dc) Gifted I also have a little wooden night stand.
Photo of free Wood Dressers (Dc) #1
Request: Women shoes size 10 (Dc) Expired Does anyone have any shoes they were playing on throwing away size 10 I will happily pick them up anytime
Request: Sofa cover (Dc) Received Hello everyone, I'm looking for a sofa cover like the one in the picture if anyone has one and willing to part with it please let me know.
Photo of Sofa cover (Dc) #1
Free: Floating Wall Square Cube Shelves (Dc) Gifted Melannco Floating Wall Square Cube Shelves for Bedroom, Living Room, Bathroom, Kitchen - Wood, Set of 3, Espresso
Free: Wall art (Dc) Gifted New Christian wall art. Pick up in Ancostia SE DC 20020
Photo of free Wall art (Dc) #1
Request: Cooler (Dc) Received Does anyone have a cooler I can borrow or have.
Photo of Cooler (Dc) #1
Free: Decorative little trees (Dc) Gifted I have a pair of little trees that both light up. I am located in the Anacostia area Washington DC.
Photo of free Decorative little trees (Dc) #1
Free: Box of wedding decorations/gifts (Dc) Gifted hello I I got married a year ago and I have left over decorations and gifts that people didn't take. I'm looking for someone that's willing to take the whole entire box. I am in the Anacostia area Washington DC.
Free: Wedding photo album (Dc) Gifted I have a wedding album I never used
Photo of free Wedding photo album (Dc) #1
Free: Earrings (Dc) Gifted Claire's earrings. These are brand new never used.
Photo of free Earrings (Dc) #1
Request: Spring-Loaded Drawer Latches (Dc) Received Does anyone have any Safety First latches for drawers and cabinets. My mother-in-law has dementia and I would like to take extra precaution to keep her safe.
Photo of Spring-Loaded Drawer Latches (Dc) #1