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Request: Epoxy Resin2-part 50/50/accessories (East Mesa) Expired - I've begun the fun adventure down the casting resin lane... And I'm absolutely in love with the new hobby/craft. It is however kind of expensive... Since you can only mix and use resin for me time and with experimentation and learning comes lots of mistakes and lost resin. So if anyone has any epoxy 2 part 50/50 resin used for shallow casting that is sitting around unused and you would like to clear the clutter and use up that newly found space in your home... I'm definitely your very very grateful lady to dump all those supplies on. I'd love to try so many things . So I'd love to try: * Silicone mold making supplies *Glitters, small add INs (gems, stones, trinkets) *Stickers *Tongue depressors * Small disposable cups *Tiny tiny drill bits *Mold release spray *Alcohol resin dyes *Neon or fancy acrylic paint colors *Micca powders *Beading wire, chain, stretchy cord *Split rings, clasps, earring hooks or clip on backs. Anything for making jewelry or sparkly things I could add to my casts.... Silicone ice trays, silicone molds, maybe even uv resin supplies I haven't tried these yet either. **Note some finished pieces may be sold to earn extra income to support my daughter and myself, part time employment while caring for my aging gma isnt making a dent in the bills.*** Thank u so much in advance. I don't have much to offer in return but if you like any of my designs I'd love to make a custom piece or two, or coaster set for you as a thank you for helping my explore my new favorite hobby without breaking the bank, or taking away from the money needed to care for my family during this inflation. Currently obsessed with small to medium size necklace charms and pins, I have a few cute earring designs in the works. From ice cream cones to angel wings with stars. I'm also making 4 or 6 piece coaster sets in octagon, square, small round and large round sizes, ashtrays with or without star shaped feet, all can be glow in the dark and made 1 of a kind! Thanks again! [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Photo of Epoxy Resin2-part 50/50/accessories (East Mesa)