A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: special educational needs buggy (CB4) - Hi does anyone have a disability pushchair they no longer need please in need for one ASAP huge thank you if you do
Photo of special educational needs buggy (CB4)
Free: bikes (CB4) Gifted - All free spears or repairs
Photo of free bikes (CB4)
Request: Stair gate (CB4) - Hi does anyone have a stair gate they no longer need would really appreciate it thanks Request: Big tarp (CB4) - Hi does anyone have one ore a few tarps they no longer need thanks Request: Seed trays and pots (CB4) Expired - Hi there me and my daughter want to start getting ready for summer and start growing plants does anyone have any pots or seed trays they no long need thanks Request: Minecraft (CB4) Expired - Hi does anyone have any minecraft related items they no longer need please thanks Free: Lg 50 inch (CB4) Gifted - Free lg Plasma 50inch TV powers on but somthing wrong with screen its red and flicking would be good for spares or repair keeping for 2 days then going tip
Photo of free Lg 50 inch (CB4)
Request: Small hamster cage (CB4) Expired - Super long shot has anyone got a small cage for a small mouse Request: Pc chair (CB4) Expired - Hi does anyone have a pc chair they no longer need thanks Request: Double mattress (CB4) Expired - Hi does anyone have a double mattress they no longer need would really appreciate it thanks Request: Minecraft (CB4) Expired - Hi does anyone have any minecraft related items they no longer need please thanks Request: Minecraft stuff (CB4) Expired - Hi does anyone have any minecraft toys or anything related to it they no long need anymore thanks Request: Minecraft stuff (CB4) Expired - Hi does anyone have any minecraft toys or anything related to it they no long need anymore thanks Request: Metal detector (CB4) Expired - Hi does anyone have a metal detector they no longer use or need any.kre would really appreciate it thanks Request: Metal detector (CB4) Expired - Hi does anyone have a metal detector they no longer use or need any.kre would really appreciate it thanks Free: Tv (CB4) Gifted - Not sure on size worked last time I used
Photo of free Tv (CB4)
Request: Ps4 minecraft (CB4) Expired - Hi my daughters just got a ps4 and wants minecraft just wonding if anyone has it and no longer plays and another controller would really appreciate it Request: Back massager (CB4) Expired - Hi does any one have a back massager they no longer use in desperate need for one at the moment
Request: Metal detector (CB4) Expired - Hi does any one have one they no longer use or need anymore my daughter been watching videos on it and wants try it would really appreciate it thanks
Photo of Metal detector (CB4)
Request: Electric saw (CB4) Expired - Hi does any one have a powered saw they no longer use as me and my daughter are making an allotment in the garden and need to make a fence would really appreciate it thanks in advance
Photo of Electric saw (CB4)
Request: Car polisher (CB4) Expired - Does anyone have a car polisher they no longer use your really appreciate it thanks Request: Pc gaming headset (CB4) Expired - Does anyone have a pc gaming headset they no longer need please thank in advance Request: Gaming headset (CB4) Expired - Hi there does anyone have a gaming headset for a pc they no longer need please thanks in advance Free: Baby stuff (CB4) Gifted - All free just needs a clean as been in storage for ages
Photo of free Baby stuff (CB4)
Free: Polystyrene (CB4) Expired - Got good placing of polystyrene for free come with TV any good for anyone Request: Ds lite charger (CB4) Expired - Hi does anyone have a nintendo ds lite charger they no longer need my daughters ones broke and would really appreciate one thanks Request: Shed roof felt (CB4) Expired - Hi does anyone have any felt available please would really appreciate it thanks
Photo of Shed roof felt (CB4)
Request: Washing machine (CB4) Expired - Hi does anyone have a working washing machine available please Request: Baby bike helmet (CB4) Expired - Hi does any one have a boys baby bike helmet they no longer need please would really appreciate it thank you Request: Baby seat for bike (CB4) Expired - Hi there does any one have a child seat for a bike they no longer need please in desperate need thanks in advance