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Free: The Cube Game (Waterlooville PO8) Expired The Cube Game Used a long time ago but I think it’s all there
Photo of free The Cube Game (Waterlooville PO8) #1
Request: Exercise bike (Waterlooville PO8) My wife and I would like to improve our Health and wondered if anyone had an exercise bike or other exercise machine they no longer needed many thanks
Free: Loom Twister (Waterlooville PO8) Expired Loom Twister loom kit suit child 8 + Used by my Grand Daughter but still good to go
Photo of free Loom Twister (Waterlooville PO8) #1
Request: Exercise bike or machine (Waterlooville PO8) I need to get fit especially strengthen my leg muscles. Any body got an exercise bike or simarly they no longer need Many thanks
Free: Piano Music and Theory Books (Waterlooville PO8) Gifted Piano Music and Theory Books 8 in no Suit someone doing music GCSE etc
Photo of free Piano Music and Theory Books (Waterlooville PO8) #1
Request: Xmas tree (Waterlooville PO8) Received I had to throw last years tree out as it collapsed so need a new one artificial about 6 feet would be ideal
Request: Piano music or learning books (Waterlooville PO8) Expired I’m learning the Piano again but need books and music grateful for anything
Free: ToneBank CT470 Keyboard (Waterlooville PO8) Gifted Well used but still working perfectly Does not come with Power Supply or any extras.
Photo of free ToneBank CT470 Keyboard (Waterlooville PO8) #1
Free: 21 novels (Waterlooville PO8) Gifted 21 Novels various Authors some Daniel Steele
Photo of free 21 novels (Waterlooville PO8) #1
Free: Hand Vac (Waterlooville PO8) Gifted HomeKane Hand Vac usb charging
Photo of free Hand Vac (Waterlooville PO8) #1
Free: Pinnacle Studio version 14 Software (Waterlooville PO8) Gifted Pinnacle Studio version 14 Software Includes green Screen
Photo of free Pinnacle Studio version 14 Software (Waterlooville PO8) #1
Free: Small Quadcopter Drone (Waterlooville PO8) Gifted Small Quadcopter never rally got to grips with it Barely used
Photo of free Small Quadcopter Drone (Waterlooville PO8) #1
Free: Cold Lay Tarmac (Waterlooville PO8) Gifted Half a bag of cold Lay Tarmac for any tarmac repairs you may have. Not sure how long it will last but only opened today
Free: Metal Files (Waterlooville PO8) Gifted A selection of very old metal files well used and all sizes
Photo of free Metal Files (Waterlooville PO8) #1
Request: Office Chair (Fareham PO16) Received Disaster office Chair legs collapsed anyone got one they don’t want
Free: Iron (Waterlooville PO8) Gifted Beldray iron not required anymore hope it’s of use to someone
Photo of free Iron (Waterlooville PO8) #1
Request: Amazon Fire TV Stick (Waterlooville PO8) Received Anyone got a Amazon Fire TV Stick they no longer need as I would like to change my TV to a smart TV
Request: Electronic Keyboard (Waterlooville PO8) Received I used to play the Piano as a child and now I’m retired I would like to relearn and hope someone has an adult size Electronic keyboard they no longer use
Free: Vax upright Carpet Cleaner (Waterlooville PO8) Gifted Vax upright Carpet Cleaner seems to be all there but not sure it’s working correctly as not used in a few months
Photo of free Vax upright Carpet Cleaner (Waterlooville PO8) #1
Free: LG Smart TV (Waterlooville PO8) Gifted 43 inch LG SmartTV works ok but picture seems dark to me May need adjusting or Repair
Request: Adjustable walking stick (Waterlooville PO8) Received Just had a hip replacement and would like to move from crutches to walking stick. Anyone got one they don’t need. Needs to be adjustable for my height Many thanks