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Offers   Requests
Request: Embroidery floss (West acton) Seeking unwanted embroidery thread in any colors. Thanks!!!
Request: Non teflon pots and pans (West acton) Maybe you have recently gone to an induction stove. We could use your old pans. Seeking cast iron or ceramic or stainless. No Teflon coating please. Thanks!!!
Request: Tiny jelly jars (West acton) Received Received a spice advent calendar and need 24 little shorty jars like from jelly in hotels or restaurants. Thanks!
Free: Art materials (West acton) Gifted Vintage art making stuff.
Photo of free Art materials (West acton) #1
Free: Dryel (West Medford ma) Gifted Dryel bag and3 packs
Photo of free Dryel (West Medford ma) #1
Free: Fishy stuff (West Medford ma) Gifted Beta and goldfish stuff
Photo of free Fishy stuff (West Medford ma) #1
Free: old interactive computer games (West Medford ma) Gifted See photo Some on CD rom. Some on floppies. True antiques. Anyone? Bueller?
Photo of free old interactive computer games (West Medford ma) #1
Free: Crate and barrel picnic basket (West acton) Gifted Like new. Never used for food. Super clean and spacious. Come take it so you can plan you visit to the orchard to pick apples with your ham and cheese sandwich, Utz and picnic blanket at the ready.
Photo of free Crate and barrel picnic basket (West acton) #1
Photo of free Crate and barrel picnic basket (West acton) #2
Free: Original Apple packaging (West acton) Gifted MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iPad, many iPhones. Just the empty original boxes.
Free: Green flower arranging stuff (West acton) Expired Don’t know what it’s called.
Photo of free Green flower arranging stuff (West acton) #1
Free: Broken electric lawn mower (West acton) Gifted For parts?
Photo of free Broken electric lawn mower (West acton) #1
Photo of free Broken electric lawn mower (West acton) #2
Request: Gold fish for my pond (West acton) Expired Seeking some fish for my little pond to eat the mosquito larvae. Lmk if you need to give some up! Thanks.
Request: Eclipse eye protection glasses (West acton) Expired Anyone have extras to share. Need up to 3. Thanks!!!
Request: Bold child’s stopwatch (West acton) Expired Anything easy to read and w chunky buttons. Thanks!!
Request: Roller shades (West acton) Expired Any color. Wider than 21”. With working recoil mechanism (or whatever that thing is called!) Thanks!
Request: Toy clock to learn telling time (West acton) Expired Please has your kid outgrown a clock that teaches how to tell time? I need one. Thanks!!