A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Water Dispenser (Hickory St. & Breezehill Av S) Expired - In search of an upright water dispenser, to assist a person who lives rural The current one leaks all over the floor. I can pick up in most regions of Ottawa, up to the West direction of Carleton Place, Perth, Hwy 7 etc. Delivery drop off in Little Italy/Civic hospital appreciated
Photo of Water Dispenser (Hickory St. & Breezehill Av S)
Request: Shower Seat (Hickory St. & Breezehill Av S) Expired - In search of a shower seat or bench, to assist a senior in their bathroom. Located between Little Italy & Civic hospital area. I am able to pick up in some parts of Ottawa - a delivery drop off would be appreciated Request: old dryer drums (Hickory St. & Breezehill Av S) Expired - Looking for any old, non-working dryers or washing machines. I need the inside metal barrels to make firepits for my cottage. I have a trailer and can come collect during the weekday evenings. Thanks for contacting me! (Little Italy/Hintonburg) Request: Black and White Tree (Hickory St. & Breezehill Av S) Expired - Hello! I am looking for a Black artificial Christmas & a white artificial Christmas tree. Small size preferred - between 2 to 4 ft. I can pick up from most locations throughout the city & surrounding area. Thank you for looking!
Photo of Black and White Tree (Hickory St. & Breezehill Av S)
Photo of Black and White Tree (Hickory St. & Breezehill Av S)
Free: Working Blender (need small repair) (Hickory St. & Breezehill Av S) Expired - Beautiful working PC brand blender. Only minor issue is that it seems to be missing a rubber ring between the glass & the blade collar - as liquid comes out the bottom when running. I have not attempted to try this repair, as I rarely use a large blender & no time to try. Should be a simple fix otherwise! It does come apart for cleaning/repair, but I am unable to twist off the bottom. Located near Carling/Sherwood Dr. Porch Pick up
Photo of free Working Blender (need small repair) (Hickory St. & Breezehill Av S)
Free: Silicone molds (Bayswater/Sherwood) (Hickory St. & Breezehill Av S) Gifted - Large lot of silicone molds in lots of different shapes & sizes! Useful for a variety of things like homemade crayons, mini soaps, chocolates, gummy bears, jello...etc etc Located near Bayswater/Sherwood Dr. Porch pick up
Photo of free Silicone molds (Bayswater/Sherwood) (Hickory St. & Breezehill Av S)