A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Small desk (Langley park DH7) Expired - Looking for a desk/dressing table for my granddaughters bedroom. Can collect. Don't mind an upcycle project . Tia Request: Plastic sheeting (Langley park DH7) Expired - Corrugated type for a roof shelter Request: Dog kennel (Langley park DH7) Expired - My dog hates the heating and likes to sit outside so I'm looking for a kennel for her for shelter. She has a double thick coat as she's a mountain dog, she sleeps on my bed but prefers to be outdoors during the day. She isn't abused and is dearly loved before anyone thinks otherwise, she sits outside because she likes to.
Photo of Dog kennel (Langley park DH7)
Request: Folding chairs (Langley park DH7) Expired - Folding chairs needed. I have a table but no chairs. Needed to fold away for storage as the house isn't big enough for a full dining table. Much appreciated Request: Flooring (Langley park DH7) Expired - Carpet, laminate or floor tiles. I have a whole house to do, it's all floorboards at the minute. Anything would be appreciated depending on size . Request: Curtain poles / Harrison drape (Langley park DH7) Received - Any would do. Just moved house and have a few windows to cover. All sizes. Anything would be appreciated Request: Dog kennel (Langley park DH7) Expired - Dog kennel needed Outdoor medium to large Request: Indoor hanging baskets (Langley park DH7) Expired - Any Request: Kitchen work top (Langley park DH7) Expired - About 1-1.5 m in length Free: Leather couch 2 seater (Langley park DH7) Gifted - Lovely Italian leather 2 seater sofa. Couple of scuff marks. Cushions not included. Brown
Photo of free Leather couch 2 seater (Langley park DH7)
Photo of free Leather couch 2 seater (Langley park DH7)
Photo of free Leather couch 2 seater (Langley park DH7)
Photo of free Leather couch 2 seater (Langley park DH7)
+3 +2 +1
Request: Indoor hanging baskets (Langley park DH7) Expired - Any Request: Tarpaulin (Langley park DH7) Expired - Any size will do, can't afford a shed yet and need to cover some stuff up before winter Request: Wood or pallets (Langley park DH7) Expired - To make raised beds in a garden Request: Tarpaulin (Langley park DH7) Expired - Any size would be helpful Request: Single bed base (Langley park DH7) Expired - Single base or base and mattress Request: Pallets or wood (Langley park DH7) Expired - To make raised beds in the garden