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Request: Working printer (Berkley) Hello My printer unfortunately decided to poop out on me at the most inopportune time & I don't currently have the money to purchase another one, not even a cheap one at the moment. I don't care how fancy it might be, just that it works. Color ink capabilities would be preferred but definitely not a requirement for me! I'm not too picky just have many documents I need to get printed out ASAP. I am over in the 66th Ave & Lowell area & I do have my own transportation. If you happen to have one laying around that you don't need anymore & it works I'd be ever so blessed to take it off your hands. Please let me know Thanks in advance
Request: Straw/ hay bales (Berkley) Withdrawn Anybody have one/ some they are wanting to get rid of? I'm trying to insulate some feral kitty beds ... Let me know. Thank you
Request: Diabetic Supplies (Berkley) Expired I know it's a long shot, but we're running out of options & my husband desperately needs some diabetic supplies that we can't afford ASAP. Long story short, he's got Type 1 diabetes (a.k.a. the genetic one some people automatically start suffering during childhood; not the unhealthy lifestyle kind you can get rid of by switching to a healthy diet & exercise). Anyway he's on Medicaid & very recently his specialty pharmacy that has been sending his supplies via USPS mail for the last 6-7 months is apparently unexpectedly under audit, which they explained means that during this time (with no end in sight) his specialty pharmacy can't ship out any of his medical supplies to him or any other patient they serve. Convenient, right? Anyway, we can't afford to purchase any of the supplies he uses out of pocket, but he's in some serious medical trouble without these supplies. I often see very generous & thoughtful people post on here about how they are giving away their old diabetic supplies they no longer need for one reason or another, so I figured it might help for someone who desperately needs these diabetic supplies to try and reach out with an S.O.S. flare. Maybe you are that someone I'm talking about who may just have some of these things we really need right now that are laying around, not being used that they might be willing to donate to my husband. A little background: My hubby has Type 1 diabetes & has had since around age 12 as Type 1s do. Anyway, to be perfectly honest he has always resented the fact that basically about the only thing he's ever inherited from his deadbeat completely absent father was his name (he named him Jr. & then bounced out of his life!) and his lovely Type 1 diabetes. His mother was also absent & frankly clueless & wasn't interested in learning about her son's diabetes so i imagine he never really had any guidance from any adult about how to take good care of himself & stay healthy keeping his specialized unique needs as a T1Diabetic. My point I'm really trying to communicate with you is that he has never been the best at taking good care of himself & his blood sugars. For the longest time he would only take the same amount of long-acting insulin at bedtime every night, and rarely (if ever) any of the short-acting insulin prior to meals like you're supposed to. On top of that he also barely ever checked his blood sugars during that time, instead opting to just go off of how he was feeling to guide him. One incident was a day where he was feeling like dirt & swore up & down that he knew his sugar was extremely high & asked me to give him a large number of units in the moment. He was kinda out of it & we had a glucometer handy at the time so I ended up doing a fingerstick on him just to see how high they were before I prepared proper dosage of insulin. Turns out his sugars were actually like 50 & he needed no insulin at all then. Super glad I checked that. Anyway as you can imagine his A1C was thru the ROOF for at least a handful of years up until recently. About 6 months ago, after YEARS of trying to get on one, his MD finally wrote him a script to get onto a CGM (dexcom g6 & insulin pump (omnipod 5). Yippee, he didn't have to do fingersticks anymore and he still knew what his BG was at basically all times, plus has finally gotten the ability to treat high glucose immediately and without having to poke himself. Great! His A1C? Coming way down to healthy levels, FINALLY, for once after riding around A1C 11 or 12 for several years & being in & out of the hospital frequently for DKA issues. Ffwd to now. He just was notified by his specialty pharmacy that they can't send out any supplies to anyone until after their audit, if that! Of course when he just found this out at the end of last week, that's when he was on his last omnipod pump (lasts 3 days) and he's currently on his final dexcom sensor right now. He no longer has any more omnipod pumps, and turns out we can't give him insulin via syringe any longer currently because he's fresh out of those as well & insurance all the sudden says those are no longer covered out of the blue. We currently can see his blood sugar via his dexcom (he just applied new sensor yesterday) and those are supposed to last 10 days, but that sometimes gets pulled out before then and even if it makes it full 10 days after that he'll be SOL because we have 2 glucometers at the moment. One of which we have test strips for, but it got broken somehow so the screen is no longer visible or readable at all. The other one we can read but he's out of test strips. Aaah! So stressful. So currently his BG on his dexcom is reading "HIGH" meaning its in the high end outside of the dexcom parameters (which I can't remember if the top number stops at 400 or 500). He is dead to the world other than when he gets up to puke. He's gonna end up in the hospital again today if we can't figure something out. Definitely not anyone's issue but ours, so no rush. However if anyone knows anyone or is anyone that has any of the following items laying around that they can't or won't use, we would be ever so fatal grateful to be able to take them off your hands: Needed supplies ASAP: 1) functioning glucometer w/ test strips, or just extra verio brand test strips (we have a finger poker & plenty of lancets) 2) dexcom g6 sensors or transmitters 3) omnipod 5 insulin pump(s) 4) unused sterile insulin syringes (0.5cc-1cc) preferably in unopened packet but we know, beggars can't be choosers Our one saving grace is that we do have enough of a supply of insulin for now *fingers crossed* so we are currently okay on that. Again I know this is a long-shot, but we are getting desperate over here & pretty soon (like within the next 12hrs) he's gonna end up in the hospital for several days again if we can't figure anything out. If you can, please help. Thank you so much in advance.
Request: Cinder blocks & several wood posts (Berkley) Expired Does anybody have some cinder blocks and/or 4x4 wooden posts they would like to part with? I live in a rental property & desperately need to build a makeshift fence that's movable but sturdy and respectable, that doesn't look trashy. Why? Well, to keep my neighbors 3 kids OUT of my yard for the rest of however long they'll be staying here (technically they've been evicted but for some reason it's taking them SO LONG to finally be removed). They are all horrible people in so many ways but the number 1 reason I urgently need a fence is because recently we discovered that they've tortured & killed *at least* 2 of the feral cats that live around here that we & another neighbor take care of, like TNR'd, fed them, looked out for their well-being, etc. (Yes the police are aware but can't do anything without it being on video or caught in the act basically). I know that at least one of our poor cats was lured by these rotten children as they were sprawled out across my yard (which is connected to theirs, no fence or anything) with a bowl of food & a bit of determination. We are devastated by this and would like to do everything we can to prevent this from happening again in the future. They've always have a real problem following directions and minding boundaries, but only now did we become aware that they are cat murderers so until they are gone we need to do something to prevent our sweet outdoor friends from suffering the same fate. We don't have much money at all, which is why I'm hoping someone on here has some extra materials they are done with or wouldn't mind parting with that we could build a fence with ASAP. THANK YOU so much in advance.
Photo of Cinder blocks & several wood posts (Berkley) #1
Photo of Cinder blocks & several wood posts (Berkley) #2
Photo of Cinder blocks & several wood posts (Berkley) #3
Request: Astroturf (Berkley) Expired Hi there I'm looking to acquire some astroturf for both my yard as well as to share with some of my animal rescuer friends. I currently have the world's worst neighbors who not only refuse to have their kids play in their own (much bigger) yard that I have always taken great pride in making look pristine, but they also were so wasteful with the water & electricity that used to be included with everyone's rent that my landlord is actually taking that perk away now because of their waste. Not only that but they are always plucking the grass on purpose, spitting, urinating, throwing large obnoxious tantrums etc etc in my yard I used to seek refuge in taking care of. Yes, it's no exaggeration. Landlord says they've supposed to have been evicted already. But alas, they remain! No idea how much longer we have to put up with this but man, I look forward to the day it's over. However the damage and disrespect they have shown will echo on long after they've left, because my landlord isn't gonna change back the policy of utilities included in rent. I'm low income & disabled, and I'm not going to be able to afford to water my grass AND my vegetable garden I'm planning for this year. But we also must keep our yard & grass looking extra green. This is why I'm looking to see if anyone has any extra astroturf scraps laying around that they want to donate. My yard isn't huge. I already have a little bit. Anything extra I might receive I will be donating to local animal rescuing friends if mine who can always use it. Thank you in advance Sorry for the long story.
Photo of Astroturf (Berkley) #1
Request: Knee scooter (Berkley) Expired Does anyone have a knee scooter from an old injury that's taking up space in their house that you'd be interested in lending or blessing us with? My husband just had a bad accident spinning out on his ebike when there was a bunch of gravel in the road & severely injured his ankle. He has to wear this giant boot and isn't supposed to put any weight on it so he's using crutches and/or a cane but our house is pretty small so he's having trouble getting around with the crutches & sometimes tries to walk without assisting devices (which hurts and he isn't supposed to do). A knee scooter would solve this issue for him. We do have a vehicle to meet you somewhere. We don't have any extra money right now to buy one but we do have interesting things to trade if anyone is interested. Please and thank you
Photo of Knee scooter (Berkley) #1
Photo of Knee scooter (Berkley) #2