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Request: a sled (2909 Hillsboro ave) looking for an adult sled to repurpose. if you have one your not using please let me know
Request: used tent (2909 Hillsboro ave) Expired looking for a tent to repurpose so anyone has one they don't need or use please let me know I could do a pick up this week
Request: used snowmobile parts (2909 Hillsboro ave) Withdrawn I'm looking for a pair of snowmobile skiis and a seat. it'll be used to repurpose them for a project. So if you have these let me know i could do a pickup sat. thanks
Request: recliner or couch (2909 Hillsboro ave) Withdrawn looking for a recliner or small couch an ikea couch would be great because they are easy to transport up stairs
Request: pool noodle (2909 Hillsboro ave) Withdrawn looking for pool noodles for project they don't have to be new if someone have a couple they no longer need thank you in advance
Free: fishing misc (2909 Hillsboro ave) Withdrawn I have some reels and a few lures
Photo of free fishing misc (2909 Hillsboro ave) #1
Request: dresser (2909 Hillsboro ave) Expired looking for a dresser to repurpose doesn't have to have all drawers but a solid base would be nice
Request: small dresser (2909 Hillsboro ave) Expired I'm looking for a small dresser to repurpose into a tv stand doesn't have to have all drawers but, would like a solos base to work with.
Request: microwave (2909 Hillsboro ave) Expired looking for a small microwave if anyone has one
Free: bon Terra mountain bike (Centerview lane) Expired I have a bon Terra mountain bike just needs a little tlc shifting needs work if somebody wants a project
Photo of free bon Terra mountain bike (Centerview lane) #1
Photo of free bon Terra mountain bike (Centerview lane) #2
Request: queen size bed frame (Centerview lane) Expired looking for a queen size bed frame just moved here so I have very little furniture any help is appreciated thank you
Request: fishing rods (Centerview lane) Expired looking for fishing rods prefer light action but any type will do.
Request: xl adult bike (Centerview lane) Expired looking for an adult bike I'm very tall so at least a 26 in frame if possible thank you
Free: tv stand (Coronado prkway n) Expired I have a tv stand glass tops
Photo of free tv stand (Coronado prkway n) #1
Photo of free tv stand (Coronado prkway n) #2
Free: queen bed and recliner (Coronado prkway n) Expired I have several pieces of furniture a recliner. queen bed frame thar breaks down an ikea lounge couch the couch just needs cover all in good shape I need everything gone in next few days moving out of state can't take with thank you...kitty doesn't come with
Photo of free queen bed and recliner (Coronado prkway n) #1
Free: marble table with stools (Coronado prkway n) Gifted 3ft by 3ft roughly I decent shape a few nicks
Photo of free marble table with stools (Coronado prkway n) #1
Free: utility box (Florida and Galena st) Gifted thus is a very well built box wood and reinforced metal covet. good for pickup or whatever
Photo of free utility box (Florida and Galena st) #1
Photo of free utility box (Florida and Galena st) #2
Photo of free utility box (Florida and Galena st) #3
Photo of free utility box (Florida and Galena st) #4
+2 +1
Request: fly rod (Florida and Galena st) Expired looking for a fly rod and reel if anyone has one they don't use. thank you
Request: fishing rods (Florida and Galena st) Expired looking for used fishing rods and reels
Request: used skate board (Florida and Galena st) Expired I'm looking for a used skate boards for project not worried about condition because I plan to recondition them
Free: tall dresser 6 drawer (Florida and Galena st) Expired I have a 6 drawer dresser I don't have space for great shape will need a large vehicle or truck to haul
Photo of free tall dresser 6 drawer (Florida and Galena st) #1
Photo of free tall dresser 6 drawer (Florida and Galena st) #2
Request: used or broken fishing reels (Florida and Galena st) Expired I'm looking to rebuild a reel I have but need parts. so if anyone has a couple of fishing reels they don't need I'll use the parts. thanks for reading