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Free: Education: Primary, a folder of odds and ends (Halstead CO9) Education: Primary, a folder of odds and ends (item 21) Contains a range of bits and pieces such as info on drugs, Road Safety work, work on Europe, quizzes
Free: Education, CPSHE topics (Halstead CO9) Education, CPSHE topics CPSHE (Citizenship and Personal Social and Health Education) topics. This is 2 folders worth of topics including Sex ed, mainly aimed at Year 8 but could be used at other levels. The topics include teaching instructions and are for lessons which involve interaction by the students eg: a court case where they have to act the different parts and discuss how it is done.
Free: Education, Science topics, mainly KS3 & 4 (Halstead CO9) Education, Science topics, mainly KS3 & 4 Science Practical Topics KS3 & 4; Science Based Activities; Radon, Questions and Answers, National Radiological Protection Board; Science in a Global Context, VSO; Everything you wanted to know about Sponsorship, British Association for the Advancement of Science; Pulse Annual 2005, Wellcome Trust; Science Resource Book, Bridec (for the equivalent of Village Technology Colleges in Botswana); Science in School; To see a world in a grain of sand, poster, University of Leicester; Smoker’s Cough, A criminal investigation, practical investigation;
Free: Maths and Human Rights (Halstead CO9) Maths and Human Rights Working with Amnesty on the concept of Human Rights a number of teachers worked on a range of Maths topics. This file is a selection of those topics that were being tested in different schools. These are the draft copies not the final book.
Free: Education, Secondary School, Science, Books 2 (Halstead CO9) Education, Secondary School, Science, Books 2 Planetary Astronomy, Longmans Physics Topics, by E J Wenham, Longmans, 1979; Dictionary of Energy, by D McMonagle, ASE, 1994; The Science Teachers’ Handbook, Ideas and Activities for Every Classroom, by Andy Byers et al, Heinemann/VSO, 1994; ASE Guide to Secondary Science Education, by V Wood-Robinson, ASE, 2006;
Free: Health and care booklets (Halstead CO9) Health and care booklets A range of Health and Care booklets, all oldish but still relevant: Putting Patients First from abpi The Health Education Journal from Health Education Council Care in the Home, Stress from RoSPA 20 Years of Air Pollution Control from Manchester Area Council for Clean Air and Noise Control Get in on the Act from Rochdale Council Equal Opportunities Care in the Home, Sad facts of dying from cold from RoSPA Health in the Year 2000 from Glaxo
Free: OU Chemistry for Science Teachers (Halstead CO9) OU Chemistry for Science Teachers OU Chemistry for Science Teachers The complete course containing the books, booklets, posters, course folder, videos and tapes and carrying box.
Free: Geography Books (Halstead CO9) Geography Books Some of these are a bit old and provide therefore a view of the world before plate tectonics and continental drift were full recognised, giving a historical perspective. The Earth, by I O Evans, Hamlyn, 1974; A Dictionary of Geography, by W G Moore, Penguin Books, 1970; The Face of the Earth, by G H Dury, Penguin Books, 1970.
Free: Science and Technology Education, UNESCO (Halstead CO9) Science and Technology Education, UNESCO (item 25) The Teaching of Science and Technology in an Interdisciplinary Context, Approaches for the Primary School, Document series 19 by UNESCO Games and Toys in the teaching of Science and Technology, Document series 29 by UNESCO
Free: Education, Secondary, Earth Science books (Halstead CO9) Education, Secondary, Earth Science books (item 24) Earth and Atmosphere, a one term session of lessons with resources; Earth and Space, a 27 lesson course, originally for Papua New Guinea, relevant to UK; Workbook 2, goes with the Earth and Space course.; Earth Science, Science at Work Series; Earth Science Activities and Demonstrations, by Mike Tuke, leaflet of examples; Earth Science for Secondary Teachers, an Inset Handbook, NCC Inset Resources; Earth Science, Essex Modular Science Series.
Free: Energy Production leaflets and posters (Halstead CO9) Energy Production leaflets and posters (item 23) A mix of leaflets and posters on Energy production. Plus a Shell booklet on other uses of petrochemicals.
Free: English as a second language course (Halstead CO9) English as a second language course (item 22) Notes and materials done from the course leading to ESOL qualification
Free: Education, Design Technology and Science, Polymer Study Tour (Halstead CO9) Education, Design Technology and Science, Polymer Study Tour (item 20) Detailed course notes and handouts for a 4 day course on polymers, suitable for upper primary and all secondary as a teaching resource.
Free: Decisions of the courts, 1960s and 1970s (Halstead CO9) Expired Decisions of the courts, 1960s and 1970s A small folder by the Department of Health and Social Security on the Decisions of the Course relating to Supplementary Benefits and Family Income Supplements Legislation. published 1980. Could be of interest to those looking at the history of law.
Free: 4 Trolley/chair type wheels. (Halstead CO9) Expired 4 Trolley/chair type wheels. These 4 trolley/chair type wheels are made of plastic, coloured black, with a diameter of about 3.5cm. I have no idea from where they came.
Free: Education, Primary School, Science topics, leaflets, posters (Halstead CO9) Expired Education, Primary School, Science topics, leaflets, posters Primary Science and Technology, CLEAPPS Newsletter; Teaching Primary Earth Science, Environmental Systems, Cycles and Systems joined up thinking; Teaching Primary Earth Science, Eco Schools, Making our Schools Greener; Teaching Primary Earth Science, School Clubs, Extra Curricular Earth Science Activities; CIWF posters – Hens should ...., Pigs should ...., Turkeys should ...; Arnold Activity Sheets, 3 packs; Stepping into Science project newsletter; Transit of Venus poster; Shell Education News.
Free: Education, Primary school, Science topics, books, booklets (Halstead CO9) Expired Education, Primary school, Science topics, books, booklets Space and Space Travel; Science with the Fun bits left in published by Young Scientist; The World of Microbes by Dariel Burdass, published by The Society for General Microbiology; That’s Chemistry by Jan Rees, published by Royal Society of Chemistry; Biology, It’s Life with David Bellamy; Be Safe, A Guide to Health and Safety Training; Science, Germs and Cleaning, Teacher’s Resource Booklet; Aqua equipment, kit instructions.
Free: Science Books, Materials (Halstead CO9) Science Books, Materials The New Science of Strong Materials, by J E Gordon, Penguin Books, 1974; Minerals in Industry, by W R Jones, Penguin Books, 1963; Metals in the Service of Man, by W Alexander & A Street, Penguin Books, 1973.
Free: Science Books, Biology (Halstead CO9) Science Books, Biology May look old but the biology has not changed. The Senses of Animals and Men by Lorus and Margery Milne, Penguin Books 1965; Animals without Backbones, by Ralph Buchsbaum, Penguin Books, 1974; Man and the Vertebrates 1, by A S Romer, Penguin Books, 1974; Man and the Vertebrates 2, by A S Romer, Penguin Books, 1972; Microbes and Man, by John Postgate, Penguin Books, 1969; Man, Microbe and Malady, by John Drew, Penguin Books, 1950;
Free: Booklets to do with food (Halstead CO9) Expired Booklets to do with food Selection of booklets to do with food. Bit old but still relevant. The new microwave labels Food Sense A square meal, a square deal Your Food and Health Pack a Healthy Meal You and the Environment Food for Healthy Hearts Dietary Guidelines to lower your Cancer Risk Food as Fuel Dietary Fibre
Free: Education, Science KS2 and 3, Booklets on Plastics, Oil, Met (Halstead CO9) Expired Education, Science KS2 and 3, Booklets on Plastics, Oil, Metals A series of booklets produced by BP in 1987 on Plastics, oil and metals looking at the origins, production and usage at a simple level.
Free: Education, Secondary School, Science Booklets (Halstead CO9) Education, Secondary School, Science Booklets After-school Science and Engineering Clubs, Good Practice Workshops, Centre for Science Education, 2009; Oil and Gas for Britain, Shell UK Ltd; Detergents Half Century, Shell UK Ltd; The Earth in Our Hands, The Geological Society; Making Decisions, Microelectronics For All, Hobsons Scientific, 1988; Using Memory, Microelectronics For All, Hobsons Scientific, 1988; Counting, Microelectronics For All, Hobsons Scientific, 1988; National Centre for Earth Observation, Highlights of 2009/10; The Heart, the Discovery and Development of Medicines, Teachers’ Notes
Free: Education, Primary School, Range of topics (Halstead CO9) Education, Primary School, Range of topics Geography, folder of outline maps for Britain, Europe, the World; Emergency Services, A Teaching Resource for Schools; Maths topic, Explaining Transport with planes, trains & buses, worksheets at different levels; A Curriculum for Global Citizenship by Oxfam; Guidance on Collective Worship by Essex County Council; Mad Maths, Key Stage 2; Road Safety, Activity Book 1; The 5 Pillars of Islam from TES. Beach Safety Guidelines, Safety on the Sea What to do if you are worried a child is being abused Maths is Fun Lexicon Crosswords based on A First Dictionary
Free: Lots of glass jars (Halstead CO9) Lots of glass jars of a range of shapes and sizes. Probably more than 20.
Free: Education, Secondary School, Science, Books (Halstead CO9) Education, Secondary School, Science, Books Planetary Astronomy, Longmans Physics Topics, by E J Wenham, Longmans, 1979; Dictionary of Energy, by D McMonagle, ASE, 1994; The Science Teachers’ Handbook, Ideas and Activities for Every Classroom, by Andy Byers et al, Heinemann/VSO, 1994; ASE Guide to Secondary Science Education, by V Wood-Robinson, ASE, 2006;
Free: Old Torches (Halstead CO9) Expired Old Torches Would you like the challenge of mending old torches? I have a pile of old torches that I keep meaning to mend tomorrow. Now I am offering that challenge to someone else. They are a range of different shapes and sizes.
Free: Willow poles (Halstead CO9) Gifted Am just cutting back my willow trees as they grow so quickly. Have now plenty of willow poles, long thin bendy branches. They would be good for kids to build dens in the garden.
Free: NVQ Business Administration Levels 1 and 2 (Halstead CO9) Expired NVQ Business Administration Levels 1 and 2 Pack on the course outline for NVQ Business Administration Levels 1 and 2 with detail for each topic.
Free: Aviation advanced course (Halstead CO9) Gifted Aviation advanced course 16 large texts for CPL, passed on to me some years ago by a pilot who had completed his commercial course so I could use them for reference. Now available to anyone else. Note that they will not be fully up to date but could be a useful reference.
Free: Education, Business Studies (Halstead CO9) Education, Business Studies Folder of a range of worksheets on Business Studies for fairly low level KS4. Developed for Special Needs students.