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Free: Girls clothes aged 5 (Roath CF24) Gifted Bundle of girls clothes including the shirts, leggings, coat, pyjamas. Plenty of life left in them.
Photo of free Girls clothes aged 5 (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Pine wooden door (Roath CF24) Gifted Victorian pine wooden door 28 x 75.5 inches.
Photo of free Pine wooden door (Roath CF24) #1
Photo of free Pine wooden door (Roath CF24) #2
Free: Wooden slats x 6 (Roath CF24) Expired 6 wooden slats from bed Free to good home
Free: Inflatable dinosaur (Roath CF24) Gifted I've deflated it - it's huge, and green ! Maybe suit kids party.
Photo of free Inflatable dinosaur (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Toddler teddies / dolls (Roath CF24) Gifted Had a clear out, no longer used
Photo of free Toddler teddies / dolls (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Tumble dryer vent (Roath CF24) Gifted Fits into wall for outlet hose.
Photo of free Tumble dryer vent (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Skinny beer (Roath CF24) Gifted Unopened & in date.
Photo of free Skinny beer (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Girls clothes aged 3/4 (Roath CF24) Gifted Bag of girls clothes Tops / leggings / coat etc Mostly good condition just needs an iron.
Photo of free Girls clothes aged 3/4 (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Video case drawer x 3 (Roath CF24) Gifted Have 3 black video case drawers - may be of use if someone collects/uses videos
Photo of free Video case drawer x 3 (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Small rice cooker (Roath CF24) Gifted Small one Has a dent but works ok
Photo of free Small rice cooker (Roath CF24) #1
Photo of free Small rice cooker (Roath CF24) #2
Photo of free Small rice cooker (Roath CF24) #3
Photo of free Small rice cooker (Roath CF24) #4
+2 +1
Free: Beach / running shoes (Roath CF24) Gifted Black beach / running shoes
Photo of free Beach / running shoes (Roath CF24) #1
Photo of free Beach / running shoes (Roath CF24) #2
Free: Rucksack (Roath CF24) Gifted Green / blue Good condition
Photo of free Rucksack (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Panniers for bike / scooter (Roath CF24) Gifted Panniers for bike / scooter Good condition
Free: Polystyrene box with lid (Roath CF24) Gifted White polystyrene box with handles and lid. May be of use for storage.
Photo of free Polystyrene box with lid (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Girls wellies size 7 (Roath CF24) Gifted Good quality.
Photo of free Girls wellies size 7 (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Male green wellies size 47 (Roath CF24) Gifted Good quality, mud comes as an extra!
Photo of free Male green wellies size 47 (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Piece of work surface (Roath CF24) Gifted Black speckled design Quite heavy One small section cut out 60cm wide 160cm length Could suit utility room / shed
Photo of free Piece of work surface (Roath CF24) #1
Photo of free Piece of work surface (Roath CF24) #2
Free: Sony speakers x 2 (Roath CF24) Expired Bit dusty but works fine Pair small speakers
Photo of free Sony speakers x 2 (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Sony speakers x 2 (Roath CF24) Expired Bit dusty but works fine Pair small speakers
Photo of free Sony speakers x 2 (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Wood offcuts (Roath CF24) Gifted Could be useful for log burner / fire. Heading to tip otherwise.
Photo of free Wood offcuts (Roath CF24) #1
Photo of free Wood offcuts (Roath CF24) #2
Free: Girls clothes 3-4 (Roath CF24) Gifted Bag of clothes, some nice items all washed. Needs an iron.
Photo of free Girls clothes 3-4 (Roath CF24) #1
Free: Rope (Roath CF24) Gifted Heavy duty rope going spare
Photo of free Rope (Roath CF24) #1