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Request: Wild flower seeds (Hertford SG13) If anyone has any wildflower seeds going spare I am looking for more as I make seed bombs as raffle prizes/give aways for charity and promotion of wild flower planting. Thanking you
Free: Fire guard (Hertford SG13) Gifted Black fire guard to stop cinders hitting your rugs
Photo of free Fire guard (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Magnet larder shelf (Hertford SG13) Expired Slot in shelf for a pull out Magnet 300 wide larder. Again pick up on Sunday would be great
Photo of free Magnet larder shelf (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Built under rail pack - Magnet (Hertford SG13) Expired New (despite coffee on box!) built under rail pack. I have a few items I would like picked up on Sun
Photo of free Built under rail pack - Magnet (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: 5 litre glass drink dispenser (Hertford SG13) Gifted Good for punch or similar
Photo of free 5 litre glass drink dispenser (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Purple hair dye (Hertford SG13) Gifted Seme permanent. Putting up a few items that I would like to have picked up ideally on Sunday. Thanking you
Photo of free Purple hair dye (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Magnetic knife rack (Hertford SG13) Gifted Knife rack from IKEA..new in box
Photo of free Magnetic knife rack (Hertford SG13) #1
Request: Quince (Hertford SG13) Expired Anyone have any quince this year please?
Free: Small lift Shelf for the back of a cupboard (Hertford SG13) Gifted Used to boost the stuff at the back so you can see what is there
Photo of free Small lift Shelf for the back of a cupboard (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Kitchen rail from Ikea (Hertford SG13) Gifted I have a few bits and pieces I am putting up, ideally for collection on Sunday
Photo of free Kitchen rail from Ikea (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Plant pots - various sizes (Hertford SG13) Expired Plastic plant pots. Useful for anyone growing their own veg or flowers
Photo of free Plant pots - various sizes (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Fire guard (Hertford SG13) Expired No longer required as we only have stoves now not an open fire. Not a full child guard but good to stop burning stuff jumping onto the floor! Slight buckle in the mesh but does not affect working order
Free: Blankets to use as padding when moving furniture (Hertford SG13) Gifted These arrived with an upcycled bit of furniture and would be great to protect any special pieces if you're moving house!
Free: Unopened roll of textured wallpaper (Hertford SG13) Gifted Purchased to cover some dodgy plaster but ended up getting it replastered (after a leak) so going spare. May be good for crafts
Photo of free Unopened roll of textured wallpaper (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Bin liner of bubble wrap (Hertford SG13) Gifted Good if you're moving house or selling stuff and sending thru post All recycled so some tape etc on it but useable
Photo of free Bin liner of bubble wrap (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Brown tape dispenser (Hertford SG13) Gifted For packing tape
Photo of free Brown tape dispenser (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: 5 litre plastic containers (Hertford SG13) Gifted Would be good for allotment watering system or similar
Photo of free 5 litre plastic containers (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: IKEA shelf things (Hertford SG13) Gifted These sit on a deep shelf so you can see the stuff at the back plus double stack. They are getting on a bit but would be good in a garage or similar
Photo of free IKEA shelf things (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Furniture 'lifts' (Hertford SG13) Gifted Four wooden blocks that you put under the legs of a desk/table or similar to make the item of furniture higher. I had them under an old dressing table as it had been built for someone very short but no longer using it so these are surplus to requirements. Pick up Sat would be great Need a good dust!
Photo of free Furniture 'lifts' (Hertford SG13) #1
Photo of free Furniture 'lifts' (Hertford SG13) #2
Free: Sub woofer (Hertford SG13) Gifted Hifi subwoofer. Working last time used. No power lead but think it's a kettle lead so easily replaced. We have a 3m approx length of Richer Sounds, copper 2 core cable to go with it. Pick up Sunday late afternoon would be our preference
Photo of free Sub woofer (Hertford SG13) #1
Photo of free Sub woofer (Hertford SG13) #2
Free: Plug in leaf blower (Hertford SG13) Gifted Working last time I checked!
Photo of free Plug in leaf blower (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Large pink rug (Hertford SG13) Expired Not in great nick and isnt wool but would be good for a garage or shed floor.
Photo of free Large pink rug (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Bin liner of packing material (Hertford SG13) Gifted A half bin liner of bubble wrap and one of packing peanuts available. Good for ebay or other packing up when selling. Collection tomorrow would be fab
Free: Roll of Home base textured wall paper (Hertford SG13) Expired Surplus to requirements - 10m by half a meter wide
Photo of free Roll of Home base textured wall paper (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Speaker cable - Richer Sounds (Hertford SG13) Expired Approx 3 m of speaker cable. Used but with plenty of life left
Photo of free Speaker cable - Richer Sounds (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Corner Computer Desk (Hertford SG13) Expired Corner computer desk from Ikea. Great for a descreet home office as you can shut the office doors once you're done for the day! Pick up asap would be great. It has been taken apart but there are a couple of long bits of wood It is a triangle shape and has plenty of storage. Fits in a corner and comes out about 1.1m from the corner each side
Photo of free Corner Computer Desk (Hertford SG13) #1
Photo of free Corner Computer Desk (Hertford SG13) #2
Free: Bin liner of bubble wrap and packaging (Hertford SG13) Gifted Good for someone for ebay or moving house.
Photo of free Bin liner of bubble wrap and packaging (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: IKEA metal wall shelf (Hertford SG13) Gifted Shelf is new and unused as surplus to requirements
Photo of free IKEA metal wall shelf (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Calming pet remedy widget (Hertford SG13) Gifted The tub in it is empty but one full refill available (left empty one in in case it leaks) Our mogs now appear to be friends so not needed to stop the fighting any more
Photo of free Calming pet remedy widget (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Hoover thing (Hertford SG13) Gifted Ours was 'lost' then mysteriously reappeared. This is the replacement - only uses once or twice
Photo of free Hoover thing (Hertford SG13) #1