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Free: Benjamin Moore paint samples (West Medord) 10 paint sample colors of greens and pale purples. Great for small furniture or craft project. Easy porch pick up.
Photo of free Benjamin Moore paint samples (West Medord) #1
Free: Strong boxes (West Medord) Anyone need boxes? Easy porch pick up. Cat stays here!
Photo of free Strong boxes (West Medord) #1
Free: Rug hook frame? (West Medord) Gifted This has been in my basement and I believe it to be a rug hooking frame but not sure. I can open it up and take more pics if you are interested and dust it off better before you pic up. Easy porch pick up.
Photo of free Rug hook frame? (West Medord) #1
Photo of free Rug hook frame? (West Medord) #2
Photo of free Rug hook frame? (West Medord) #3
Free: Clothes hangers (West Medord) Gifted Many plastic and cloth covered hangers. Easy porch pick uo
Photo of free Clothes hangers (West Medord) #1
Free: Vintage rocking chairs (West Medord) Gifted 2 wooden rockers in good shape except one chair needs new webbing. I started to do it and will give you the webbing so you can finish it. Can take just one or both. It’s an easy pickup from my driveway.
Photo of free Vintage rocking chairs (West Medord) #1
Photo of free Vintage rocking chairs (West Medord) #2
Free: Large sturdy cardboard boxes (West Medord) Gifted 1 box 52”x 28.5” x7” 2 boxes 27.5”x 22.5”x 7.5” 2 boxes 35”x 24.5”x 12.5” Good for packing mirrors or framed pics or anything else to fit their sizes. Easy porch pick up.
Photo of free Large sturdy cardboard boxes (West Medord) #1
Free: Woven chair (West Medord) Gifted This chair is on my porch in all sorts of weather but is still strong and the seat is good. Some of the roping is dry but I believe it’s all cosmetic and doesn’t affect the construction. If interested, you can come look at it on my front porch. Just let me know first in case it’s already claimed.
Photo of free Woven chair (West Medord) #1
Photo of free Woven chair (West Medord) #2
Free: 11 glass jars (West Medord) Gifted 1/2 gallon glass jars unfortunately with no lids. Anyone interested? I can leave them on my porch in West Medford.
Photo of free 11 glass jars (West Medord) #1
Free: Music cd’s (West Medord) Gifted I have a box of many cd’s I burned myself over the years. They are all in holders, marked and in good shape. They include Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Coldplay, Tom Waits, Radiohead, Bettye Lavette, Arethra Franklin, Patti Smith and more… if interested we can set up a time for you to come and take a look.
Photo of free Music cd’s (West Medord) #1
Free: A vintage garden items (West Medord) Gifted On 10/17. Wheel barrel has been taken but hose reel still available. I have a vintage garden hose reel and wheel barrel. They are both in fair condition. The hose reel fully moves but the wheels on the wheel barrel are stuck and the front of barrel is rusted out. It would make an interesting planter. If interested, I’d be happy to show them to you.
Photo of free A vintage garden items (West Medord) #1
Free: Feline cardiac meds (West Medord) Expired I have 2 EZ dose cardiac transdermal meds filled by a compounding pharmacy and filled on 3/17/23. They have a use by date of 7/24/23. Pimobendan 1.25 mg/ 0.05ml and Clopidogrel 9.375mg/ 0.05ml. They were barely used and my cat has sadly passed away. If anyone’s cat is on these meds and would like them let me know and we can arrange pick up. Thanks
Photo of free Feline cardiac meds (West Medord) #1
Free: Bikes (West Medord) Gifted I have 3 bikes to give away. They have not been used in years so I can’t vouch for condition. The 2 ten speeds will at least need new tires and tune up. The Fleet Wing has no pedals and the chain is off. I would love to have you take all 3 but will consider giving away individually if I have no takers for the 3. I live in West Medford and we can arrange for the bikes to be picked up in my driveway. Thanks
Photo of free Bikes (West Medord) #1
Photo of free Bikes (West Medord) #2
Photo of free Bikes (West Medord) #3
Free: Large kitty liter bin (West Medord) Gifted This is a great kitty liter if you have more than one cat. It’s in good shape but I can also disinfect with bleach before you take it. Can pick up on my front porch in west Medford.
Photo of free Large kitty liter bin (West Medord) #1
Free: Vintage skil saw (West Medord) Gifted Is anyone interested in a vintage skil saw? It’s been in my basement for many years and I do not know if it works.
Photo of free Vintage skil saw (West Medord) #1
Photo of free Vintage skil saw (West Medord) #2
Photo of free Vintage skil saw (West Medord) #3