A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Landline telephone (Bangor LL57) Withdrawn - Anything I can plug into my landline and use as a telephone. Request: Breeze blocks (Rachub LL57) Expired - I’m looking for some breeze blocks to build up a little raised bed to plant into. Free: Wall tiles (Rachub LL57) Gifted - Box of black gloss tiles. Approx 35 tiles. Good condition.
Photo of free Wall tiles (Rachub LL57)
Request: Chicken wire (Rachub LL57) Expired - Chicken wire or similar so that I can build a storage bin for leaf mould. Request: Old potato sacks (Rachub LL57) Expired - Does anyone have an old paper sack for storing potatoes. I need to dig up and store some potatoes from my allotment. Request: Container/ crate (Rachub LL57) Expired - I’m looking for some kind of container or crate to grow mushrooms in- something like a large bucket or box. Free: Lava lamp (Rachub LL57) Gifted - Good condition. Blue liquid, yellow lava.
Photo of free Lava lamp (Rachub LL57)
Request: Old fabric/ clothes (Rachub LL57) Received - I need old fabric or clothes that are too tatty to reuse, so that I can cut them up and use them as insulation for a hay oven/ wonder bag that I’m making. Free: Wardrobe (Rachub LL57) Expired - Wardrobe in reasonable condition. One handle needs repositioning.
Photo of free Wardrobe (Rachub LL57)
Photo of free Wardrobe (Rachub LL57)
Free: Geranium plants (Rachub LL57) Expired - Geranium plants that have salmon pink flowers for most of the Spring and Summer. I have not put them in any compost but they have plenty of soil around their roots and are very tough. I have cut them back so that they won’t wilt but they will grow back quickly in Spring.
Photo of free Geranium plants (Rachub LL57)
Request: Water butt or any container that could be used to store wate (Rachub LL57) Received - I’m looking for a container, such as an old barrel, that I can use to store collected rainwater. Appearance is of no importance but it can’t have held anything potentially toxic. Request: Small table (Rachub LL57) Expired - I would like a small, lightweight, possibly folding table. Will be used for potting plants, so needs to be about waist height.