A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Portable /foldable treadmill (Lake worth) Expired - Would love to have a treadmill for me to start loosing weight somthing I can store under the bed or not take up a lot of space Request: Towels (Lake worth) Expired - Looking for towels large and reg size Request: Stove (Lake worth) Expired - Looking for a working stove with no problems please Request: Huffy womens bike (Lake worth) Expired - If anyone has a huffy womens bike there not using and would like to give away , I’m short 5”2 so I can’t ride a tall bike I would say no more then 24” would be fine so I can exercise everyday Request: Large coffee table or ottoman (Lake worth) Expired - Looking for a either good size coffee table or large ottoman for our sectional Request: Carpet cleaner (Lakeworth) Expired - Looking for a carpet cleaning machine/vacuum so I can clean my carpets Request: Sheets and towels (Lakeworth) Expired - I’m looking for sheets twin,full , queen and king and towels . Also a bathroom behind the toilet rack Request: A juicer and full size mattress (Lakeworth) Expired - We need a full size mattress and I’m looking for a juice , would be great to find one that takes whole fruits Request: Full size mattress (Lakeworth) Expired - Looking for a full size mattress for my nephew to have his own bed Request: 3 draw dresser (Lakeworth) Expired - Looking for this for my kids clothes
Photo of 3 draw dresser (Lakeworth)
Request: Roof shingles (Lakeworth) Expired - I have a leak in my roof I filled the crack but it’s still leaking because the shingles are missing Request: FULL size mattress (Lakeworth) Expired - In need of a full size mattress my nephew came to live with me after my sister left fl and I don’t have a bed for him he’s been sleeping in a bunk bed with my kids Request: Large metal dog cage (Lakeworth) Expired - Large metal dog cage needed for my dog Request: Full size memory foam mattress (Lakeworth) Expired - I need a full size memory foam mattress for my daughter bottom bunk bed Request: White paint (Lakeworth) Expired - In need of white interior paint to re paint inside my house Request: Cat scratching post (Lakeworth) Expired - Our cat scratching post is so beat up I have to throw it away , does anyone have another one where they can climb and scratch on Request: Area rug (Lakeworth) Expired - I need a rug for our living room please , Request: Ankle brace or boot (Lakeworth) Expired - I need a ankle brace I sprained my ankle pretty bad and need something so I can walk better ,
Request: Fridge (Lakeworth) Expired - I need a working fridge asap or all my food will go bad , the fridge is not cooling at all so I need a new one Request: Area rug (Lakeworth) Expired - Anyone have a large area rug maybe 5 x7 or bigger Request: Twin mattress (Lakeworth) Expired - I need a soft twin mattress for my daughter please Request: Large metal dog cage with tray (Lakeworth) Expired - Looking for a large metal dog cage with bottom tray for our new pitbull Request: Ice maker (Lakeworth) Expired - I’d love an ice maker if anyone has one , ours never worked in the fridge Request: Window ac unit (Lakeworth) Expired - My ac need me to be replaced all together so it’s not working , we really could use a window ac unit to keep the apartment cool with our small kids