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Free: High wooden stool - needs some work (Marchmont EH9) A wooden high stool, height 75cm, top diameter 37cm. The wicker seat is badly damaged and needs to be replaced, but all the structure is in good shape. See photo.
Photo of free High wooden stool - needs some work (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Pillows (Marchmont EH9) Gifted Two pillows, feather-free (i.e. with completely synthetic fillings), washable. One is labelled as anti-allergy.
Photo of free Pillows (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Water filter jug (Marchmont EH9) Gifted Brita plastic jug, 1.75 litres, for filtering water. One filter cartridge (still sealed in packet) included. It has been lying in a cupboard for many years, but this model of cartridge is still obtainable.
Photo of free Water filter jug (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Floppy discs (Marchmont EH9) Withdrawn About 100 3.5" floppy disks, generally about 20 - 25 years old, about 80 HD (1.44MB), 20 DD (700 KB). The disks are formatted for use with MS-DOS or Windows. On about half of them, all user data has been deleted, so they can be used as blank disks. The rest contain software for Windows 95, but this can easily be deleted to allow their use as blank disks.
Photo of free Floppy discs (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Hot air gun (Marchmont EH9) Gifted Electric blower for stripping paint. 1.2Kw. About 40 years old.
Photo of free Hot air gun (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Assorted nails (and some washers) (Marchmont EH9) Gifted A mixed collection of small nails, staples and panel pins, sorted into containers (not full). A bag of washers (all one size) is included as a bonus item.
Photo of free Assorted nails (and some washers) (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Assorted screws (Marchmont EH9) Gifted A fairly random collection of screws. Some are neatly in boxes (not full), but most are in an unsorted heap, in which can be found a few washers, bolts and nuts. See photos.
Photo of free Assorted screws (Marchmont EH9) #1
Photo of free Assorted screws (Marchmont EH9) #2
Free: Old towels (Marchmont EH9) Gifted Assorted cotton towels, off-white. 5 are hand-towels, 1 is more of a small bath towel.
Photo of free Old towels (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Glass jars (Marchmont EH9) Withdrawn 15 assorted glass jars with lids, mostly used nut-butter containers.
Photo of free Glass jars (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Plastic food containers (Marchmont EH9) Gifted A dozen miscellaneous plastic food storage boxes, with lids, some microwaveable. Most of them take-away containers.
Photo of free Plastic food containers (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Wok, with wooden handle (Marchmont EH9) Gifted Wok, 31cm diameter, with wooden handle (inscribed "Ken Hom"). Inside surface may need some care.
Photo of free Wok, with wooden handle (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Transparent plastic sheets (Marchmont EH9) Gifted About 30 A4-size clear plastic transparencies , formerly used as slides for an overhead projector. Might be of use in some art or craft work. NB: These will need to be cleaned, as they have all been written on with water-soluble ink; a rinse with plain water and a wipe over should be enough.
Photo of free Transparent plastic sheets (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: King-size duvet cover + pillowcases (Marchmont EH9) Withdrawn King-size duvet cover with 2 matching pillowcases.
Photo of free King-size duvet cover + pillowcases (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Old album/scrapbook, empty (Marchmont EH9) Withdrawn A loose-leaf album with large (24cm x 32.5cm) pages and flexible but strong plastic covers, dating from the late 1950s. (See both photos) As it was originally for stamp collecting, almost all the pages have printed headings at the top, naming stamp-issuing countries, but no stamps are included, and these pages have never been used for stamps.
Photo of free Old album/scrapbook, empty (Marchmont EH9) #1
Photo of free Old album/scrapbook, empty (Marchmont EH9) #2
Free: 3.5" floppy disks (used) (Marchmont EH9) Withdrawn 3.5" floppy disks, generally about 20 - 25 years old. About 50 HD (1.44MB), 10 DD (720 KB). They contain software for Windows 95, but this can easily be deleted to allow their use as blank disks.
Photo of free 3.5" floppy disks (used) (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Wooden desk (Marchmont EH9) Gifted Large, heavy desk made of solid wood (not chipboard, MDF, etc), with castors. Available in 4 separate sections (plus 4 drawers), along with the necessary screws, bolts and nuts, and a set of instructions. Light brown varnished finish. Approximate size: W : 124cm D : 78cm H : 76cm Some warnings: - a couple of the sections are fairly heavy and might need two people to carry; - the collection is from a 3rd floor tenement flat with no lift; - to transport all the parts at once will need a van or an exceptionally roomy car; - this desk is 60 years old, and so its appearance shows signs of wear, with noticeable blemishes on the top surface (but it should be good for another 60 years).
Photo of free Wooden desk (Marchmont EH9) #1
Photo of free Wooden desk (Marchmont EH9) #2
Free: Audio headset (Marchmont EH9) Gifted Logitech headphones with attached microphone. Volume control and mic on/off switch on cable. 3.5mm jack plugs for mic and for headphones. In working order. WARNING: The foam rubber pads on the ear-pieces are missing, so some padding would have to be constructed to make the headphones comfortable.
Photo of free Audio headset (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Virgin Media remote control (Marchmont EH9) Gifted Remote control for Virgin Media TV, obtained in 2016. (Requires 2 AAA batteries, not included.)
Photo of free Virgin Media remote control (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Virgin Media hardware (Marchmont EH9) Expired This is electronic hardware that Virgin Media left behind when we discontinued our account in 2016 (they said they didn't want it back, despite it being only a few months old). It comprises: - Virgin SuperHub (modem/router), with mains cable; - Virgin digibox (TV controller), with mains cable; - remote control for digibox (needs 2 AAA batteries); - a cable with some form of coaxial connection; - a pair of cables with a two-way splitter at one end, and a forward path attenuator and plain coaxial connection at the other. I don't know if this is any use to anyone in any way, but here it is.
Free: Old Windows software disks (Marchmont EH9) Expired About 25 CDs/DVDs from about 20 years ago, packed with software, encyclopaedias, etc., designed for use on Microsoft Windows systems of a suitable vintage (roughly, Windows 95 to Windows XP). Some of them might well work on more recent Windows systems, but will still, of course, be rather elderly. They are not home made -- they were originally freebies that came with various PC magazines.
Free: Cardboard boxes (Marchmont EH9) Expired About 30 cardboard boxes, from quite small ( c. 20cm x 15cm x 10cm) to medium-sized (c. 45cm x 30cm x 25cm). Currently in box form, not flattened.
Free: late 20th century maps and guides (Marchmont EH9) Expired Travel across time and space from the comfort of your armchair with this random assortment of pre-2000 maps, street plans and tourist leaflets from a wide variety of places (USA, Czechoslovakia, Japan,....), and across four decades (plus a road map of New Zealand South Island from the 1950s). They won't replace a modern satnav, but they might stimulate your curiosity. The whole lot weighs about 6 Kg.
Free: Glass jars (Marchmont EH9) Gifted About 18 assorted glass jars with lids, mostly used nut-butter containers.
Photo of free Glass jars (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Double bed sheets (Marchmont EH9) Gifted Three polycotton double bed flat sheets, pale yellow.
Free: Polycotton bedding (Marchmont EH9) Expired Polycotton single sheets, single duvet covers, pillowcases; two sets.
Free: Snow grips (Marchmont EH9) Gifted A pair of stretchy things, with short metal studs, to fit on the base of shoes/boots so as to increase grip on snowy or icy surfaces. Probably would fit about UK men's shoe size 7or 8.
Photo of free Snow grips (Marchmont EH9) #1
Free: Two 60 watt incandescent light bulbs (Marchmont EH9) Gifted Two old-fashioned light bulbs, bayonet fitting. Collect from Marchmont
Photo of free Two 60 watt incandescent light bulbs (Marchmont EH9) #1