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Free: Heart photo frame (Trinity EH6) Photograph size 8x3
Photo of free Heart photo frame (Trinity EH6) #1
Free: Sony DVD player (Trinity EH6) Gifted
Photo of free Sony DVD player (Trinity EH6) #1
Free: Pin board (Trinity EH6) Board for pinning on Drawing pins on the board
Photo of free Pin board (Trinity EH6) #1
Photo of free Pin board (Trinity EH6) #2
Request: Christmas jumper size 14 women (Trinity EH6) Withdrawn Size 12 or 14 Christmas jumper
Photo of Christmas jumper size 14 women (Trinity EH6) #1
Request: Dehumidifier (Trinity EH6) Withdrawn Dehumidifier for a 2 bed flat
Free: Balloons (Trinity EH6) Gifted Blown up balloons Already in clusters of 4 Silver, purple, red
Photo of free Balloons (Trinity EH6) #1
Photo of free Balloons (Trinity EH6) #2
Request: Size 2-3 year old leggings (Trinity EH6) Received 2-3 year old or 3-4 year old Leggings Winter trousers
Request: Holders for helium balloons (Trinity EH6) Expired Any weights or holders for helium balloons
Request: Tressle tables (Trinity EH6) Expired
Request: Decorations for 20th (Trinity EH6) Expired Balloons Banners Helium etc
Request: noahs ark (Trinity EH6) Expired Any Noah’s ark boats - wooden or plastic
Request: Toy tools (Trinity EH6) Expired Drill, saw, tools
Request: Size 16 or 18 ladies clothes (Trinity EH6) Expired Any clothing that is size 16 or 18 ladies clothes especially trousers or jeans
Request: Animal or people figures/toys (Trinity EH6) Expired any animal or people toy figures Does not have to be a set
Request: Baskets (Trinity EH6) Expired Preferably small or picnic size for children
Request: Denim (Trinity EH6) Received Any old denim that can be recycled
Request: Girl clothes size 2-3 year (Trinity EH6) Received 2-3 year old Clothes
Free: Aptimil formula powder (Trinity EH6) Gifted Sealed bag of formula powder. First stage. Unopened. Not needed any longer. 20.06.2024 is expiry date.
Photo of free Aptimil formula powder (Trinity EH6) #1
Free: Little Lamb Size 1 inners (Trinity EH6) Expired Bag of 15 Little Lamb size 1 inners Were given to me secondhand but I haven’t used them.
Free: 150ml argon oil heat defence spray (Trinity EH6) Expired Given and used once or twice but still 2/3 full
Photo of free 150ml argon oil heat defence spray (Trinity EH6) #1
Request: Terracotta strawberry pot (Trinity EH6) Expired Terracotta strawberry pot
Photo of Terracotta strawberry pot (Trinity EH6) #1
Request: Cot (Trinity EH6) Expired Looking for a baby cot with one side that can be taken down so it can be used next to adult bed
Request: Baby Vests 6-9 months old (Trinity EH6) Expired Looking for baby vests and baby grows for 6-9 month age
Free: NUK breast pads (Trinity EH6) Gifted Unopened box of breast pads
Photo of free NUK breast pads (Trinity EH6) #1