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Request: Ultrasonic jewellery cleaner (ME1) Long shot I know , I've heard these are goof at cleaning old coins . Just wondering if anyone has one collect dust . Many thanks 😊
Free: Toys (ME1) Gifted Does anyone want these ? My son has well outgrown them .
Photo of free Toys (ME1) #1
Request: Little metal shovel or similar (ME1) Expired Hello , my little metal shovel broke on me and I'm off detecting this weekend if anyone has one they no longer want or use I'd be really gratful . Anything similar wouod be fantastic.
Photo of Little metal shovel or similar (ME1) #1
Request: Little metal shovel or similar (ME1) Expired Hello , my little metal shovel broke on me and I'm off detecting this weekend if anyone has one they no longer want or use I'd be really gratful . Anything similar wouod be fantastic.
Photo of Little metal shovel or similar (ME1) #1
Request: Girls Bike age 8 (ME1) Expired Hello 👋 anyone got a girls bike they no long need or want please . I have a girl of 8 who has out grown her bike and loves riding . Thanks for reading
Request: Old coins (ME1) Expired Massive ask, after my sons coin collection was stolen we are trying to help him start again . Any old coins any condition would be much appreciated.
Request: Old coins (ME1) Expired Any old coins any condition would be much appreciated.
Free: Radio thingy (ME1) Expired Have never got this to work . Tried many different chargers but the radio doesn't come on. Maybe someone will have better luck . Red light comes on to say charging but doesn't come on. Offering this out without a power lead .
Photo of free Radio thingy (ME1) #1
Request: Ipod Shuffle charger -Me1 (ME1) Expired Hi all, dug this out the ground whilst metal detecting just curious to see if it still works if anyone has a charger laying around .much appreciated
Photo of Ipod Shuffle charger -Me1 (ME1) #1
Request: Ipod Shuffle charger -Me1 (ME1) Expired Hi all, dug this out the ground whilst metal detecting just curious to see if it still works if anyone has a charger laying around .much appreciated
Photo of Ipod Shuffle charger -Me1 (ME1) #1
Free: LLEDO Collectable Car (ME1) Expired This was boxed until my child found it and started playing with it, now she's not interested. Still in lovely condition.
Photo of free LLEDO Collectable Car (ME1) #1
Photo of free LLEDO Collectable Car (ME1) #2
Free: LLEDO Collectable Car (ME1) Expired This was boxed until my child found it and started playing with it, now she's not interested. Still in lovely condition.
Photo of free LLEDO Collectable Car (ME1) #1
Photo of free LLEDO Collectable Car (ME1) #2
Request: Microphone- rochester (ME1) Expired Hello 👋, does anyone have one of these working microphones laying about they no longer need or want please. Would be very very grateful.
Photo of Microphone- rochester (ME1) #1
Request: Microphone- Me1 (ME1) Expired Hello 👋, does anyone have one of these working microphones laying about they no longer need or want please. Would be very very grateful.
Photo of Microphone- Me1 (ME1) #1
Request: Microphone- Me1 (ME1) Expired Hello 👋, does anyone have one of these working microphones laying about they no longer need or want please. Would be very very grateful.
Photo of Microphone- Me1 (ME1) #1
Request: Fold out bed/camping bed (ME1) Expired Hi all, we have an unexpected visitor that needs to stay with us for a few weeks. If anyone has one of them fold away beds or a camping bed they no longer require I'd be much appreciated for it. Saves them crashing on a sofa . Thanks in advance
Request: Fold out bed/camping bed (ME1) Expired Hi all, we have an unexpected visitor that needs to stay with us for a few weeks. If anyone has one of them fold away beds or a camping bed they no longer require I'd be much appreciated for it. Saves them crashing on a sofa . Thanks in advance
Free: New 7ft/5ft Marvel backdrop (ME1) Gifted This is has been unused, 7 by five ft marvel backdrop so very large . Can be used to cover a wall for a bedroom .
Photo of free New 7ft/5ft Marvel backdrop (ME1) #1
Free: CAT kids age 4/5 puffer Jacket (ME1) Expired Really nice condition. Will help a youngsters keep warm this winter
Photo of free CAT kids age 4/5 puffer Jacket (ME1) #1
Free: Dog/cat beds x2 - ME1 (ME1) Gifted One blue one black .Good condition. I'll give them a good wipe over before offered out.
Photo of free Dog/cat beds x2 - ME1 (ME1) #1
Request: Windows 7 disc . Me1 (ME1) Expired Still trying to fix a pc with not much luck. 😕 I think I need a windows 7 disc to install from if anyone has one spare I'll be very grateful 🙏
Request: Windows boot cd -Me1 (ME1) Expired Trying to fix a pc ,I think I need a Windows boot cd .if anyone has one they no longer use I'll be very grateful 🙏
Request: IR Blaster (ME1) Expired Long shot. I have lost the remote for my portable aircon. If anyone has a IR blaster I would be extremely grateful. Thanks in advance
Request: Any old smartphone- ME1 (ME1) Expired My daughter is constantly stealing my phone to play games lol. I would be grateful if anyone has one collecting dust. Not needed for phone call, just for for games from Google play.thanks I'm advanced.
Free: AirPort Express (ME1) Gifted I have no idea what this does or where I even got this from . Box it tatty but content inside has never been used. Anyone want it before I bin it ?
Photo of free AirPort Express (ME1) #1
Photo of free AirPort Express (ME1) #2
Request: Sleeping bag - ME1 (ME1) Expired My son is going camp tonight and has just ripped his sleeping bag . If anyone has one they no longer need would be very grateful
Request: Bike for teenage boy ( ME1) (ME1) Expired My son has broken his bike and wondered if anyone has one they bo longer use or need anymore please . I can collect . Many thanks in advance
Free: Pre ww1,ww1&2 Shells ,bullet heads (ME1) Gifted Found whilst metal detecting, I really have no use for them . The shells do clean up really nice and often have dates on them . Also in the box is some shrapnel from graanades and bombs, also possibly a roman curse scroll , I did unravel the lead scroll but didn't see any roman writing inside. None of these are live . Let me know if anyone is interested 🙂
Photo of free Pre ww1,ww1&2 Shells ,bullet heads (ME1) #1
Photo of free Pre ww1,ww1&2 Shells ,bullet heads (ME1) #2
Free: Boys clothes age 10-12 (ME1) Gifted Some really nice bits Gap,diesel, lyle and scott ,farah All in good condition 7 t-shirt 1 shorts 1 trousers 2 jumpers Please not for resale . Times are tough so rather it goes to someone who actually needs them
Photo of free Boys clothes age 10-12 (ME1) #1
Request: Microwave- ME1 (ME1) Expired Hi all, my microwave has just set on fire 🔥...I would be grateful if anyone has a spare they no longer use or require, can collect . Many thanks