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Free: Childs Desk (By WJHS) Gifted I have a wooden childs desk in good shape. Purple drawers, who wouldn't love that! 42 wide 21 1/4 deep 29 3/4 high Easy pick up, moving out to the garage now.
Photo of free Childs Desk (By WJHS) #1
Free: Childs Desk with chair (By WJHS) Gifted I have a childs wood desk with a chair in good condition. The chair seat has a cat on it! What kid wouldn't love that. 18 deep 42 1/4 wide 29 3/4 high Easy pick up, moving out to our garage. I can help load it.
Photo of free Childs Desk with chair (By WJHS) #1
Photo of free Childs Desk with chair (By WJHS) #2
Photo of free Childs Desk with chair (By WJHS) #3
Free: Brother Color Laser Printer (By WJHS) Gifted I got this from a gracious Trash Nothing poster but never used it. Here is the description. Easy porch pickup. Works, needs new cartridges Model HL-3140CW
Free: 72 X 12 inch metal shelf (By WJHS) Gifted I have a 72 X 12 inch black metal shelf. It has 5 fixed shelves. Thanks
Photo of free 72 X 12 inch metal shelf (By WJHS) #1
Free: Various Size of plywood (By WJHS) Gifted I have various sizes of plywood. Thickness from 1/2 to 3/4 inches. Some are laminated white, some are painted white and some are unfinished but are finish grade. All sizes are in inches: 17 pieces are 24 X 24 2 are 24 X 48 1 is 19 X 48 1 is 68 X 48 Great for building some shelves, boxes or drawers. Please take it all. Thanks.
Free: Outdoor Plastic Slide (By WJHS) Gifted I have an outdoor plastic kids slide. Needs a little cleaning, but lots of life left! Easy porch pickup. Will need a pickup/van, or tie it to your roof. I can help load it.
Photo of free Outdoor Plastic Slide (By WJHS) #1
Photo of free Outdoor Plastic Slide (By WJHS) #2
Free: 8.25 Radial Arm Saw (By WJHS) Gifted I got this saw from another free cycler to do a project but never used it. It needs the lock key to function, but that should be easy to get from Home Depot since it is a Ryobi
Photo of free 8.25 Radial Arm Saw (By WJHS) #1
Free: 10 inch Miter Chop Saw (By WJHS) Gifted A friend moved and gave me a Delta 10 inch compound miter saw. I already have one so now you can too! Easy porch pickup.
Photo of free 10 inch Miter Chop Saw (By WJHS) #1
Request: Raffle tickets (By WJHS) Received We are holding an event where we need a bunch of those tear off raffle tickets, one for the contestant and one to pull from a drum to choose the winner. Can pick up most any time day/night. Thanks in advance for anyone who can supply them!
Request: Bike for a 5 year old girl (By WJHS) Expired My wife works for a charitable organization in the city and they are sponsoring a Russian family that just emigrated to keep their 19 year old son from going to war. They have a 5 year old daughter and are looking for a bike for her. I can pick up most anytime this weekend. Thanks!
Request: Stereo Speakers (By WJHS) Expired My daughters boy friend wants to get my daughter a turntable and speakers for her upcoming birthday, but is having trouble finding the speakers. If you have a pair collecting dust in your house I would be happy to pick them up. Thanks!