A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: old straw bales for gardening (Downtown) - hi - does anyone have bales of straw appropriate for gardening? Free: aquarium floating plants (Downtown) - spangles and duckweed Request: water kefir seeds (Downtown) - If you have extra, I would love to adopt some! Request: rotating compost bin (Downtown) Received - I’d like to try a rotating-type compost bin. If you have one you are tired of, I’d like to have one. Free: aquarium floating plants (Downtown) Gifted - spangles and duckweed Free: Fish Food - freshwater (Downtown) Gifted - I have some fish flakes and dried blood worms - some nearing expiration date. If you are interested- they are yours! Free: darkroom paper (Downtown) Gifted - Found a box of miscellaneous darkroom papers. Mostly fiber but some RC. No guarantee on the viability but some of the boxes are big and could at the very least be used for experimental printing. Free: twin bed size box spring (Downtown) Expired - no mattress, just the box spring Free: cholla wood (aquarium/terrarium) (Downtown) Gifted - This is an unused piece of cholla wood. About 12” long. I use these in my aquariums but I have enough right now. Free: rebounder (Downtown) Gifted - used, black, nothing fancy, works fine! Request: lava rocks, large and pebbles (Downtown) Expired - I’m in need of a handful of lava pebbles and a few larger lava stones. Not worth it to buy a whole bag of each. Free: 4-drawer (heavy) filing cabinet (Downtown) Gifted - This is an older filing cabinet. So heavy! Photos if you are interested Free: windelov java ferns (aquarium) (Downtown) Gifted - Once again i have some extra java ferns that have broken off from the mother plant. If you are interested please contact me. These aquatic ferns do not get buried, you can tie or glue them to rocks/wood. Free: Soft Frog Bites (Downtown) Expired - I suppose if you know what these are, you would be interested, so a photo isn't necessary. I don't have frogs, but a friend gave me a small bag of frog food. Free: Metal fencing (Downtown) Gifted - I have a roll of used metal fencing. Not sure how many yards, but I could guess there are about 15 yards of it.
Photo of free Metal fencing (Downtown)
Photo of free Metal fencing (Downtown)
Free: Full Bed, FrameBox Spring, Mattress (Downtown) Gifted - All fine, used in a guest room. I'm upgrading to a Queen for that room so I would like to find a new home for the Full-size Bed. Free: King Bed Frame, 2 Twin Box Springs (Downtown) Expired - I'm getting rid of my King Size Bed Frame which uses two Twin Box Springs. Free: aquarium plants - again (Downtown) Expired - I have more water spangles and windelov java ferns to give away.
Free: one Volvo wheel with tire (Downtown) Expired - 185/65 tire is probably old but the wheel is solid
Photo of free one Volvo wheel with tire (Downtown)
Request: yarn scraps (Downtown) Expired - I have a small crochet project where I need some bright colors - orange, pink, yellow, light green, in washable wool. I also have other projects in the works. If anyone has yarns of any kind sitting around I would love to adopt them! Free: Live aquarium plants (Downtown) Gifted - floaters (salvinia minima) and windelov java ferns Request: countertop remnant /scrap (Downtown) Expired - I need a small piece of stone or formica or corian or quartz or something to fill a countertop spot. A bit smaller than 24” square. I’m guessing there are some leftovers from other projects that would work out! Free: Two Twin Box Springs (Downtown) Expired - I have two matching box springs. They were used under a King mattress. Free: Aquarium Plants (Downtown) Expired - I have an overgrowth of plants. Let me know if you have any needs. Free: Two rolling office chairs with arms (Downtown) Expired - Comfortable but well-used and showing their age. Fabric-covered. If you are interested I can send you a photo, and I’ll post here as well. Request: Raspberry / blackberry canes (Downtown) Expired - Hoping to put in some berries this year! Request: Composter or Wood Pallets (Downtown) Expired - My wooden pallet composting area is finally breaking down. I would like to recreate it (need 3-5 wooden pallets) or if someone has another method of composting lawn-leaves (like a turning bin) I would be happy to adopt it. Free: Futon frame, wood (Downtown) Gifted - This is for a full size futon. Folds into a couch. No armrest. You would need to get a new futon to make it into a couch. You can also use it as a bed frame for a full size mattress. Photo shows it in the “bed” position. We used the red strap to help pull it into the “couch” position.
Photo of free Futon frame, wood (Downtown)
Free: Medicine cabinet - 3 mirrors (Downtown) Expired - I took out a medicine cabinet. It’s got 3 mirrored doors. It is sturdy with many shelves. The mirror has some imperfections I should have thought about offering it earlier but it will go to the garbage soon. Maybe the mirrors are interesting for a project?
Photo of free Medicine cabinet - 3 mirrors (Downtown)
Free: Two Full-size beds plus bedding (Downtown) Expired - I am updating two bedrooms with larger beds so these Full-size beds are available. I also don’t need the bedding for them. One has a box spring and metal frame with a mattress, the other is a wooden futon frame. Both are in good shape, not new but not sagging or unusable. Just no longer needed.