A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: HDTV Antenna (Old Ottawa East) Expired - If anybody has one that they aren't using, would love to have it. We are only interested in local CTV, CBC, etc. news and so one of these would be great. Thanks for considering Free: Tickle Trunk (Old Ottawa East) Gifted - See picture, about 18"x18"x3'. Great condition except the lock has been removed but is with it and can be reinstalled. Near Riverside and Industrial. Must pick up this afternoon
Photo of free Tickle Trunk (Old Ottawa East)
Free: 2 night stands (Old Ottawa East) Gifted - These are in very good condition. They are not the best quality but are fine.
Photo of free 2 night stands (Old Ottawa East)
Free: Day-Light Lamp (Old Ottawa East) Expired - This is by a company called Carex. You are supposed to turn it on for some minutes each day to make yourself feel good. you can google "how to use a daylight lamp". This was freecycled to me and I haven't used it.
Photo of free Day-Light Lamp (Old Ottawa East)
Request: Large Face Wall Clock (Old Ottawa East) Expired - Looking for a large face wall clock. Ideally it would be at least 12" diameter and more if possible. Ideally large black numbers on a white face for ultimate contrast and readability. But please respond even if your clock is not exactly as described, appreciate all. Request: Clock Radio or Digital Clock (Old Ottawa East) Received - Looking for a clock radio that has a digital clock with large numbers (10:30). This is for the bedside at night to know the time without having to look at a phone or other. Please and thank you. Free: Various automotive/gardening items (Mechanicsville) Gifted - Most containers are at half, 2 of the tranny fluid are full and the honda oil is full. Must take all.
Photo of free Various automotive/gardening items (Mechanicsville)
Free: Sony AM/FM Clock Radio (Mechanicsville) Gifted - Works perfectly
Photo of free Sony AM/FM Clock Radio (Mechanicsville)