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Free: puzzles (Sevenhills) 500's and a 600 piece puzzle. These were given to my mom by an aunt. My mom never worked them so I can't tell you if they're complete. But I would guess yes. If you're ready to take a chance, come and get them. Pick up in Tujunga.
Photo of free puzzles (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Various books (Sevenhills) Offering these books before donating them to the library. Let me know if you're interested. First come first served. Pick up in Tujunga.
Photo of free Various books (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free Various books (Sevenhills) #2
Photo of free Various books (Sevenhills) #3
Photo of free Various books (Sevenhills) #4
+6 +5 +4
Free: St. Patrick's Day decorations (Sevenhills) Gifted Just in time for st. patrick's day. Includes shamrock lights, garlands, necklaces, and more. Pick up in Tujunga
Photo of free St. Patrick's Day decorations (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Beauty items (Sevenhills) These were passed on from someone else. There is no cord for the shaver. Pick up in Tujunga.
Photo of free Beauty items (Sevenhills) #1
Request: Vacuum cleaner (Sevenhills) Received Looking for a vacuum cleaner for my mother. Thank you in advance.
Request: Storage containers (Sevenhills) Looking for storage bins to organize my stuff. The larger sizes are preferred. (Stock photos) Please let me know if you have any you no longer need. I can't afford to buy new ones. Thank you in advance.
Photo of Storage containers (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of Storage containers (Sevenhills) #2
Free: Purse handles (Sevenhills) Gifted Got these in some free stuff so I don't know what purse this goes too. Pick up in Tujunga
Photo of free Purse handles (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Puzzles with missing pieces (Sevenhills) These puzzles have missing pieces. The boxes note how many. Most are 1 and 2, but one has a bunch of circles drawn where pieces are missing (could be 6). There are more than shown. Can be worked or used for projects. Pick up in Tujunga
Photo of free Puzzles with missing pieces (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free Puzzles with missing pieces (Sevenhills) #2
Photo of free Puzzles with missing pieces (Sevenhills) #3
Photo of free Puzzles with missing pieces (Sevenhills) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: 26" tire (Sevenhills) It was in a bunch of free stuff so I can't tell you anything about it. Come and get it in tujunga.
Photo of free 26" tire (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free 26" tire (Sevenhills) #2
Photo of free 26" tire (Sevenhills) #3
Free: Game (Sevenhills) This was in a bunch of free stuff I picked up somewhere. Don't know if it's complete. Come and get it in tujunga.
Photo of free Game (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Exercise bike (Sevenhills) Vintage Tunturi stationary exercise bike. This belonged to my neighbor so I can't tell you anything about it. It's safe in my driveway. If you'd like it, pick up is in tujunga.
Photo of free Exercise bike (Sevenhills) #1
Request: Banjo (Sevenhills) Hi. Does anyone have a banjo laying around that they want to get rid of? (Stock photo) I'll take it off your hands. Thank you very much😊
Photo of Banjo (Sevenhills) #1
Request: Market umbrella (Sevenhills) I'm looking for a market umbrella, or a very large beach umbrella. I mistakenly broke mine. Just let me know where to pick it up. Thank you
Photo of Market umbrella (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Doll items (Sevenhills) Stuff for a little girl to use for her doll. Pick up in tujunga
Photo of free Doll items (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Body builder magazines (Sevenhills) Collection of various body builder magazines, and a bunch of fitness books and workout program materials. Pick up in tujunga.
Photo of free Body builder magazines (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free Body builder magazines (Sevenhills) #2
Photo of free Body builder magazines (Sevenhills) #3
Photo of free Body builder magazines (Sevenhills) #4
+5 +4 +3
Free: books and dvds (Sevenhills) Gifted Got these free at a yard sale. 3 books and 3 dvds. The book you can't see the title of is a 12 step book. Pick up in Tujunga
Photo of free books and dvds (Sevenhills) #1
Free: New items up for grabs (Sevenhills) Gifted Brand new mens suspenders (size unknown). Pick up in Tujunga.
Photo of free New items up for grabs (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Garden planters (Sevenhills) Gifted Set of two decorative garden cart planters? Got free so im just going with what google found. Pick up in Tujunga
Photo of free Garden planters (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free Garden planters (Sevenhills) #2
Photo of free Garden planters (Sevenhills) #3
Free: Large painting (Sevenhills) Gifted Large framed landscape painting with ornate border. Approximately 45 x 36. Pick up in tujunga. *cross posted on another site*
Photo of free Large painting (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Gift boxes (Sevenhills) Gifted I have a bag of decorative gift boxes in various designs. Pick up in tujunga See photos for the complete contents.
Photo of free Gift boxes (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free Gift boxes (Sevenhills) #2
Free: Crown of thorns plant (Sevenhills) Gifted Large crown of thorns plant. Red flowers. It's in a pot and may need a little force to pull it out 'if' the roots grew into the ground. I picked it up wrapped in a tarp and in a truck. It was kind of heavy. So bring your gear and help, and pick it up in tujunga.
Photo of free Crown of thorns plant (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free Crown of thorns plant (Sevenhills) #2
Free: Old litho print (Sevenhills) Gifted This was in a box of free stuff that I got. It's in pretty rough shape, but free to anyone who might want to maybe restore it. It looks pretty old. I think it's a litho print. Approximately 17-1/2 x 17-1/2.
Photo of free Old litho print (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free Old litho print (Sevenhills) #2
Free: Wooden footstool (Sevenhills) Gifted Wooden frame with blue cushion. It's a poang footstool.
Photo of free Wooden footstool (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free Wooden footstool (Sevenhills) #2
Request: Sun tea jar (Sevenhills) Hi. Does anyone have a sun tea jar they're wanting to get rid of. Glass is preferred, but plastic will work. I see them all the time at yard sales but I had one..until I broke it.πŸ˜” *stock photo for reference*
Photo of Sun tea jar (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Wood hangers (Sevenhills) Gifted 4 wood hangers. Pick up in Tujunga.
Photo of free Wood hangers (Sevenhills) #1
Free: GE 7ft Monroe Pine Pre-Lit Tree (Sevenhills) Gifted I picked this up for free. It's a really nice tree, but a section of lights went out. I can't remember exactly where exactly, but could be between the middle and the bottom? Pick up in Tujunga First come first served.
Photo of free GE 7ft Monroe Pine Pre-Lit Tree (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free GE 7ft Monroe Pine Pre-Lit Tree (Sevenhills) #2
Free: Plastic outdoor chairs (Sevenhills) Gifted Set of two durable plastic chairs for garden or patio use. Pick up in Tujunga.
Photo of free Plastic outdoor chairs (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Kids books (Sevenhills) Gifted They might be for older kids, not too young. There is one in Spanish. Pick up in Tujunga
Photo of free Kids books (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Ear bud case (Sevenhills) Gifted Ear bud case with bag of rubber replacements. Don't know which ones they fit. Pick up in Tujunga.
Photo of free Ear bud case (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Womens belt (Sevenhills) Gifted Red belt. 36" long. Pick up in Tujunga
Photo of free Womens belt (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free Womens belt (Sevenhills) #2