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Request: Desk and chair (Old Basford NG6) Please, has anyone got a desk and chair to gift? It will greatly help me with my studies. Thank you.
Request: Fridge freezer (Old Basford NG6) Expired Please has anyone got a working fridge freezer to gift? Mine has just packed up. Thank you
Request: Fridge freezer (Old Basford NG6) Expired Please has anyone got a working fridge freezer to gift? Mine has just packed up. Thank you
Request: Fridge freezer (Netherfield, NG4) Expired Hi,please has anyone got a fridge freezer to gift? Mine has given up on me. I can collect. Thanks in anticipation
Request: Television (Netherfield, NG4) Received Hi,please has anyone got a television to gift? It would be a fitting addition for my kids as the holidays approach. Thank you
Request: Furniture (Netherfield, NG4) Received Please has anyone got items of furniture such as sofa,reading table/chair,mattress,wardrobe or a centre table. I moved into an unfurnished house and would appreciate anything I get. Thank you
Request: Portable heater (Netherfield,NG4) Received Please,does anyone have a portable heater? My boiler has developed faults and has not been functional since last night. I need something to go through while awaiting the engineers
Request: Washing machine (Netherfield,NG4) Expired Please,has anyone got a washing machine to gift? Thanks in anticipation
Request: Washing machine (Netherfield,NG4) Expired Please,has anyone got a washing machine to gift? Thanks in anticipation