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Request: plastic jars (Loyola Corners) Withdrawn We use a specific plastic jar to dispose of injection sharps: Costco's Kirkland PSYLLIUM FIBER powder jars are perfect. Others that are 4.5"x8" would also work. If we can pickup 2-12 of them we can store them. Thanks!
Photo of plastic jars (Loyola Corners) #1
Free: Sony clock radio (Loyola Corners) Gifted Works well- display (not adjustable) is a bit dim in bright daylight. Relatively compact: 6"x6"x4.4". Most clock controls are on top and easy to use. Radio mechanical tuner/volume on the side- alarm volume and on/off at the pack. Built in radio antenna cord.
Photo of free Sony clock radio (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of free Sony clock radio (Loyola Corners) #2
Photo of free Sony clock radio (Loyola Corners) #3
Photo of free Sony clock radio (Loyola Corners) #4
+2 +1
Free: Upholstery foam (Loyola Corners) Gifted 25"x58"x5.8" clean very firm and dense
Photo of free Upholstery foam (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of free Upholstery foam (Loyola Corners) #2
Free: Belkin FM radio transmitter (Loyola Corners) Gifted 3.25 x 7/8 inches, uses two AAA batteries (none to share- sorry!) plugs into the 3.5mm earphone output of an audio player and sends the sound to one of four FM radio channels. Very handy for hearing things on CD and MP3 players, etc over car or home radio speakers. I haven't tried it on a mobile phone, but should work there too.
Photo of free Belkin FM radio transmitter (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of free Belkin FM radio transmitter (Loyola Corners) #2
Photo of free Belkin FM radio transmitter (Loyola Corners) #3
Free: book The Vinland Sagas (Loyola Corners) Gifted Paperback book: The Vinland Sagas The Norse Discovery of America
Photo of free book The Vinland Sagas (Loyola Corners) #1
Request: Window/door screen mesh (Loyola Corners) Received Hi, neighbors and other friends- we want to cut two or three 8x16 inch pieces from scraps of window screen mesh to add to our house vents. It doesn't make sense to buy a whole roll and possibly make part of it unusable just to get a few little pieces that are probably fairly commonly left over from standard screens. We'd be perfectly happy with useable remains from an otherwise unusable screen. I can easily bike or walk anywhere within about five miles from the 85/Fremont area. Thank you very much!
Free: 4 paperbacks (Loyola Corners) Expired Four interesting- even fun- paperbacks. 2 fiction: F. Scott Fitzgerald- The Apprentice Fiction Bruce Chatwin- On the Black Hill (mildly bent open face, spine is strong and straight) 1 Spanish-English poems: Octavio Paz-Configurations 1 travelogue: Gerald Durrell- The Whispering Land
Photo of free 4 paperbacks (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of free 4 paperbacks (Loyola Corners) #2
Photo of free 4 paperbacks (Loyola Corners) #3
Photo of free 4 paperbacks (Loyola Corners) #4
+2 +1
Free: 4 paperbacks (Loyola Corners) Gifted Four interesting- even fun- paperbacks. 2 fiction: F. Scott Fitzgerald- The Apprentice Fiction Bruce Chatwin- On the Black Hill (mildly bent open face, spine is strong and straight) 1 Spanish-English poems: Octavio Paz-Configurations 1 travelogue: Gerald Durrell- The Whispering Land
Photo of free 4 paperbacks (Loyola Corners) #1
Free: Home grown bay leaves (Loyola Corners) Gifted Our tree grew from a local hillside seed. It's probably organic- none of us treated the soil or shrub with anything but water and love. We have green leaves to share in 6-12 piece lots. More or less... as needed, as long as supplies last. Bike delivery within 5 bicycle miles of 85/Fremont. Unattended pickups available too. We will bag/fold in paper on request.
Photo of free Home grown bay leaves (Loyola Corners) #1
Request: Small sports shorts (Loyola Corners) Expired Kid medium/woman small. I'm 5'5" with a 30" waist. Almost impossibly too small works best- if they are comfortable and unbinding, they soon stretch out perfectly. Ideal: low rise, stretchy, flat front, drawstring, pockets, 2.5-3 inch inseam. Thanks!
Photo of Small sports shorts (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of Small sports shorts (Loyola Corners) #2
Request: Print one transfer paper sheet (Loyola Corners) Expired If you have a spare page of iron-on transfer paper are you willing to print a 9 image page for me? I'm working on fitting the 9 patch pictures into a standard page and should be able to e-mail/text it soon. I'd be doing this myself at home except: 1. I don't want to buy a pack of sheets I don't need. 2. My damaged brain can't figure out which paper to use and how to face the page. Thank you for considering this even if you can't do it!
Photo of Print one transfer paper sheet (Loyola Corners) #1
Request: DVD Wild About Izzy (Loyola Corners) Expired Got one you will give to me or let me have as a loan? I can come about 10 miles by daylight bicycle or 5 after dark walking. Thanks!
Request: 9 volt battery (Loyola Corners) Expired I just want to see if an acquired digital scale works before I purchase any 9 volt batteries. The test should take only five minutes. I can easily carry the scale on my bicycle rides between the Cupertino YMCA and the Los Altos downtown Community Center, or anywhere in between. Thank you!
Photo of 9 volt battery (Loyola Corners) #1
Free: Cast iron hunting dog (Loyola Corners) Gifted 14 inches x 8 inches Note: this dog tips over easily because of the raised leg. Weighs 37 trillion tons and could break your toes. Please think very carefully before adopting this otherwise delightful statue. If you ever might have kids under 13 in the house please don't invite this dog over. We may just bury it deep underground and delete this post...
Photo of free Cast iron hunting dog (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of free Cast iron hunting dog (Loyola Corners) #2
Free: Four 12"x10" concrete garden blocks (Loyola Corners) Expired 12 inch by 10 inch with hollow point base. 39 billion tons each. We can NOT help load.
Photo of free Four 12"x10" concrete garden blocks (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of free Four 12"x10" concrete garden blocks (Loyola Corners) #2
Photo of free Four 12"x10" concrete garden blocks (Loyola Corners) #3
Free: Sweet'N Low baking "sugar" (Loyola Corners) Gifted Fifteen 8 ounce boxes of Sweet'N Low baking "sugar". We acquired them second hand and decided we can't use them. Their use by date is January 2026.
Photo of free Sweet'N Low baking "sugar" (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of free Sweet'N Low baking "sugar" (Loyola Corners) #2
Free: Limited edition print (Loyola Corners) Gifted By a local artist. This was bought at the world famous comics show in San Diego many years ago. 18"x14". Still plastic covered, always closet stored in a smokeless house.
Photo of free Limited edition print (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of free Limited edition print (Loyola Corners) #2
Photo of free Limited edition print (Loyola Corners) #3
Free: kid food bowl (Loyola Corners) Gifted Boon brand plastic infant meal bowl with silicon drip guard (?) and silicon grippy base. Could be worn upside down as a ballcap with a grape bowl on top. Bicycle delivery available.
Photo of free kid food bowl (Loyola Corners) #1
Request: Purple bell pepper seeds (Loyola Corners) Expired If you happen to eat a purple bell pepper could you save some seeds for me to try? I can stop by on a bicycle ride for a porch pickup. Thanks!
Photo of Purple bell pepper seeds (Loyola Corners) #1
Request: Right earbud and charger (Loyola Corners) Expired I can be happy with a right only earbud, even without a charger if it comes without. I'll eventually find on somewhere. One step at a time! Thanks!
Request: Right ear airpod (Loyola Corners) Expired I can use a right airpod and charger of any generation. Also any fitbit swim tracker. Thank you for taking part in trashnothing!
Free: More books (Loyola Corners) Gifted All are clean and smoke free. Any/all selections are welcome. Porch pickups can be arranged. Bike/walk deliveries by me are also quite possible in a five mile circle from the 85/Fremont Ave area. If any author/title in the pictures is invisible, feel free to ask. We have some unlisted DVDs- let us know if you are looking for something in particular.
Photo of free More books (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of free More books (Loyola Corners) #2
Photo of free More books (Loyola Corners) #3
Free: Various books (Loyola Corners) Gifted All are clean and smoke free. Any/all selections are welcome. Porch pickups can be arranged. Bike/walk deliveries by me are also quite possible in a five mile circle from the 85/Fremont Ave area. If any author/title in the pictures is invisible, feel free to ask. We have some unlisted DVDs- let us know if you are looking for something in particular.
Photo of free Various books (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of free Various books (Loyola Corners) #2
Photo of free Various books (Loyola Corners) #3
Request: Sewing advice (Loyola Corners) Received My machine can't do the sideways stitching necessary to repeat this rather simple cap patter- hand sewing seems like the simplest solution. Any insight? Thanks!
Photo of Sewing advice (Loyola Corners) #1
Request: The Carmen Miranda MemorialFlagPole (Loyola Corners) Received I'd like to read Gerard Rosen's novel The Carmen Miranda Memorial Flag Pole. If you will want it back I can read and return it in a couple weeks. Our house is smoke free. I can pick up and drop of by bicycle during daylight hours. Thank you!
Photo of The Carmen Miranda MemorialFlagPole (Loyola Corners) #1
Request: Dunlop Nylon .46 pick (Loyola Corners) Expired I have some Dunlop Nylon .46 picks somewhere in the house but I can't find them. Seems silly to buy a dozen when I just need one. They look like the .60 in the picture, just a little lighter color, more toward white. If you've got a spare .46 I can have, great! If there's something you need, let me know in case I happen to have one... Thanks!
Photo of Dunlop Nylon .46 pick (Loyola Corners) #1
Request: One pair of manicure flip flops (Loyola Corners) Expired If anyone happens to have one extra pair of these I could swing by on a bicycle ride for a porch pickup anytime the sun is up. I want to see how well they work/last for getting between the locker room and swimming pool. I have a great cheap pair of regular thicker ones that take up far more space than I can spare in my bag. Thanks! Oh, also as always I'm seeking a 2oz push top bottle for swimming shampoo.
Photo of One pair of manicure flip flops (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of One pair of manicure flip flops (Loyola Corners) #2
Request: Contigo water bottle lids (Loyola Corners) Expired This is both a request and an offer: I took a lid from a Contigo plastic water bottle and found it worked perfectly on a Contigo stainless steel bottle. I also found that by very lightly sanding (with an old nail file) the latch point on the inside of the front of the flip up handle it became possible to lift it without straining and sometimes scratching my fingers. I would be glad to have a couple more of these lids. If you want to keep yours and try my two solutions, please do! I think you would find them real improvements. If you want to give any up, I can make a porch pick up by bicycle in daylight hours. Thanks either way!
Photo of Contigo water bottle lids (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of Contigo water bottle lids (Loyola Corners) #2
Free: Two costume aviator caps (Loyola Corners) Gifted These will fit anyone between 4 and 125 years old- unless the heads are too small or large. One is lined with fleece and on is not and has great ear pouches that can be stuffed full of something.
Photo of free Two costume aviator caps (Loyola Corners) #1
Photo of free Two costume aviator caps (Loyola Corners) #2
Free: Lip Smackin' Backpackin' cookbook (Loyola Corners) Gifted We were given two copies and only need one... recipes range from dehydrated spaghettis to no-bake cookies and bake able breads, all adapted to backpacking carry/cooking. I can drop off on my bicycling anywhere within about 7 miles of Fremont Ave/HWY 85. Pickup is not desired just now- we have an elderly member who needs uninterrupted sleep in a front room chair and a dog who is a window watching lovebunny who thinks every on is looking for her...
Photo of free Lip Smackin' Backpackin' cookbook (Loyola Corners) #1