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Free: Cat condo (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Repost as pickup fell through. Cat condo; a bit worn, but just needs a bit of vacuuming, a spray of Lysol if you want, and maybe a few carpet patches. Pickup on Emily Street off River Road.
Photo of free Cat condo (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Small dresser (Gloucester Glen) Small dresser, no handles, bottom drawer a bit loose. Might be good for a restoration project.
Photo of free Small dresser (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Ignite compatible Flatscreen TV (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Flatscreen LCD television. Works with IgniteTV annd apps. Audio works just fine, but there’s no picture. I think it might be a problem with the backlights, but I’m not handy enough to fix it myself. Perhaps someone here is.
Photo of free Ignite compatible Flatscreen TV (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Flatscreen TV (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Flatscreen LCD television. Audio works just fine, but there’s no picture. I think it might be a problem with the backlights, but I’m not handy enough to fix it myself. Perhaps someone here is.
Photo of free Flatscreen TV (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Bag of women’s clothing, xxl (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Bag of Women’s clothing; used. Most of it size xxl. My grandmother doesn’t need it anymore now that she’s lost so much weight.
Photo of free Bag of women’s clothing, xxl (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Wooden handled children’s umbrella (Gloucester Glen) Classic children’s umbrella with teddy bear handle; needs patching on the fabric. I’m not handy enough to fix it, so hopefully someone here is.
Photo of free Wooden handled children’s umbrella (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Assorted toiletries (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Box of assorted bathroom supplies/toiletries. Underarm guards, toilet brush holder (washed with soap and water), small bottles of shampoo and lotion, exfoliating bag for bar soap, toiletry organizer, two Gillette 4 blade razors with refills, random assorted supplies, etc. Please take all and re-gift what you don’t need. There are a lot of things people are looking for, I’m sure.
Photo of free Assorted toiletries (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Assorted garage items with scooter (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Box of assorted garage items. Workshop wood, hose roller, magic carpet (for snow) , aluminium scooter. Please take all and re-gift what you don’t need. Now that we’ve got the garage floor replaced, we’re trying to give away the last of the items we don’t need from it so we can get everything else back in it before the worst of winter hits.
Photo of free Assorted garage items with scooter (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Hose roller (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Hose roller; one piece needs some good flex glue, but otherwise in good condition. Pickup on Emily Street off River Road
Photo of free Hose roller (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Leather and wood chair (Gloucester Glen) Expired Leather chair; a bit worn, but with a leather repair kit would be nice again. I just don’t have the time to take it on right now.
Photo of free Leather and wood chair (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Children’s headboard or bookshelf (Gloucester Glen) Expired Children’s headboard or possibly bookshelf. Either way, it could be very nice with just a little sprucing up.
Photo of free Children’s headboard or bookshelf (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Folding chair, missing a bolt (Gloucester Glen) Expired Folding chair; missing a bolt, but if you’re handy, you can repair it. Pickup on Emily Street.
Photo of free Folding chair, missing a bolt (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Child’s snow sled (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Child sized snow sled; the foam kind that goes really fast. Missing any handles, but maybe you can put some on. Pickup on Emily Street Off River Road
Photo of free Child’s snow sled (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Some kind of cleaning machine (Gloucester Glen) Expired Some kind of vacuum cleaner or maybe floor cleaner. I’m not entirely sure what it is or how it works, but if you think you can use it, it’s yours.
Photo of free Some kind of cleaning machine (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Box of assorted garage fluids (Gloucester Glen) Expired Assorted garage fluids. Turpentine, oil spot remover, patio sealant, oil, tire foam, etc. Please take all and re-gift what you don’t need. Now that we’ve got the garage floor replaced, we’re trying to give away the last of the items we don’t need from it so we can get everything else back in it before winter.
Photo of free Box of assorted garage fluids (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Wine rack (Gloucester Glen) Expired Wine rack, small piece broken off at top but the rest still in good condition. Pickup on Emily Street off River Road
Photo of free Wine rack (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Medicine cabinet (Gloucester Glen) Expired In-set wall medicine cabinet. Just needs screwing in.
Photo of free Medicine cabinet (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Patio Umbrella Stands (Gloucester Glen) Expired Two umbrella stands; one needs some repair. Pickup in Gloucester Glen off River Road
Photo of free Patio Umbrella Stands (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Bag of tennis balls (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Bag full of tennis balls Pickup on Emily Street off River Road
Photo of free Bag of tennis balls (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: 10 000 BTU air conditioner (Gloucester Glen) Expired 10 000 BTU air conditioner. Vintage, elegant, and still works. Pickup on Emily Street off River Road
Photo of free 10 000 BTU air conditioner (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Double bed frame (Gloucester Glen) Expired Missing headboard, but still has footboard and side rails. All you need is a headboard, which many people have. We have to empty our entire garage to get the floor replaced.
Photo of free Double bed frame (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Kite shaped like plane (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Still complete; just a bit dusty.
Photo of free Kite shaped like plane (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Kite shaped like orca (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Still complete and just a bit dusty
Photo of free Kite shaped like orca (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Garage items (Gloucester Glen) Expired Box of assorted garage items: sports set, ceramic flowerpot, workshop wood, 2 flip flops, table legs, bicycle seat, hoses, plastic ties, rug, large bottle cozy. Please take all and re gift what you don’t need. We’re on a time crunch to empty out the last of our garage so we can get the floor replaced.
Free: Oak backed mirror (Gloucester Glen) Expired Oak wood backed unframed mirror, large
Photo of free Oak backed mirror (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Complete bed frame and side table (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Complete bed frame (headboard, footboard, and side rails) and matching bedside table.
Photo of free Complete bed frame and side table (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Black fabric office chair (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Black fabric office chair; freshly cleaned and in great condition.
Photo of free Black fabric office chair (Gloucester Glen) #1
Free: Fabric office chair (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Green fabric office chair. No tears; in good condition.
Photo of free Fabric office chair (Gloucester Glen) #1
Photo of free Fabric office chair (Gloucester Glen) #2
Free: Table saw and chop saw (Gloucester Glen) Gifted Table saw belonged to my great grandfather, and the last time my grandfather used it it was working. Push sticks included. Chop saw is stationary, and complete and working. We’re giving it away because we have to empty our entire garage so we can get the floors replaced.
Photo of free Table saw and chop saw (Gloucester Glen) #1
Photo of free Table saw and chop saw (Gloucester Glen) #2
Photo of free Table saw and chop saw (Gloucester Glen) #3
Free: Sleeping bag in need of mending (Gloucester Glen) Gifted I have an old sleeping bag that needs quite a bit of patching, but in my opinion is too beautiful to throw away. If you have time to patch and mend it, it’s yours.
Photo of free Sleeping bag in need of mending (Gloucester Glen) #1
Photo of free Sleeping bag in need of mending (Gloucester Glen) #2