A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Free: Mexican Lasagna (New Tampa) Expired - Ordered this frozen lasagna from Walmart tonight for delivery as a special treat. It doesn’t fit in our oven and I don’t drive and don’t want to waste that much food. I took the lid off of it and tried to make it fit before writing this post. I just don’t want to throw away that much frozen food. Please let me know if you are interested and must be able to pick up. I live in a older condo so my freezer isn’t the best so the sooner the better
Photo of free Mexican Lasagna (New Tampa)
Free: Concrete Blocks (New Tampa) Expired - Have four concrete blocks from Lowe’s was trying to use them to fix a broken cat tree. Now I don’t need them. If you can move them you can have them. Three of the four blocks involve carrying them down 3 flights of the stairs. You have to be able to pick them up I do not drive
Photo of free Concrete Blocks (New Tampa)
Free: Wood boards (New Tampa) Expired - Have about five to six wood boards I tried using them to fix a broken cat tree. Must be able to pickup and move on your own. We live on the third floor. I just want them gone. Lowes doesn’t offer returns
Photo of free Wood boards (New Tampa)
Free: Parts of a Cat Tree (New Tampa) Expired - Recently bought a cat tree and it broke within the week. After looking at it, it isn’t safe for our cat. I think it could be repurposed or used for something else. This is not a stable product and I just don’t want to deal with returning it. Must be able to pickup.I don’t drive
Photo of free Parts of a Cat Tree (New Tampa)
Free: Frozen Fruit/Smoothie Kits (New Tampa) Gifted - Recently lost my blender and I have a bunch of frozen smoothie kits and frozen fruit that are unopened. And some yogurt if you want some. The box of the yogurt is open but the individual packages are not All of the stuff is from Walmart. Don’t want to throw it away and I can’t afford another new blender. Must be able to pick up (I don’t have a car) Saturday September 30th. Request: Ladder (New Tampa) Received - Really need a ladder so I can change the lightbulbs in my home. If it can hold weight it’s the ladder for me!