A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Zimmer frame (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Looking for a slim wheeled zimmer frame if anyone has one for a friends Nan please Request: Magazines (Westcliff SS0) - Has anyone got any magazines they no longer need please. Wild life and kids ones if possible Request: Fuzzy felts (Westcliff SS0) - Looking for fuzzy felts for grandkids please Request: Notice board (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Looking for a cork notice board is anyone has one please Request: Mr men and miss books (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Granddaughter loves these books. Would love to build her collection if anyone has any to pass on please. Free: Mobile lead (Westcliff SS0) - Have an iPhone extension charging lead. Think it’s 6ft. No longer needed Request: Crayola (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Has anyone have any crayola dryerase pens please Free: Dobble (Westcliff SS0) Gifted - Don’t know if anyone is still collecting these but this is a double so not needed
Photo of free Dobble (Westcliff SS0)
Request: Mobile phone (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Does anyone have a spare working mobile please Request: Game (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Has anyone got the perfection or downfall game they no longer use please Request: Books (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Does anyone have any toddler books please mr or Mrs men books, flap books please Free: Bras (Westcliff SS0) Gifted - 3 size 36 D bras black one been worn and washed other 2 new
Photo of free Bras (Westcliff SS0)
Request: Mini micro scooter (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Looking for a mini micro scooter for my granddaughter please Request: Ds (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Looking for a DS if anyone has one they no longer use for my granddaughter please. SS0 area. Request: Flap toddlers books (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Does anyone have any toddler books with flaps please. SS0 area Request: Chair (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Big ask but my granddaughter is looking for a leather desk chair please and possibly deliver by Southend town. Request: T-shirts (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Wanted boys age 9-10 T-shirts and shorts please Request: Milk frother (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Has anyone got a milk frother they are looking to rehome please. Grandkids would love one for their hot chocolate drinks. SS0 area
Request: Small key ring torch (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Looking for a small key ring torch please Request: Milk frother (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Has anyone got a milk frother they are looking to rehome please. SS0 area Request: Game (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Has anyone got the 5 or 10 second rule game please Request: Tin opener (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Has anyone got a spare electric or battery operated tin opener please Request: DS (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Looking for a DS and a few games please Request: DS (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Desperately looking for a DS and a few games please Free: Dvd (Westcliff SS0) Gifted - Duplicate gift Billy Eliot Free: Slow cooker (Westcliff SS0) Gifted - Probably only suitable for 1 person serving
Photo of free Slow cooker (Westcliff SS0)
Free: Various (Westcliff SS0) Gifted - 2 pinboards were given but no longer needed. Pink hair wrap makes hair dry quicker been used once but been washed Free: Variety (Westcliff SS0) Gifted - Right hand brace size small have different one now.
Photo of free Variety (Westcliff SS0)
Free: Books (Westcliff SS0) Gifted - Grandkids won’t read
Photo of free Books (Westcliff SS0)
Photo of free Books (Westcliff SS0)
Request: Horrible series (Westcliff SS0) Withdrawn - Anyone have any horrible history or any in series books or games please