A Members' Posts

Offers Β andΒ  Requests
Request: Tools for DIY (Tayport DD6) - Hi! I am fixing my my apartment and dont have hardly any equipment to do so! Anyone got a hedge trimmer,Wall paint,drill and drill bits they don't need anymore? Regards Camilla πŸ˜‰ Request: Water proof trousers for outdoor activities (Tayport DD6) - I spend a lot of time outdoors and its been VERY wet lately so l am looking for rain gear in size 14-16. Please contact me if you can help! Thank you! Regards Camilla Request: Wallpaper steamer (Tayport DD6) - Hi ja all! πŸ€— Anyone got a steamer they don't want anymore? I am fixing up my flat and can't afford to buy a new one at the moment πŸ€”πŸ€© Thank you! Request: pick axe (Tayport DD6) Expired - Anyone out there looking to get rid of a pick axe or other mining tools??? πŸ€”πŸ˜‰ Request: Women's clothes size 14-16 (Tayport DD6) Expired - Hello! πŸ₯° l hope you are all enjoying your early Autumn πŸ‚πŸ 😍 l am in need of jeans,leggings and a Jacket. If anyone has anything that they don't want anymore that is still in decent condition please get in touch πŸ˜‰ Thank you! Regards Crystal Nightingale Request: Camera equipment (Tayport DD6) Expired - Greetings ladies and gentlemen πŸŒΉπŸ€—πŸŒΉl hope you are having a lovely September so far. I am looking for a good digital camera as mine got irreparably damaged recently and cant afford to replace it! πŸ˜₯. If anyone is getting rid of one or anything photography related please get in touch. Thank you! Take care regards Crystal πŸ₯°