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electronics cables (Wateridge Village)
Hey TN Community! I thought i had a bunch of cable-type hardware for older electronics - however, the ‘Obsolete Electronics Hardware and Components Goblins’ seem to have sneaked-off with that storage bin...and now, alas, i am unable to bring AC power to my old electronic equipment. On the Rush, i’m looking for any ‘power’ cables for older items, any ‘unit end’ and length, even if they are filthy. I will modify this post as i determine more precisely a clear description of the others i now need: * portable radio power-cables ( at this point, any - i have different types of equipment ) * older style conventional Desk-Top / Office / Home PC tower unit power-cables * ( others to follow ) Thank-You for your consideration. 📻🎧




upcycle video - denim 1 (Wateridge Village)
And there is over a dozen more practical uses for undamaged portions of worn-out denim garments. 👖👍🏻🙏


automotive seat-covers (Wateridge Village)
anything would be of interest, even white, blue, brown, black, green, or grey single fitted sheets
traction aids (Wateridge Village)
Good-Day TN Community! I am looking for anything that will help prevent loss of traction on slippery surfaces. I am primarily after anything i can affix to my footwear ( cleats, spikes. grips, et cetera ), accessories i can attach to a walking-stick or cane, and the devices to help a 2WD car step out of a spot where there isn’t enough traction. I am interested in anything, any size, any condition. 🙏🙋🏻♂️

music CDs (Wateridge Village)
My vehicle has the factory CD player type sound system. There is absolute insanity most of the time on the few FM channels i can receive in Greater Ottawa so i’m in-the-hunt for various music artists that match the music flavours i appreciate. If you have any to donate, even if dirty, damaged or missing cases, et cetera, i may be interested. I have a range of music interests however i am picky so if you have a box full i may forward the majority in-turn to a charity of your preference. Thank-You for your consideration. I will treat any gift with respect and share with another grateful recipient down-the-road. 🙋🏻♂️🙏
hair-trimmer (Wateridge Village)
Hello TN Community! Recently i received a compact ( travel size? ) facial-hair trimmer from a generous donor. It is still working however it may not last long. I still need a regular hair/beard trimmer with some muscle before the one i have kicks-the-bucket. Every penny counts until i have more paid employment so any offers are welcome. ✅ 🧔🏻♂️
power extension cables (Wateridge Village)
🙋🏻♂️ I am looking for ‘extension cables’, ideally suitable / designed for outdoor use. I need electric power to my vehicle and i am unable to do the work close enough to my apartment building. This is the only solution and my financial situation is dire. Even broken, mangled, or filthy cables are of interest. And i am open to borrowing what i need when the occasion arrives as such.

space heaters, portable AC, etc (Ottawa)
I’m interested in any small space-heaters, portable AC devices, air-filtration devices, small portable fans, small dehumidifiers ( working properly or not ). The air-quality in my building is poor and there is no method of exhausting air out of my apartment. I need to filter the air in my apartment as much as possible by any means possible in order to improve my quality of living and reduce my symptoms from the constant contamination of my air from within the building. I am handy at making use ( using makeshift filters ) of any small air-moving equipment designed to heat, cool, or simply move air in a space. I mean to place something like an electric air-cleaning device in every corner of my apartment and i also want to suspend a suitable window fan at the top of my only window to constantly push unwanted air out. Any items you have that in any way ‘move air’ i am interested in considering. Thank-You. 🙏🙋🏻♂️
lamps (Wateridge Village)
i’m probably interested in anything you have
bicycle gear (Wateridge Village)
Good-Day TN Community! I’m acquiring a bicycle very soon and i don’t have a safe spot to keep it outdoors, and keeping indoors ( so far ) is not an option. I seek both equipment ( especially locking tools / gear ) and options for reasonably safe parking / lock-up. I have loads of equipment that will make the bike utilitary however that stuff is in a vehicle in rural Gravenhurst and i don’t know when i can get over there to retrieve it. Anything i acquire here that i won’t need later will be serviced and then put back into ‘Free Circulation’ for others who would appreciate it. Thank-You all. May our needs be met by an abundance of good neighbours’ giving, reducing, sharing, receiving ( and not wasting anything others can use ) in the best spirit of this community. 🚫🗑️ 🙋🏻♂️🤜🏻🤛🏻🙏
umbrella stand (Wateridge Village)
I realize what i’m looking for could be defined several ways, for several different items. The fact is i am after all of them. If you have - anything - that would work at holding a large umbrella ( base ) or a vessel / rack designed for holding ‘walking umbrellas’ - i’m interested.
automotive wheel-cover (Wateridge Village)
Greetings TN Community! I seek at least one conventional metal wheel-cover, often misspoken as a “hub-cap”. I am not fussy however one that isn’t too difficult to clean and one that is in excellent or like-new condition - is preferable. I hope to find the type that is almost entirely a solid disc, chrome plated on the outer side such as the type GM used for their full-size Oldsmobile models from the late 1960’s to the late 1980’s. The one or two i select will be thoroughly cleaned and used as part of a recreational exercise for a mens fellowship group i plan to start within Greater Ottawa before December. If you know anyone who has such things they would part ( 😉 Ha! ) with i welcome any contact information. I am also interested in other wheel-covers from other conventional 14”, 15” and 16” standard North American brand rims from the same period, even the plastic/metal type that the light-duty pickups and vans were equipped with. Update: i have now received two that are not exactly what i’m looking for, they will help, but i’m still after the solid metal type whereas fingers cannot be jammed in anything. I seek a few more as per the types the images herein demonstrate. Thank-You. SF-7

fabrication / design (Wateridge Village)
I require assistance with modifications to roof-racks so they will work on my vehicle, which is not the shape / form intended for the roof-racks. I do not have suitable space, materials or money to solve this challenge in the only way i know how. First Image: the model / style of my vehicle Second Image: ( to follow ) example of the racks i have to work with. Otherwise i seek assistance fastening roof-racks ( in true Red Green style ) to the roof of my car - attached permanently. Any suggestions or questions are welcome. SF-7

mathematics textbooks / workbooks (Wateridge Village)
Long in the tooth…small on the brain. I want to hit my school math again…anything from elementary level on-up. I mean to acquire some post-secondary credentials and to pass the math prerequisites i need to brush-up with a wide brush. Anything you have, even if it written in, i will take to it with my ‘white-out’ skills. I wouldn’t walk 500 miles however i might drive to Gatineau if my tires hold-out a while longer. 😄
space heater / air-purifier / AC (Wateridge Village)
any type, size, style, working condition of a space-heater, AC unit, air-cleaner/s, and any filter materials including surplus ( even obsolete ) vacuum-cleaner dust-filter bags and filters. If what you have to donate is designed to move and / or clean the air in a small space, i’m very interested. My bachelor apartment is in a building with poor climate-control, and the dust inside my apartment is awful. I am planning to install or place multiple air-moving devices so that they will filter as much of the airborne contaminants as possible, which ought to alleviate the symptoms i must bare due to the poor air-quality in my apartment. 🙏🙋🏻♂️
leaf blower / outdoor duster unit (Wateridge Village)
Any type or make, preferably rechargeable or gasoline powered but anything would be useful. 🙏🙋🏻♂️
powered grass-trimmers (Wateridge Village)
Good-Day TN Ottawa Community! I am on-the-hunt for - any - type, age, size or style of the power-tool commonly known as: ‘Weed Wacker’, ‘Grass-Trimmer’, ‘Line-Trimmer’, ‘String-Trimmer’ and any other names that make even less sense. I want parts, specifically the tube and opposing handle ( shaped similar to a shovel handle-grip ). If you have any sort of these tools they are soon destined for recycling i would be grateful for it and i will see that what i don’t use will be donated to anyone who repairs them or recycles them for charity. I already have someone lines-up to take any metal i don’t need so it’s no biggie. I can collect typically collect ( reasonably clean remnants or entire tools ) from anywhere within Greater Ottawa. Not covered in lube, sticky grass or other ick would be appreciated because these items will most likely be collected with a sedan. Thank-You for your consideration. The Upcycle is like the Recycle, it just has more wheels: * recycle * up-cycle * re-purpose and * innovation 🙋🏻♂️🛠 🙏 *

portable / mini drill-press (Wateridge Village)
* any type, brand, size… I have an idea for a little novelty money-maker and i am starting the idea on a ‘zero’ budget. If my idea works i will be helping impoverished ex-Canadian military folks learn new ( or remember old ) skills, have fun and be creative. I’m just throwing it out there.

denim up-cycle: video-1 (Wateridge Village)
small empty paper cartons (Wateridge Village)
Empty paper package carton from small bottles of aromatherapy oil. With some clever fandangery and snippety-snips, the ends sealed with glue or sticky-tape, and painted or decaled, these little boxes could be used for crafts, gift boxes, toys, what-the-eavah. After i empty the boxes they go into the recycling waste so if any crafty and clever box / paper-wizards want them i will start saving them. I currently have 5 in perfect condition for collection. Several uses i’ve had in the past: * travel crayons ( you never know ) * mints / candy ( you always know ) * change ( always good ) * very small tools ( very small breaks ) * tooth-picks ( absolutely ) * baking soda ( ask for details of use ) * cat treats ( when a nasty feline beast wants blood when you are tying to enter or exit your vehicle ) * passing secret messages to the others in my group ( The Dominion Nationalist Front ) - we are working to dissolve The PMO and The Governor General 🤫😉😁 FYI: the product is of excellent quality for anyone here who appreciates essential oils. The peppermint one has the strongest affect however the citrus ones are great too. I don’t endorse ‘Nature’s Truth’ products ( yet ) however i thought to offer my assessment. 📦☑️🙏🙋🏻♂️

plastic / metal tubing (Wateridge Village)
i am experimenting with constructing a warm-air conduit in a vehicle interior…i am hunting for any of the following types of material: * any vacuum cleaners i can salvage parts from ( with or without hose components ) * any length of any type / size vacuum-cleaner hose ( with or without fittings and attachments ) * any length of plastic pool / outdoor spa-tub hose ( any diameter ) * any metal / plastic vacuum-cleaner wand-extensions * any plastic tube legs from plastic utility shelving * any length / angle pieces or length of climate-control conduit from any salvaged auto * any size hose-clamps * and anything else you can imagine i might be able to use for this project I am tired of having cars that don’t have heated luggage compartments and if i can demonstrate this project is feasible for any domestic passenger sedans, hatchbacks, coupes, et cetera, then i will share my plans, detailed instructions and images of the final concept in action by video demonstration. Thanks. 🛠🪚
horizontal type dresser (Wateridge Village)
wooden, two-tone brown and white, 9 drawers * imperfect: cosmetic damage to the top surface and a few of the drawers in such a manner it doesn’t show ( the drawers )…i wanted to repair the unit however i don’t have a space to work on it and i need a vertical type so i’m offering it as it is to anyone who is as handy as i am. It’s too good to dispose of in my opinion. It’s approximately 60cm tall, 50cm thick, 1.5m long, and it has four permanent legs, a little scuffed-up. The drawer pulls are a beautiful Romanian-Gothic pattern of soft metal ( rounds and matching elaborate ornamental pulls ) - i would turn the whole unit into something useful without the drawers and save the pulls to trade for something else - they are that lovely. I only have a little granny sedan so i cannot deliver without sequestration. 🙋🏻♂️🙏 SF-7
auto parts / accessories (Wateridge Village)
anything compatible with a 2009 ( or around there ) compact sedans, hatchbacks - mechanical, body, interior, utility - anything Note: images are three examples of similar vehicles to mine, an exact match of the year, body type and / or style is unimportant…i am looking for various pieces and components that i can make work even if they are not a perfect fit. 🙏🛠

air compressor / air-pump (Wateridge Village)
I am interested in any sort of inflation tool. I need different types for a variety of applications. Thanks. 🙋🏻♂️🙏
battery chargers - anything (Wateridge Village)
I am hunting for different types of battery chargers. Anything you have to donate is on the table for consideration. As well as my personal needs i am interested in starting a social event where technically knowledgeable individuals would convene with folks who want small electrical devices repaired, and either the devices or monetary values of other kinds would be donated to a cause the group’s values align with. More details to follow and how it would connect this online community with disabled and impoverished ex-Canadian military, Military Veterans associations, and other groups with common values. For myself i am looking immediately for ‘D’ rechargeable batteries and a charger for them, a charger suitable for automotive / marine applications and any charging devices with the capability to charge multiple types of non-digital / usb port type devices. Questions about my greater fundraising idea are welcome. 🙋🏻♂️🙏
bunk beds (Wateridge Village)
Greetings TN Community. I mean to modify the sleeping arrangement within my small bachelor apartment so there will be a bed for an overnight guest / couple. I am handy enough to assemble anything that was designed to create such an arrangement and i am experienced and skilled enough to modify anything with basic carpentry tools. If you have anything you want to donate ( my income is meagre) that would serve to better this endeavour i welcome suggestions for what you have to offer. An entire assembly, partial assembly, a few pieces, other materials and tools - all are welcome. Extra materials and tools i won’t need further after my project is complete will be available for someone else again on the free market. In addition to a bunk-style sleeping arrangement i mean to craft and install shelves as well. Thank-You for your consideration. SF-7
laundry bags (Wateridge Village)
CB System ( auto type ) (Wateridge Village)
any equipment…ideally an entire set for automotive / portable use
winches / jacks (Wateridge Village)
winch (Wateridge Village)