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Free: Window curtains (Hillsborough) Navy blue curtains. Two panels. Each measure 84 inches long by 40 inches wide. I also have 2 wall mounted hooks with screws which hold the curtains open. The white rod you see in the picture is not included with the curtains. These are room darkening... light does not penetrate through the fabric.
Photo of free Window curtains (Hillsborough) #1
Photo of free Window curtains (Hillsborough) #2
Free: Latex paint (Hillsborough) Gifted One gallon of Sherwin Williams, interior flat latex paint. The color is Macadamia which is a light/medium tan. The can has never been opened. It's old, but it still shakes up well inside the can, so it should be usable.
Photo of free Latex paint (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Wax candles (Hillsborough) Withdrawn The green candle is unused.The tan candle was used for fifteen minutes both have a subtle scent.
Photo of free Wax candles (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Bird feeder (Hillsborough) Gifted Triple tube bird feeder with 12 feeding ports. It's had a couple of repairs but still had life in it. The dome is removable for access to fill each tube.
Photo of free Bird feeder (Hillsborough) #1
Photo of free Bird feeder (Hillsborough) #2
Free: Kodak PlaySport video camera (Hillsborough) Gifted Kodak PlaySport video camera. Burton edition. Waterproof for underwater use. Includes the camera, charger, cable, carry case, wrist strap, mini tripod, remote control, owner's manual. Takes both still photos and video. Like new. I used it a few times.
Photo of free Kodak PlaySport video camera (Hillsborough) #1
Photo of free Kodak PlaySport video camera (Hillsborough) #2
Free: Balloon arch (Hillsborough) Expired This was created yesterday by a balloon artist and was used for a bridal shower. ( I tried to upload photos but there's a site malfunction. I also have this listed on the freecycle network)
Free: Joint compound and mortar mix (Hillsborough) Gifted The mortar mix is for laying ceramic tiles. The joint compound is lightweight, quick setting.
Photo of free Joint compound and mortar mix (Hillsborough) #1
Photo of free Joint compound and mortar mix (Hillsborough) #2
Free: Golf clubs (Hillsborough) Gifted Golden Bear GB730. Ultralight tour series graphite mid flex shafts. 3,4,5,6,P. These were regripped a couple of years ago. The two clubs on the right side of the photo are top flite deep cavity 8 and irons , which would round out the set to get someone started in golfing.
Photo of free Golf clubs (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Roofing nails (Hillsborough) Expired Slightly more than one third of a box of outdoor galvanized roofing nails that are used in a pneumatic nail gun. Approximately 2600 nails.
Photo of free Roofing nails (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Power washer wand (Hillsborough) Expired Use this handle/wand just a few times, then the pressure washer died.
Photo of free Power washer wand (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Frisbies (Hillsborough) Gifted 1 disk, 1 that is intended for as dog frisbee.The largest one has a battery in it so can illuminate in the dark - This one. Hasn't been used in a long time so i'm not sure if battery still works.
Photo of free Frisbies (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Sports balls (Hillsborough) Gifted Bag of miscellaneous sports balls: lacrosse, softball, baseball, street hockey, whiffle, rubber super balls. 3 bags of tennis balls, approximately 22 per bag.
Photo of free Sports balls (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Sprays for outdoor rose care (Hillsborough) Expired 3 bottles shown in the picture.One is spectracide immunox. One is ortho.Rose Pride and one is ortho.Volck oil spray. all are for the maintenance of outdoor rose plants. They have been in my storage cabinet for a while but I don't think they go bad.
Photo of free Sprays for outdoor rose care (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Boston Bruins wall decal (Hillsborough) Expired This is a vinyl logo that was part of a Fathead set. It does not have enough adhesion it to hold to the wall but could be used for other purposes...or add your own adhesive.
Photo of free Boston Bruins wall decal (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Adjustable curtain rod (Hillsborough) Gifted Solid steel. Heavy duty. Nickel finish. Shortest width is 45" inside of the finials. Longest width is 89" inside of the finials. The finials are 5" long. Image shows the rod in the shortest length. Three metal brackets with screws are included.
Photo of free Adjustable curtain rod (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Ankle & foot therapy stretch boot (Hillsborough) Gifted Sleeping Stretch Boot for Plantar Fascia, Achilles & Heel Spurs. Size large. Three adjustment crossing straps and two side height straps. Excellent condition
Photo of free Ankle & foot therapy stretch boot (Hillsborough) #1
Photo of free Ankle & foot therapy stretch boot (Hillsborough) #2
Free: Wall mounted TV stand (Hillsborough) Expired Steel wall-mount stand for TV. This is designed for a tube-style tv or monitor but you could use it for anything you'd like to sit on top of the shelf, such as a laptop. The center bolt will allow you to pivot the shelf up/down, left/right. It has a lip on the front to prevent something from sliding off and it has slots on the edges so you could use a strap to secure whatever sits on it.
Photo of free Wall mounted TV stand (Hillsborough) #1
Photo of free Wall mounted TV stand (Hillsborough) #2
Photo of free Wall mounted TV stand (Hillsborough) #3
Free: Lady Sunbeam vintage hair dryer (Hillsborough) Gifted Two tone blue, lady sunbeam portable salon style hair dryer. Works well. Has a crack in the inner dome which I taped so it can be used as-is or you could glue the seam. Or it might be a nice prop for a salon. Made in the 1970s. Model HD-3
Photo of free Lady Sunbeam vintage hair dryer (Hillsborough) #1
Photo of free Lady Sunbeam vintage hair dryer (Hillsborough) #2
Photo of free Lady Sunbeam vintage hair dryer (Hillsborough) #3
Photo of free Lady Sunbeam vintage hair dryer (Hillsborough) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: Florescent tubes (Hillsborough) Gifted Three tubes 4 foot long T8 diameter (1 inch) Cool white color One never used. Two used for 100 hours. Life rating is ~20K hours.
Free: Three ring binders (Hillsborough) Gifted Four binders 2 are 2.5 inches 1 is 1.5 inch 1 is 1 inch
Photo of free Three ring binders (Hillsborough) #1
Photo of free Three ring binders (Hillsborough) #2
Free: Accurate pro weather station (Hillsborough) Gifted Model 01603 / 01140. This unit is a few years old. I installed a new power pack for the display, and recalibrated the rain gauge. Sometimes the wifi connection between the outside unit and the inside display is a little bit finicky but that might be solved with using lithium batteries in both units. Instruction manual is included.
Photo of free Accurate pro weather station (Hillsborough) #1
Photo of free Accurate pro weather station (Hillsborough) #2
Photo of free Accurate pro weather station (Hillsborough) #3
Free: Protective case for Kindle fire (Hillsborough) Gifted Folio Case for Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet (Compatible with 7th and 9th Generations, 2017 and 2019 Releases) Premium simulated Leather Slim Fit Stand Cover Auto Wake/Sleep Moroccan print Excellent condition.
Photo of free Protective case for Kindle fire (Hillsborough) #1
Photo of free Protective case for Kindle fire (Hillsborough) #2
Free: Florescent tubes (Hillsborough) Gifted The tubes 4 foot long T8 diameter (1 inch) Cool white. One never used. Two used for 100 hours. Life rating is ~20K hours.
Free: Plywood crate (Hillsborough) Gifted 48x42x40. It has plywood sides, top and bottom. The bottom has four blocks to keep it off the ground. There is an inner frame that makes it very sturdy. Before I take it apart and see if anyone wants the plywood sheets, I thought that someone might be able to use the entire crate/box.
Free: Small collection of unique rocks (Hillsborough) Gifted For the young, wannabe geologist, mineralogist, or petrologist. A few rocks that were given to my son years ago.
Photo of free Small collection of unique rocks (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Boat trailer tire (Hillsborough) Expired 4.80 - 12 trailer tire made by Load Star. It only has about 1000 miles on it however it is over 10 years old. So it would be preferable to use it as a spare tire, not for everyday high speed travel. Tire only, no rim. It has been stored indoors for a few years. 990lb load range at 90psi.
Free: Bathroom scale (Hillsborough) Gifted This is an old school design but it's actually still accurate.
Photo of free Bathroom scale (Hillsborough) #1
Free: Grolsch bottles for home brewing (Hillsborough) Gifted I have four of the heavy green Grolsch bottles with rubber-seal, ceramic swing tops. These are 12-ounce bottles. They were not used for home brewing.
Request: Step ladder (Hillsborough) Expired Looking for a folding step ladder. Wood, fiberglass or aluminum is ok. If it needs some repair, like a missing rung, that's ok. 4-ft, 5-ft, or 6-ft height would work. Need something to leave outside to fill up bird feeders.