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Free: Cardboard Boxes for Moving (Near Campbell Park) Expired Assorted moving boxes, I have about 10 boxes left to give away on my driveway, of various sizes. Message me for my address @ jeffdslists@yahoo.com
Photo of free Cardboard Boxes for Moving (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Cardboard Boxes for Moving (Near Campbell Park) Expired Assorted moving boxes, I have about 20 boxes to give on my driveway, of various sizes. Message me for my address @ jeffdslists@yahoo.com
Photo of free Cardboard Boxes for Moving (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Cardboard Moving Boxes (Near Campbell Park) Expired Assorted moving boxes, I have about 20 boxes to give away on my driveway, of various sizes. Message me for my address @ jeffdslists@yahoo.com
Photo of free Cardboard Moving Boxes (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Cardboard Boxes for Moving (Near Campbell Park) Expired I have assorted moving boxes, I have about 20 of them on my driveway, of various sizes. From a dishwasher box down to small ones. Message me for my street address @ jeffdslists@yahoo.com
Photo of free Cardboard Boxes for Moving (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Cardboard Boxes for Moving (Near Campbell Park) Expired Assorted moving boxes, I have about 20 of them on my driveway, various sizes. Message me for the address @ jeffdslists@yahoo.com
Photo of free Cardboard Boxes for Moving (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Camp Fuel - White gas (Near Campbell Park) Gifted Two open partially used containers of white fuel for a camp stove. Between the two gallon containers there is about one gallon of fuel
Photo of free Camp Fuel - White gas (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Christmas tree glass Ornaments (Near Campbell Park) Gifted It's not too early to be thinking about your Christmas decorations! I'm moving and I have several boxes of Christmas glass Christmas tree ornaments to give away
Photo of free Christmas tree glass Ornaments (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: 5 gallon propane cylinder (Near Campbell Park) Gifted This propane cylinder is 10 years old so it may not be able to be refilled, but it currently contains over a gallon of propane. I'm moving and can't take it with me!
Photo of free 5 gallon propane cylinder (Near Campbell Park) #1
Photo of free 5 gallon propane cylinder (Near Campbell Park) #2
Free: Super strong moving/storage boxes (Near Campbell Park) Expired Two frame reinforced shipping boxes, originally used to ship heavy commercial power supplies. With a wooden frame and extra thick corrugated!
Photo of free Super strong moving/storage boxes (Near Campbell Park) #1
Photo of free Super strong moving/storage boxes (Near Campbell Park) #2
Photo of free Super strong moving/storage boxes (Near Campbell Park) #3
Free: Flower Pots (Near Campbell Park) Gifted Random flower pots ready for new plants!
Photo of free Flower Pots (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Spin bike table (Near Campbell Park) Expired This table is sized so that it stands over the front wheel of a bicycle on a bicycle stand. Holds a computer, book or whatever else you want to read while you are working out on your bicycle
Photo of free Spin bike table (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Random project wood (Near Campbell Park) Gifted I'm moving and I have a stack of my garage wood stock to get rid of. Include small pieces of plywood, 2x4, 4x4, 1x2, and pegboard. Take it all or just what you need . Stacked on my back driveway
Photo of free Random project wood (Near Campbell Park) #1
Request: cardboard packing boxes (Near Campbell Park) Expired Medium to large size cardboard boxes needed for household packing
Free: Push/Roll Big Wheel (Near Campbell Park) Expired A small Big Wheel trike modified for downhill as in San Francisco's Bring Your Own Big Wheel event or to just push your child on :-) / On my porch at 139 Gilman ave Campbell
Photo of free Push/Roll Big Wheel (Near Campbell Park) #1
Photo of free Push/Roll Big Wheel (Near Campbell Park) #2
Request: Moving Boxes (Near Campbell Park) Received I'm packing up the whole house and looking for moving boxes. I can pick up today.
Free: Chair Mat for desk chair on carpet (Near Campbell Park) Expired Clear, and in pretty good shape
Photo of free Chair Mat for desk chair on carpet (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Miracle Electronic Piano (Near Campbell Park) Expired Full sized electronic keyboard It works! Despite being dirty from being stored in the garage :-( I've lost the software (it might be online) and the piano-to-PC cable but I've got the power supply, plugged it in and good sound comes out of one speaker. The other speaker just needs the wires to be reconnected.
Photo of free Miracle Electronic Piano (Near Campbell Park) #1
Photo of free Miracle Electronic Piano (Near Campbell Park) #2
Free: Under Chair Mat (Near Campbell Park) Expired Clear, and in pretty good shape, needs cleaning
Photo of free Under Chair Mat (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Push/Roll Big Wheel (Near Campbell Park) Expired A small Big Wheel trike modified for downhill as in San Francisco's Bring Your Own Big Wheel event / On my curb at 139 Gilman ave Campbell
Photo of free Push/Roll Big Wheel (Near Campbell Park) #1
Photo of free Push/Roll Big Wheel (Near Campbell Park) #2
Free: Shelf Brackets, CopperPipe, wire (Near Campbell Park) Expired Shelf Brackets, Copper pipe fittings, and ethernet cables on the curb at 139 Gilman Ave Campbell
Photo of free Shelf Brackets, CopperPipe, wire (Near Campbell Park) #1
Photo of free Shelf Brackets, CopperPipe, wire (Near Campbell Park) #2
Free: Pretty Feathered table centerpiece (Near Campbell Park) Gifted From a wedding, pretty but I'm moving.
Photo of free Pretty Feathered table centerpiece (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Miracle Piano (Near Campbell Park) Expired It still works! Despite being stored in the garage :-( I've lost the software ( might be online) and the PC cable but I've got the power supply, plugged it in and good sound comes out of one speaker. the other speaker needs to be reconnected
Photo of free Miracle Piano (Near Campbell Park) #1
Photo of free Miracle Piano (Near Campbell Park) #2
Free: Gardening tools & BBQ tools (Near Campbell Park) Expired I'm cleaning out stuff I won't be needing these. On the curb right now at 139 Gilman Ave Campbell
Photo of free Gardening tools & BBQ tools (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Stationary Supplies (Near Campbell Park) Expired Hanging folders, binders, and Quality cotton paper for resumes :-) On my curb at 139 Gilman ave. Campbell
Photo of free Stationary Supplies (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Stationary Supplies (Near Campbell Park) Expired Hanging folders, binders, Quality cotton (resume :-) ) paper, and magazine bins On my curb at 139 Gilman ave. Campbell
Photo of free Stationary Supplies (Near Campbell Park) #1
Free: Gardening tools & BBQ tools (Near Campbell Park) Expired I'm cleaning out stuff I won't be needing. On the curb right now at 139 Gilman Ave Campbell
Photo of free Gardening tools & BBQ tools (Near Campbell Park) #1