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Free: Condiment ‘Treasure’ Hoard (By Triangle Town Center) Promised Here be enough condiments of varying type to fill a dragon's lair. That is, for the dragon interested in myriad packets of soy sauce, duck sauce, ketchups of differing exotic lands, quality sauces from McDonald's (yet fit for a King!) Yearn ye for the rare flavors of the Zaxby Isles? Have ye heard tell of the Straits of Scoville - located in the hottest reaches of the heartless & burning Sun? Ken ye rumors of the Land o' My Pleasures? The natives refer to it as Chi-Keefull-Eh. All these fabulosities - and more, untold - can be had for those who desire said delights! Just reply with an 'aye' and the Magic Word to be counted among those Seekers of Enticements. Who shall be lucky mammal randomly chosen to receive The Gifts? Only the Aughra knows.
Photo of free Condiment ‘Treasure’ Hoard (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Photo of free Condiment ‘Treasure’ Hoard (By Triangle Town Center) #2
Free: Hair products; perfume (By Triangle Town Center) Gifted One is a very floral Jessica Simpson body mist. The other two are hair products. Masque seems to be unused. Red bottle has been used. Must take all.
Photo of free Hair products; perfume (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Free: Partially disassembled file cabinet (By Triangle Town Center) Expired Pieces are fine. Needs someone with more patience than I have to figure out what is that one part that needs wood glue.
Photo of free Partially disassembled file cabinet (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Photo of free Partially disassembled file cabinet (By Triangle Town Center) #2
Photo of free Partially disassembled file cabinet (By Triangle Town Center) #3
Request: Chair Mat for carpet (By Triangle Town Center) Received Finally have a job and it’s WFH! Looking for a glass or plastic chair mat designed to go over carpet. Doesn’t matter if it was lining your chicken coop, I’ll be grateful for it!
Photo of Chair Mat for carpet (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Request: IKEA Liselott Window Shade (By Triangle Town Center) Expired Would be delighted for any size or condition.
Photo of IKEA Liselott Window Shade (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Photo of IKEA Liselott Window Shade (By Triangle Town Center) #2
Free: ‘Dream’ ess. oil blend for sleep (By Triangle Town Center) Gifted 10ml Opened and used once. After zooming in and reading all the tiny print, it has a lavender based ingredient … so a no-go for me.
Free: 5 cheap office chair wheels (By Triangle Town Center) Expired They came on the chair, but we upgraded to roller blade wheels. Chair was rated as able to support up to 250lbs.
Photo of free 5 cheap office chair wheels (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Free: Electric Cord piece (By Triangle Town Center) Expired Section*of a cord that transmits 120 A/C from the wall to a device. Is the copper worth stripping? No idea. * 60” perfect (8” questionable) One end is snipped neatly. One end has frayed copper. A section in the middle looks like it was ‘fixed’ with electrical tape. It worked - just before we cut it to shorten it.
Free: Expired/Burt’s Bees shampoo/wash (By Triangle Town Center) Gifted Good enough to wash ‘eau de road kill’ off your mutt … probably. 🤷‍♀️ TIL it was made in 2018, with a ‘use by’ of 2021. For all I know, it could make Fifi transform into Cujo! (Not recommended for use on humans, animals or purebred Madagascar hissing cockroaches.) To me, the shampoo’s scent seems to be 5° off of normal, but could be because of the presence of lavender, my particular fragrance preferences, or the differing calibration of my olfactory receptors. Full 12 ounces of product is present. All I did was whiff it. Use at your own risk (and the risk of your purebred Madagascar hissing cockroaches). 🪳 *If you would like to learn more about how fun it is to have Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches as pets, go to / The best deals on hissers are at
Photo of free Expired/Burt’s Bees shampoo/wash (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Photo of free Expired/Burt’s Bees shampoo/wash (By Triangle Town Center) #2
Request: Sheet music paper for crafts (By Triangle Town Center) Expired Looking for 20-50 pages of secular sheet music for crafts. Does sheet music come in varying thicknesses of paper? 🤷‍♀️ If so, thicker is better to cover images of cats. (🚗I can’t drive too far. After my 5th (7th?) car accident, I’ve become an anxious driver. Seriously, how many times should a driver expect to be hit when at a complete stop?!)
Photo of Sheet music paper for crafts (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Photo of Sheet music paper for crafts (By Triangle Town Center) #2
Free: 5 cheap office chair wheels (By Triangle Town Center) Expired They came on the chair, but we upgraded to roller blade wheels.
Photo of free 5 cheap office chair wheels (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Free: Lifted laundry bin? (By Triangle Town Center) Gifted This is a baby bassinet, that I learned isn’t safe for babies. The first few pics show how it function, the latter show its condition. Lifted, wheeled laundry cart? Stuffed animal bin? Object in road to slow down speeding drivers in your neighborhood? Anything but the landfill or an actual infant. I got it to clean up for a new mom, but didn’t bother once I learned it’s dangerous.
Photo of free Lifted laundry bin? (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Photo of free Lifted laundry bin? (By Triangle Town Center) #2
Photo of free Lifted laundry bin? (By Triangle Town Center) #3
Photo of free Lifted laundry bin? (By Triangle Town Center) #4
+3 +2 +1
Request: Sheet music paper for crafts (By Triangle Town Center) Expired Looking for 20-50 pages of secular sheet music for crafts. Does sheet music come in varying thicknesses of paper? 🤷‍♀️ If so, thicker is better to cover images of cats. (🚗I can’t drive too far. After my 5th (7th?) car accident, I’ve become an anxious driver. Seriously, how many times should a driver expect to be hit when at a complete stop?!)
Photo of Sheet music paper for crafts (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Photo of Sheet music paper for crafts (By Triangle Town Center) #2
Free: Pound of blank paper w/carbon copy (By Triangle Town Center) Expired Use shredded paper for a gerbil cage? Show your young relatives the ancient magic of ‘Ye Olde Carbon Copy’? Practice drawing a turtle?
Photo of free Pound of blank paper w/carbon copy (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Photo of free Pound of blank paper w/carbon copy (By Triangle Town Center) #2