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Free: Take away plastic cartons (Hertford SG13) Take away boxes. Collect Hertford SG13
Photo of free Take away plastic cartons (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Old sheets duvet covers (Hertford SG13) Gifted Old bedding. A couple have tears in them. No good for original use, but might be useful in some way. Wanted to check before throwing them away. Also several Old flannels.
Photo of free Old sheets duvet covers (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Bonne Maman Jars (Hertford SG13) Gifted Half a dozen or so Bonne Maman jars. Collect Hertford.
Photo of free Bonne Maman Jars (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Gu Ramekins (Hertford SG13) Gifted Quite a few which I've amassed! Collect Hertford.
Photo of free Gu Ramekins (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Tin of crayons pencils and pens (Hertford SG13) Gifted Collect Hertford.
Photo of free Tin of crayons pencils and pens (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: 2 celebrations plastic containers (Hertford SG13) Gifted Collect Hertford
Photo of free 2 celebrations plastic containers (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Vintage chrome bath holder (Hertford SG13) Expired Holder to put across the bath. Collect Hertford
Photo of free Vintage chrome bath holder (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Vintage chrome bath holder (Hertford SG13) Expired Holder to put across the bath. Collect Hertford
Photo of free Vintage chrome bath holder (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Halloween sweet buckets (Hertford SG13) Expired Collect Hertford.
Photo of free Halloween sweet buckets (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Halloween sweet buckets (Hertford SG13) Expired Collect Hertford.
Photo of free Halloween sweet buckets (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Nicky Clarke Hot Brush (Hertford SG13) Gifted Collect Hertford.
Photo of free Nicky Clarke Hot Brush (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Regatta shark wellies size 4 (Hertford SG13) Gifted Lots of wear in them. The soles are in great condition! Collect Hertford.
Photo of free Regatta shark wellies size 4 (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Size 4 Adidas sliders (Hertford SG13) Gifted Collect Hertford
Photo of free Size 4 Adidas sliders (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Boot for broken foot (Hertford SG13) Gifted Black. One size fits all. Used for broken foot but can use for strains, etc
Photo of free Boot for broken foot (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Plastic food containers (Hertford SG13) Gifted I had a lot of requests for these before, so if you were one of the requesters get in quick! Collect Hertford
Free: Trick or treat containers (Hertford SG13) Gifted 4 plastic Halloween trick or treat collecting containers. Collect SG13 No time wasters please.
Photo of free Trick or treat containers (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Take away containers (Hertford SG13) Gifted Lots of plastic take away containers. Collect SG13 No time wasters please.
Photo of free Take away containers (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Bonne Maman jam jars (Hertford SG13) Gifted Lots of them! Collect SG13 No time wasters please!
Photo of free Bonne Maman jam jars (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Toni & Guy hairdryer (Hertford SG13) Gifted Old but still works well!
Photo of free Toni & Guy hairdryer (Hertford SG13) #1
Photo of free Toni & Guy hairdryer (Hertford SG13) #2
Free: 2 v large cuddly sharks (Hertford SG13) Gifted Well loved by my sons, but no longer!
Photo of free 2 v large cuddly sharks (Hertford SG13) #1
Photo of free 2 v large cuddly sharks (Hertford SG13) #2
Free: 2 very large canvas photos (Hertford SG13) Expired Huge (A1?) Canvas photos of whippet puppies. Might be useful for art project?
Photo of free 2 very large canvas photos (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: 2 very large canvas photos (Hertford SG13) Expired Huge (A1?) Canvas photos of whippet puppies. Might be useful for art project?
Photo of free 2 very large canvas photos (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Life Goals board kit (Hertford SG13) Expired Unwanted present.
Photo of free Life Goals board kit (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Life Goals board kit (Hertford SG13) Expired Unwanted present.
Photo of free Life Goals board kit (Hertford SG13) #1
Free: Various cards and postcards (Hertford SG13) Gifted Collection Times: Flexible
Free: Post it notes (Hertford SG13) Gifted A couple opened. Will split if required.
Free: Various cards and postcards (Hertford SG13) Gifted
Free: A big bowl with chopsticks (Hertford SG13) Gifted New, unused.
Free: Christmas cards (Hertford SG13) Expired
Free: Exercise books/paper A4 (Hertford SG13) Gifted Lots of paper from exercise books/part exercise books